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Company: Eppendorf
Catalog#: Thermomixer Comfort
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Polyamine Transport Assay Using Reconstituted Yeast Membranes

ATP13A2/PARK9 is a late endo-/lysosomal P5B transport ATPase that is associated with several neurodegenerative disorders. We recently characterized ATP13A2 as a lysosomal polyamine exporter, which sheds light on the molecular identity of the unknown mammalian polyamine transport system. Here, we describe step by step a protocol to measure radiolabeled polyamine transport in reconstituted vesicles from yeast cells overexpressing human ATP13A2. This protocol was developed as part of our recent publication (van Veen et al., 2020) and will be useful for characterizing the transport function of other putative polyamine transporters, such as isoforms of the P5B transport ATPases.

[摘要]  [摘要] ATP13A2 / PARK9是一种晚期内/溶酶体P5B转运ATPase,与多种神经退行性疾病有关。我们最近将ATP13A2表征为溶酶体多胺出口者,这为未知的哺乳动物多胺转运系统的分子身份提供了线索。在这里,我们逐步描述了从过量表达人ATP13A2的酵母细胞中测量重组囊泡中放射性标记的多胺转运的方案。该方案是我们最新出版物的一部分(van Veen等,2020),将有助于表征其他假定的多胺转运蛋白的转运功能,例如P5B转运ATPase的同工型。

[背景] ATP13A2 / PARK9编码一种普遍表达的晚期内-/溶酶体膜蛋白,与一系列神经退行性疾病有关,例如早发性帕金森氏病(Di Fonzo等,2007 ;Lin等,2008)和Kufor -Rakeb综合征(伴痴呆的早期帕金森病)(Ramirez等,2006 ;Park等,2011)。ATP13A2属于P型转运ATPase ,是一类活性转运蛋白,由于ATP水解而暂时形成磷酸中间产物(Kuhlbrandt ,2004年)。ATP13A2是P5亚家族的成员,该家族已在20多年前通过基因组测序鉴定出来(Axelsen和Palmgren ...

In vitro Assay for Bacterial Membrane Protein Integration into Proteoliposomes
[Abstract]  It is important to experimentally determine how membrane proteins are integrated into biomembranes to unveil the roles of the integration factors, and to understand the functions and structures of membrane proteins. We have developed a reconstitution system for membrane protein integration in E. coli using purified factors, in which the integration reaction in vivo is highly reproducible. This system enabled not only analysis of membrane-embedded factors including glycolipid MPIase, but also elucidation of the detailed mechanisms underlying membrane protein integration. Using the system, the integration of membrane proteins can be evaluated in vitro through a protease-protection assay. We report here how to prepare (proteo)liposomes and to determine the ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 实验确定膜蛋白如何整合到生物膜中以揭示整合因子的作用,并了解膜蛋白的功能和结构非常重要。我们已经开发了一种重组系统,用于使用纯化因子在大肠杆菌中整合膜蛋白,其中体内的整合反应可高度重现。该系统不仅能够分析包括糖脂MPIase在内的膜嵌入因子,而且能够阐明膜蛋白整合背后的详细机制。使用该系统,可以在体外评估膜蛋白的整合 通过蛋白酶保护测定。我们在这里报告了如何准备(PROTEO )脂质体,并确定膜蛋白结合的活动。

[背景技术 [ 0002 ] 在胞质溶胶中合成的膜蛋白和分泌蛋白分别被整合到生物膜中并跨生物膜转运,以定位在它们的目的地并表达其功能。细胞拥有将膜蛋白整合到生物膜中并使其分泌的蛋白跨生物膜的系统,这些蛋白通常从细菌到高级真核生物都是保守的。

在一种模式生物大肠杆菌中,通过遗传方法鉴定了一些整合因子,这些因子包括SloSecYEG (Newitt和Bernstein,1998),信号识别颗粒(SRP)及其受体SR (Ulbrandt 等,1997)。,和膜蛋白插入酶/分子伴侣YidC (Samuelson et al。,2000)。这些基因研究得到了生化方法的补充。使用体外系统对膜蛋白整合的分子机制进行了广泛的研究,其中蛋白质整合反应在试管中进行。

倒膜囊泡(INV)可通过用French ...

Zebrafish Embryo Xenograft and Metastasis Assay
[Abstract]  Xenograft models, and in particular the mouse xenograft model, where human cancer cells are transplanted into immunocompromised mice, have been used extensively in cancer studies. Although these models have contributed enormously to our understanding of cancer biology, the zebrafish xenograft model offers several advantages over the mouse model. Zebrafish embryos can be easily cultured in large quantities, are small and easy to handle, making it possible to use a high number of embryos for each experimental condition. Young embryos lack an efficient immune system. Therefore the injected cancer cells are not rejected, and the formation of primary tumors and micrometastases is rapid. Transparency of the embryos enables imaging of primary tumors and metastases in an intact and living embryo. ... [摘要]  异种移植模型,特别是小鼠异种移植模型,其中人癌细胞被移植到免疫受损小鼠中,已广泛用于癌症研究。尽管这些模型对我们对癌症生物学的理解做出了巨大贡献,但斑马鱼异种移植模型与鼠标模型相比具有多种优势。斑马鱼胚胎可以很容易地大量培养,体积小且易于处理,因此可以在每种实验条件下使用大量胚胎。年轻的胚胎缺乏有效的免疫系统。因此,注射的癌细胞不被排斥,并且原发性肿瘤和微转移的形成是快速的。胚胎的透明度使得能够在完整和活的胚胎中对原发性肿瘤和转移瘤进行成像。在这里,我们描述了一种方法,其中表达GFP的肿瘤细胞被注射到斑马鱼胚胎的心包空间。在注射后4天,对胚胎成像并分析原发性肿瘤和远端微转移的形成。

【背景】 斑马鱼( Danio rerio )是一种小型淡水鱼,不仅在发育生物学中,而且在生物医学中越来越受欢迎。快速发展的领域之一是使用斑马鱼作为癌症生物学研究的模型。斑马鱼高效可靠地交配,可以产生大量小,透明,外部发育的后代,可以在例如,多孔板中轻松培养(White et al。 >,2013)。有趣的是,人类肿瘤细胞可以植入斑马鱼胚胎中,许多异种移植物能够通过在胚胎中生长,侵入和转移来忠实地重演它们的恶性行为(Lee et al。,2005; Nicoli et al。,2007; Chapman et ...
