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Water bath for paraffin sections

Company: Leica Biosystems
Catalog#: Leica HI1210
Other protocol()

Analysis of Generalized Fibrosis in Mouse Tissue Sections with Masson’s Trichrome Staining
[Abstract]  Expansion of fibrous connective tissue and abnormal deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) are at the basis of many fibrotic diseases. Fibrosis can occur in response to both physiological and pathological cues, including wound healing, tissue remodeling/repair and inflammation. Chronic fibrosis can lead to severe tissue damage, organ failure and death. Assessing the extent of organ fibrosis is crucial for accurate diagnosis of this condition. The use of Masson’s trichrome staining of tissue sections from skeletal muscle is a fast method for detection of morphological alterations indicative of a fibrotic phenotype in this organ. This staining method detects the extent of collagen fibers deposition and, because it employs the combination of three dyes, can also distinguish muscle fibers ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 纤维结缔组织扩张和细胞外基质异常沉积是许多纤维化疾病的基础。纤维化可响应生理和病理学提示而发生,包括伤口愈合,组织重塑/修复和炎症。慢性纤维化可导致严重的组织损伤,器官衰竭甚至死亡。评估器官纤维化的程度对于准确诊断这种情况至关重要。使用Masson的骨骼肌组织切片进行三色染色是检测指示该器官纤维化表型的形态学改变的快速方法。这种染色方法可检测胶原纤维的沉积程度, 因为它使用三种染料的组合,所以还可以同时区分肌肉纤维(红色)和胶原蛋白(蓝色)和细胞核(黑色)。

[背景] 纤维化是由于慢性炎症,组织损伤/重塑(例如,化学或放射疗法后),持续感染,自身免疫性疾病,过敏反应和癌症而在器官中形成过多的纤维结缔组织。在此过程中,包括胶原蛋白在内的过多的细胞外基质(ECM)成分会沉积并积聚。如果进展,纤维化将变成慢性,最终导致器官衰竭甚至死亡(Rockey 等,2015)。塞弗拉尔类型的纤维化疾病在人类,很多都是未知病因进行了描述。通常受影响的器官是肺,肾,肝,心脏和骨骼肌(Hinderer 等人,2019年; Majo 等人,2019年; Mahdy,2019年)。例如,特发性肺纤维化是与肺组织瘢痕形成有关的常见,进行性和致命性疾病,会逐渐失去充氧能力,导致患者无法正常呼吸(Lederer 等人,2018)。


Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Histopathological Visualization of Human Dural Lymphatic Vessels
[Abstract]  In this protocol, we describe a method to visualize and map dural lymphatic vessels in-vivo using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ex-vivo using histopathological techniques. While MRI protocols for routine imaging of meningeal lymphatics include contrast-enhanced T2-FLAIR and T1-weighted black-blood imaging, a more specific 3D mapping of the lymphatic system can be obtained by administering two distinct gadolinium-based MRI contrast agents on different days (gadofosveset and gadobutrol) and subsequently processing images acquired before and after administration of each type of contrast. In addition, we introduce methods for optimal immunostaining of lymphatic and blood vessel markers in human dura mater ex-vivo. [摘要]  在该协议中,我们描述了一种使用组织病理学技术使用磁共振成像(MRI)和体外可视化和绘制硬膜淋巴管体内的方法。 虽然用于脑膜淋巴管的常规成像的MRI方案包括对比增强的T2-FLAIR和T1加权的黑血成像,但是可以通过在不同日期施用两种不同的基于钆的MRI造影剂来获得更具体的淋巴系统3D图谱 (gadofosveset和钆布醇)并且随后处理在施用每种类型的对比之前和之后采集的图像。 此外,我们介绍了在人体硬脑膜内进行淋巴和血管标志物最佳免疫染色的方法。

【背景】在大脑免疫特权的原因是没有实质淋巴管。 然而,最近的研究发现了啮齿动物硬脑膜中广泛的淋巴循环系统(Aspelund等人,2015; Louveau等人,2015),提供了可能的途径 用于消除大脑的废物和免疫细胞进入深部颈部淋巴结。 在这个协议中,我们描述了一种方法来:(1)使用MRI的头部显示硬脑膜内的淋巴管体内,和(2)使用优化评估淋巴管的局部存在 免疫染色方法(Absinta等人,2017)。 淋巴管的体内成像可以更详细地研究废物清除和免疫功能的机制及其在各种疾病和衰老中的潜在异常。
