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Catalog#: 72.690.301
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Induction of Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition in MDCK II Cells

Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a reversible process of epithelial cell transdifferentiation into a mesenchymal cell, that enables initiation of cell migration. EMT plays an important role in embryonic development, tissue repair and cancer metastasis. Better understanding of cellular and molecular events during EMT will not only provide novel insights on how mammalian organism develops and how epithelial tissues regenerate, but also can identify novel therapeutic targets for cancer therapy. Here we aim to provide a detailed protocol on how to induce EMT in Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) II epithelial cell line and perform immunofluorescent staining on EMT-induced cells.

[摘要]  [摘要]上皮-间质转化(EMT)是上皮细胞向分化为间充质细胞的可逆过程,能够启动细胞迁移。EMT在胚胎发育,组织修复和癌症转移中起着重要作用。更好地了解EMT过程中的细胞和分子事件,不仅将为哺乳动物生物的发育以及上皮组织的再生提供新颖的见解,而且还可为癌症治疗确定新的治疗靶标。在这里,我们旨在提供有关如何在Madin-Darby犬肾脏(MDCK)II上皮细胞系中诱导EMT并在EMT诱导的细胞上进行免疫荧光染色的详细协议。

[背景]上皮细胞的特征在于细胞可塑性,即具有采用不同细胞表型的能力(Carter等,2019; Yuan等,2019)。上皮-间质转化(EMT)是上皮细胞可塑性的一种形式。在EMT期间,上皮细胞会破坏细胞间连接,使其极性失去作用,并从鳞状,长方体或柱状变为梭形并迁移,从而获得间充质细胞的特性(Kalluri和Weinberg,2009)。EMT可以通过免疫染色和测量标志物(例如E-钙粘蛋白,ZO-1,波形蛋白,纤连蛋白和N-钙粘蛋白)的表达水平进行评估(Kalluri和Weinberg,2009)。在过去十年中在EMT研究中心大多的转录因子的作用例如,SNAIL1 / 2,ZEB1 / ...

Testing Effects of Chronic Chemogenetic Neuronal Stimulation on Energy Balance by Indirect Calorimetry
[Abstract]  The fundamental of neuroscience is to connect the firing of neurons to physiological and behavioral outcomes. Chemogenetics enables researchers to control the activity of a genetically defined population of neurons in vivo through the expression of designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drug (DREADD) in specific neurons and the administration of its synthetic ligand clozapine N-oxide (CNO) (Sternson and Roth, 2014). Using stimulatory Gq-coupled DREADD (hM3Dq) in mice, we showed that leptin receptor (LepRb)-expressing neurons in the preoptic area (POA) of the hypothalamus are warm-sensitive neurons that mediate warm-responsive metabolic and behavioral adaptations by reducing energy expenditure and food intake (Yu et al., 2016). We also used DREADD technology ... [摘要]  神经科学的基础是将神经元的激发与生理和行为结果联系起来。化学遗传学使研究人员能够通过在特定神经元中由设计药物(DREADD)专门激活的设计受体的表达以及其合成配体氯氮平N-乙酰半胱氨酸的施用来控制基因定义的体内神经元群体的活性氧化物(CNO)(Sternson和Roth,2014)。在小鼠中使用刺激性Gq偶联的DREADD(hM3Dq),我们发现在下丘脑的视前区(POA)中表达瘦素受体(LepRb)的神经元是通过降低能量介导热反应性代谢和行为适应性的热敏感神经元支出和食物摄入量(Yu等人,2016年)。我们还使用DREADD技术来测试POE LepRb神经元对TSE间接量热系统的能量消耗,食物摄入量和体重的慢性刺激作用。在这里我们描述了我们如何使用间接量热法研究POA LepRb神经元的慢性刺激结果的详细方案。该协议可适用于研究其他神经元调节的长期代谢和行为后果,并可能对DREADD类型,CNO治疗持续时间或CNO递送方法进行修改。

【背景】POA是体温平衡的中心枢纽,它从外围接收热敏感信息并调节交感输出到棕色脂肪组织(BAT),皮肤血管和心脏的程度以控制热量产生和消散的量(Nakamura ...
