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FormaTM Steri-CycleTM CO2 Incubators

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: FormaTM Steri-CycleTM
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Activation of Fibroblast Contractility via Cell-Cell Interactions and Soluble Signals
[Abstract]  The collagen contraction assay is an in vitro, three-dimensional method to determine the factor(s) affecting the contractile behavior of activated cells such as fibroblasts in either physiological or pathological scenarios. The collagen lattices/hydrogels are seeded with fibroblasts to mimic the interactions between these cells and their surrounding extracellular matrix proteins in the connective tissue. This method is an important platform to assess components as potential therapeutic targets to prevent pathologies such as fibrosis, which are manifestations of hyperactivated fibroblasts. We have described a basic version of this collagen contraction assay, which is amenable to customization using different cell types under diverse experimental conditions. [摘要]  胶原收缩测定是体外三维方法,用于确定影响生理或病理场景中活化细胞如成纤维细胞的收缩行为的因子。 胶原蛋白晶格/水凝胶用成纤维细胞接种,以模拟这些细胞与其周围细胞外基质蛋白在结缔组织中的相互作用。 该方法是评估组分作为潜在治疗靶标的重要平台,以预防纤维化等病症,这些病症是过度活化的成纤维细胞的表现。 我们已经描述了这种胶原收缩测定的基本版本,其适于在不同实验条件下使用不同细胞类型进行定制。

【背景】细胞外基质的组织收缩和重塑是许多生理条件(例如伤口愈合)中的基本过程。这两种现象的核心是成纤维细胞,它不仅产生和分泌细胞外基质蛋白,而且还可以通过机械相互作用重组它们。有趣的是,这些细胞行为通常在诸如纤维化的病理条件下被夸大(Desmoulière et al。,2005),从而说明需要理解这些过程的分子调节。虽然人们早就知道,胶原蛋白是细胞外基质的主要成分之一,是组织收缩的主要参与者(Bell et al。,1979),对机械细节的透彻理解。这个过程仍然难以捉摸。对体外成纤维细胞胶原基质体外收缩的研究使研究人员能够识别导致组织收缩的新型运动员(Ngo et al。,2006; Su and Chen, 2015年)。基于该测定,可溶性因子如TGFβ(Levi-Schaffer 等,1999)和免疫细胞(Garbuzenko et al。,2002; ...

Structural Analysis of Bordetella pertussis Biofilms by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
[Abstract]  Biofilms are sessile communities of microbial cells embedded in a self-produced or host-derived exopolymeric matrix. Biofilms can both be beneficial or detrimental depending on the surface. Compared to their planktonic counterparts, biofilm cells display enhanced resistance to killing by environmental threats, chemicals, antimicrobials and host immune defenses. When in biofilms, the microbial cells interact with each other and with the surface to develop architecturally complex multi-dimensional structures. Numerous imaging techniques and tools are currently available for architectural analyses of biofilm communities. This allows examination of biofilm development through acquisition of three-dimensional images that can render structural features of the sessile community. A frequently ... [摘要]  生物膜是嵌入自生或宿主衍生的外聚合物基质中的微生物细胞的固着群落。根据表面,生物膜可以是有益的或有害的。与浮游生物相比,生物膜细胞表现出更强的抗环境威胁,化学物质,抗菌药物和宿主免疫防御能力。当处于生物膜中时,微生物细胞彼此相互作用并与表面相互作用以形成结构复杂的多维结构。目前,许多成像技术和工具可用于生物膜群落的建筑分析。这允许通过获取可以呈现无柄群落的结构特征的三维图像来检查生物膜的发展。经常使用的工具是共聚焦激光扫描显微镜。我们提出了一个详细的协议,以生长,观察和分析呼吸道人类病原体,百日咳博德特氏菌的生物膜在空间和时间。

【背景】百日咳博德特氏菌(Bordetella pertussis)是上呼吸道的专性人类病原体,引起百日咳或百日咳(Mooi,2010; Dorji et al。,2018)。 B的生物膜。百日咳在各种人造表面上以及静态,摇动和流体流动条件下形成(Mishra et al。,2005; Sloan et al。,2007 ; Serra et al。,2011)。对这些生物膜的显微评估表明,这种细菌产生不规则形状的微集落,由流体通道分隔,嵌入由细胞外DNA(eDNA),蛋白质和多糖组成的外聚合物基质中(Parise et al。,2007; Sloan et al。,2007; Serra et al。,2008; ...

Mutant Huntingtin Secretion in Neuro2A Cells and Rat Primary Cortical Neurons
[Abstract]  Quantitative analysis of proteins secreted from the cells poses a challenge due to their low abundance and the interfering presence of a large amount of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in the cell culture media. We established assays for detection of mutant huntingtin (mHtt) secreted from Neuro2A cell line stably expressing mHtt and rat primary cortical neurons by Western blotting. Our protocol is based on reducing the amounts of BSA in the media while maintaining cell viability and secretory potential, and concentrating the media prior to analysis by means of ultrafiltration. [摘要]  由细胞分泌的蛋白质的定量分析由于它们的丰度低和在细胞培养基中干扰大量牛血清白蛋白(BSA)的存在而提出挑战。 我们建立检测突变亨廷顿蛋白(mHtt)检测分泌Neuro2A细胞系稳定表达mHtt和大鼠原代皮层神经元蛋白质印迹。 我们的方案是基于降低培养基中BSA的量,同时保持细胞活力和分泌潜能,并在通过超滤分析之前浓缩培养基。

【背景】许多蛋白质通过各种分泌途径从细胞分泌到细胞外环境中。这些途径包括在ER-高尔基体 - 质膜途径之后的常规分泌途径(Lee等,2004)和多个非常规途径,例如溶酶体胞吐作用,穿过质膜的易位和外泌体以及胞外体释放(Zhang和Schekman,2013)。为了研究这些途径,经常需要分析培养细胞分泌的蛋白质进入培养基。蛋白质可以游离形式分泌,也可以与胞膜结构如胞外体和外泌体结合(Zhang and ...
