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Boric acid

Company: HiMedia Laboratories
Catalog#: MB007
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Qualitative Analysis of Lipid Peroxidation in Plants under Multiple Stress Through Schiff’s Reagent: A Histochemical Approach
[Abstract]  Lipid peroxidation is a physiological indicator of both biotic and abiotic stress responses, hence is often used as a biomarker to assess stress-induced cell damage or death. Here we demonstrate an easy, quick and cheap staining method to assess lipid peroxidation in plant tissues. In this methodology, Schiff’s reagent, is used to assay for membrane degradation. Histochemical detection of lipid peroxidation is performed in this protocol. In brief, Schiff’s reagent detects aldehydes that originate from lipid peroxides in stressful condition. Schiff’s reagent is prepared and applied to plants tissue. After the reaction, plant tissue samples are rinsed with a sulfite solution to retain the staining color. From this analysis, qualitative visualization of lipid peroxidation in plant tissue is ... [摘要]  脂质过氧化是生物和非生物胁迫反应的生理指标,因此常被用作评估应激诱导的细胞损伤或死亡的生物标志物。在这里,我们展示了一种简单,快速和便宜的染色方法来评估植物组织中的脂质过氧化。在这种方法中,Schiff's试剂用于测定膜降解。在该方案中进行脂质过氧化的组织化学检测。简而言之,席夫试剂检测压力条件下源自脂质过氧化物的醛。希夫氏试剂准备并应用于植物组织。反应后,用亚硫酸盐溶液漂洗植物组织样品以保持染色的颜色。从该分析中,观察到品红着色形式的植物组织中脂质过氧化的定性可视化。该试剂可用于植物中胁迫诱导的脂质过氧化的可视化。在这个协议中,使用籼稻根,阿萨姆茶根和印度芥菜幼苗来示范。

【背景】生物和非生物胁迫因子诱导的氧化应激导致脂质过氧化。膜中不饱和脂质的过氧化是氧化应激最明显的症状。脂质过氧化是植物中的有害过程,其影响膜性质,引起蛋白质降解并限制离子转运能力,最终引发细胞死亡过程(Yamamoto等人,2001)。发现在水稻中脂质过氧化过程的副产物丙二醛(MDA)含量增加(Ma等人,2012; Awasthi等人,2017) ,Salvinia(Mandal等人,2013),豌豆(Yamamoto等人,2001),Soyabean(Cakmak和Horst,1991; Du等人, ,2010),印度芥末(Saha ...
