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Milli-Q® Advantage A10 Water Purification System

Company: Merck
Catalog#: Z00Q0V0WW
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Pipecolic Acid Quantification Using Gas Chromatography-coupled Mass Spectrometry

Pipecolic acid (Pip), a non-proteinacious product of lysine catabolism, is an important regulator of immunity in plants and humans alike. For instance, Pip accumulation is associated with the genetic disorder Zellweger syndrome, chronic liver diseases, and pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy in humans. In plants, Pip accumulates upon pathogen infection and is required for plant defense. The aminotransferase ALD1 catalyzes biosynthesis of Pip precursor piperideine-2-carboxylic acid, which is converted to Pip via ornithine cyclodeaminase. A variety of methods are used to quantify Pip, and some of these involve use of expensive amino acid analysis kits. Here, we describe a simplified procedure for quantitative analysis of Pip from plant tissues. Pipecolic acid was extracted from leaf tissues along

[摘要]  [摘要]胡椒酸(Pip)是赖氨酸分解代谢的非蛋白质产物,是植物和人类免疫力的重要调节剂。例如,Pip积累与人类遗传病Zellweger综合征,慢性肝病和吡ido醇依赖性癫痫有关。在植物中,Pip会在病原体感染时积聚,是植物防御所必需的。氨基转移酶ALD1催化Pip前体哌啶-2-羧酸的生物合成,后者通过鸟氨酸环脱氨酶转化为Pip。多种方法可用于定量Pip,其中一些方法涉及使用昂贵的氨基酸分析试剂盒。在这里,我们描述了从植物组织中定量定量分析的简化程序。P ipecolic酸是从叶组织中提取与内标正缬氨酸一起衍生与丙基氯甲酸酯和分析通过气相色谱-质谱联用选择性离子模式。此过程简单,经济且有效,并且不涉及同位素内标或多步衍生化。


[背景]匹,非蛋白氨基酸赖氨酸的氨基酸衍生物,积聚在病原体感染的植物的本地和远端的组织和患者的体液与过氧化物酶体疾病(Schutgens等人,1986;尹和An,2010;Návarová等人。,2012;王等人,2018) ...

Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Assay Using Fluorescent MANT-GDP
[Abstract]  GTPases are molecular switches that cycle between the inactive GDP-bound state and the active GTP-bound state. GTPases exchange nucleotides either by its intrinsic nucleotide exchange or by interaction with guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). Monitoring the nucleotide exchange in vitro, together with reconstitution of direct interactions with regulatory proteins, provides key insights into how a GTPase is activated. In this protocol, we describe core methods to monitor nucleotide exchange using fluorescent N-Methylanthraniloyl (MANT)-guanine nucleotide. [摘要]  GTP酶是分子开关,在无效GDP结合状态和活性GTP结合状态之间循环。 GTP酶通过其内在的核苷酸交换或通过与鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(GEF)的相互作用来交换核苷酸。 监测体外核苷酸交换,以及与调节蛋白直接相互作用的重构,为GTP酶如何被激活提供了重要见解。 在该协议中,我们描述了使用荧光N-甲基呋喃酰基(MANT) - 鸟嘌呤核苷酸来监测核苷酸交换的核心方法。

【背景】GTPase是鸟嘌呤核苷酸结合蛋白,调节细胞过程的广度,从蛋白质生物合成到细胞周期进展,从细胞骨架重组到膜运输。 GTPases可以被认为是分子开关,它在GDP结合“关闭”状态和GTP结合“开启”状态之间循环;在通过GTP的GDP核苷酸交换结合GTP时,GTP酶变得活跃并且将结合下游效应蛋白以招募和激活这些效应子的生物学功能。 GTP酶通过与开关I环(G2结构域)的高度保守苏氨酸和开关II环(G3结构域)的DxxG基序内的甘氨酸的相互作用结合GTP的γ-磷酸。 GTP水解后,与γ-磷酸相互作用的丧失导致动态构象变化,从而使GTPase变为关闭状态(Vetter and ...

Bacteria-fungal Confrontation and Fungal Growth Prevention Assay
[Abstract]  There are some bacteria which can grow and multiply at the cost of living fungal biomass. They can potentially utilize fungi as a source of nutrients to forage over them. Such phenomenon is known as bacterial mycophagy, however, its mechanistic insights need to be explored to identify the molecules involved in mycophagy for potential utilization in controlling various fungal diseases. Recently we have demonstrated that a rice-associated bacteria Burkholderia gladioli strain NGJ1 exhibits mycophagous ability on several fungi, including Rhizoctonia solani, the necrotrophic fungal pathogen causing sheath blight disease in rice. We hereby describe our validated and efficient methods used to study B. gladioli strain NGJ1-R. solani interactions. These ... [摘要]  有一些细菌可以生长和繁殖以牺牲真菌生物量为代价。 他们可能潜在地利用真菌作为营养素的来源来搜寻它们。 这种现象被称为细菌真菌病,然而,其机理性的见解需要被探索,以确定参与mycophagy分子潜在的利用控制各种真菌病害。 最近我们已经证明,稻米相关的细菌伯克霍尔德氏唐菖蒲菌株NGJ1在几种真菌上展现出真菌的能力,包括水稻纹枯病真菌病原体,即立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)。 我们在此描述我们用于研究B的已验证的和有效的方法。 剑兰菌株NGJ1- R。 solani 互动。 这些方法学可用于设计分析来研究细菌和真菌之间的对抗,从而能够从这些细菌中发现新的抗真菌分子。

【背景】立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)是具有多种宿主的重要的植物病原真菌。导致稻纹枯病;在爆发性疾病之后,稻米的第二大破坏性真菌病(Fisher等人,2012; Ghosh等人,2014; Ghosh等人, >,2017)。在发展水稻纹枯病防治方法之后,我们从水稻幼苗中分离出一株具有广谱抗真菌活性的细菌。基于rDNA和基因组测序,该细菌已经被鉴定为唐菖蒲伯克霍尔德氏菌菌株NGJ1(Jha等人,2015)。除了抗真菌特性外,我们观察到NGJ1具有对真菌进行觅食的能力,并且在禾本科植物上表现出食菌能力。 solani 以及其他各种真菌。在与 R交互之后。 ...
