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Company: Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: C79-500
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Preparing Viable Hippocampal Slices from Adult Mice for the Study of Sharp Wave-ripples
[Abstract]  We describe a protocol for preparing acute brain slices which can produce robust hippocampal sharp wave-ripples (SWRs) in vitro. The protocol is optimized for its simplicity and reliability for the preparation of solutions, slicing, and recovery incubation. Most slices in almost every mouse prepared though the protocol expressed vigorous spontaneous SWRs for ~24 h, compared to the 20-30% viability from "standard" low sodium slicing protocols. SWRs are spontaneous neuronal activity in the hippocampus and are essential for consolidation of episodic memory. Brain slices reliably expressing SWRs are useful for studying memory impairment and brain degeneration diseases in ex vivo experiments. Spontaneous expression of SWRs is sensitive to conditions of slicing and ... [摘要]  [摘要]我们描述了一种制备急性脑切片的方案,该方案可在体外产生强大的海马锐波波纹(SWR)。该协议经过优化,其简单性和可靠性可用于制备溶液,切片和恢复孵育。通过该协议,几乎每只小鼠中的大多数切片都表现出强烈的自发性SWR,持续约24小时,而“标准”低钠切片协议的生存力为20-30%。SWR是海马的自发性神经元活动,对于巩固发作性记忆至关重要。可靠表达SWR的脑片可用于研究离体的记忆障碍和脑退化疾病实验。SWR的自发表达对记录期间的切片和灌注/充氧条件敏感。SWR的振幅和丰度通常用作可行切片的生物标记。关键改进包括快速循环,切片后较长的恢复时间(3-6小时)以及使组织在32岁时恢复°C在充分灌注的培养箱中。我们定制设备中的切片可以表达自发SWR数小时,这表明在本地网络中具有平衡的激发和抑制作用的时间很长。年龄较大的小鼠(约产后180天)的切片显示出与年龄较小的小鼠(产后21-30)相似的生存力。

[背景]急性脑切片已成为电生理学和其他神经科学研究的重要准备。尽管有大量文献描述了脑切片的用法,但通常不那么详细地讨论可靠地生产可行切片的方案。来自年长动物的切片通常不太可行。通常使用健康的细胞形态和神经元的电生理特性来描述脑切片的活力。但是,组织中看起来健康的神经元并不总是转化为正常的网络行为。例如,用标准蔗糖替代方案制备的薄片(例如,Aghajanian和Rasmussen ...

A Workflow for Ultra-rapid Analysis of Histone Post-translational Modifications with Direct-injection Mass Spectrometry
[Abstract]  Chromatin modifications, like histone post translational modifications (PTMs), are critical for tuning gene expression and many other aspects of cell phenotype. Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) has become the most suitable method to analyze histones and histone PTMs in a large-scale manner. Selected histone PTMs have known functions, and their aberrant regulation is linked to a wide variety of diseases, including cancer. However, histone analysis is scarcely used in diagnostics, partially due to the limited throughput and not ideal reproducibility of LC-MS based analysis. We describe a workflow that allows for high-throughput sample preparation is less than a day using 96-well plates. Following preparation, samples are sprayed into MS without LC, using an ... [摘要]  [抽象]像组蛋白翻译后修饰(PTM)一样,染色质修饰对于调节基因表达和细胞表型的许多其他方面至关重要。液相色谱-质谱联用(LC-MS)已成为最适合大规模分析组蛋白和组蛋白PTM的方法。选定的组蛋白PTM具有已知功能,其异常调节与包括癌症在内的多种疾病有关。但是,组蛋白分析很少用于诊断中,部分是由于通量有限且基于LC-MS的分析的重现性不理想。我们描述了一种使用96孔板进行少于一天的高通量样品制备的工作流程。制备后,使用自动直接进样(DI-MS)方法将样品喷雾到无LC的MS中。每次分析都可以通过45个PTM(甲基化,乙酰化和磷酸化(共151个组蛋白标记)和16个未修饰的组蛋白肽进行组蛋白变体的相对定量。由于没有残留或基于LC的批处理效应,该工作流程允许MS运行少于1分钟,并具有更高的重现性和耐用性。最后,我们描述了一种工程化的肽序列,用于精确监控样品制备的效率,可以在DI-MS运行期间检测到该效率。

[背景] 组蛋白是具有球形头部和N末端尾巴的碱性蛋白质,富含精氨酸和赖氨酸残基。一对典型的组蛋白H2A,H2B,H3和H4(称为核心组蛋白)形成一个八聚体,其周围147 ...

Auxin-mediated Protein Degradation in Caenorhabditis elegans
[Abstract]  The auxin-inducible degron (AID) technology was recently adapted for use in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Rapid degradation of C. elegans proteins tagged with an AID is mediated by a plant-specific F-box protein, transport inhibitor response 1 (TIR1), and occurs only in the presence of the phytohormone auxin. The first iteration of this technology elicited protein degradation in C. elegans through a naturally occurring form of auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Here, we present a protocol that uses 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, potassium salt (K-NAA), an indole-free synthetic auxin analog. At equal concentration, K-NAA is as effective as IAA in standard nematode growth media (NGM). K-NAA is also effective in physiological buffer (M9), allowing for ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 植物生长素诱导的德隆(AID)技术最近被用于线虫秀丽隐杆线虫。带有AID标签的秀丽隐杆线虫蛋白的快速降解是由植物特异性F-box蛋白介导的,转运抑制剂反应1 (TIR1),而且只发生在存在的植物激素生长素。第一次迭代的这项技术引起蛋白质降解C. 线虫通过一个天然存在形式的生长素,吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)。在此,我们协议用途1-萘乙酸,钾盐(K-NAA),一个,自由吲哚合成的植物生长素类似物。在相等浓度 ,K-NAA在标准线虫生长培养基(NGM)中与IAA一样有效。K-NAA在生理缓冲液(M9)中也有效,可以进行高通量实验。K-NAA的主要优点有两个:它的光稳定性可防止光诱导的化合物在储存过程中降解以及在活细胞的荧光显微镜检查过程中产生有毒的吲哚衍生物;其次,其水溶性消除了使用乙醇溶解植物生长素化合物(一种可能混淆C 的溶剂)的需要。线虫寿命和行为分析。在这个协议中,我们描述方法降解菌的C. elegans的使用K-NAA对固体和液体介质的蛋白质,以及我们的方法分析蛋白质降解。

[背景 ] 有条件的蛋白质降解通过降解决定子是一个新兴的方法研究蛋白质功能在秀丽隐杆线虫(拔头筹而Frokjaer -詹森2019年)。现在的降解决定子的方法包括ZF1 (Armenti 等人。2014年,萨累。等,2018) ,生长素诱导型德龙(AID)(Zhang ...
