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Sodium acetate (NaOAc)

Company: Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: S210-500
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Site-specific DNA Mapping of Protein Binding Orientation Using Azidophenacyl Bromide (APB)
[Abstract]  The orientation of a DNA-binding protein bound on DNA is determinative in directing the assembly of other associated proteins in the complex for enzymatic action. As an example, in a replisome, the orientation of the DNA helicase at the replication fork directs the assembly of the other associated replisome proteins. We have recently determined the orientation of Saccharalobus solfataricus (Sso) Minichromosome maintenance (MCM) helicase at a DNA fork utilizing a site-specific DNA cleavage and mapping assay. Here, we describe a detailed protocol for site-specific DNA footprinting using 4-azidophenacyl bromide (APB). This method provides a straightforward, biochemical method to reveal the DNA binding orientation of SsoMCM helicase and can be applied to other DNA binding ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 结合在DNA上的DNA结合蛋白的方向决定了复合物中其他相关蛋白的组装,以进行有意的作用。例如,在复制体中,复制叉处的DNA解旋酶的方向指导我们最近通过定点DNA切割和作图分析确定了DNA叉处的Saccharalobus solfataricus (Sso )微型染色体维持(MCM)解旋酶的方向。 使用4-叠氮苯甲酰溴(APB)进行位点特异性DNA足迹的详细协议。此方法提供了一种直接的生化方法来揭示Sso MCM解旋酶的DNA结合方向,并可应用于其他DNA结合蛋白。

[背景 ] DNA复制是其中基因组双链体链分离成两个模板链中,超前和滞后strands.This功能是通过在生命。如同其他环状六聚体的解旋酶结构域的所有的环状六聚体解旋酶的处理,从理论上讲,这些结构域中的任何一个都可以在易位期间朝向复制叉,并且与已知的3'-5 MCM包含两个结构域; N端结构域(NTD)和C端结构域(CTD)。' 易位directionality.T 他MCM解旋酶负载到DNA起源作为具有面向易位期间解旋酶的每个other.The取向管畸形双六聚体确定两个六聚体是否彼此或旁路彼此活性unwinding.Our最近的一篇论文中离解远表明Saccharolobus solfataricus (Sso MCM )通过NTD引导DNA解链(Perera和Trakselis ...

Measuring Nucleosome Assembly Activity in vitro with the Nucleosome Assembly and Quantification (NAQ) Assay
[Abstract]  Nucleosomes organize the eukaryotic genome into chromatin. In cells, nucleosome assembly relies on the activity of histone chaperones, proteins with high binding affinity to histones. At least a subset of histone chaperones promotes histone deposition in vivo. However, it has been challenging to characterize this activity, due to the lack of quantitative assays.

Here we developed a quantitative nucleosome assembly (NAQ) assay to measure the amount of nucleosome formation in vitro. This assay relies on a Micrococcal nuclease (MNase) digestion step that yields DNA fragments protected by the deposited histone proteins. A subsequent run on the Bioanalyzer machine allows the accurate quantification of the fragments (length and amount), relative to a loading ...
[摘要]  核小体将真核生物基因组组装成染色质。在细胞中,核小体装配依赖于组蛋白分子伴侣的活性,对组蛋白具有高结合亲和力的蛋白。至少有一部分组蛋白伴侣促进组蛋白在体内的沉积。然而,由于缺乏定量分析,鉴定这种活性一直是一个挑战。



组蛋白分子伴侣分组在结构上不相关的蛋白质家族中,所有这些蛋白质的特征在于对组蛋白的高度结合亲和力(Laskey等,1978)。通过这种方式,他们屏蔽了组蛋白的电荷,阻止了与DNA和其他细胞因子的非特异性相互作用(Elsässerand ...
