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Glass microscope slide

Company: Matsunami Glass
Catalog#: S024410
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Ciliary Assembly/Disassembly Assay in Non-transformed Cell Lines
[Abstract]  The primary cilium is a non-motile sensory organelle whose assembly and disassembly are closely associated with cell cycle progression. The primary cilium is elongated from the basal body in quiescent cells and is resorbed as the cells re-enter the cell cycle. Dysregulation of ciliary dynamics has been linked with ciliopathies and other human diseases. The in vitro serum-stimulated ciliary assembly/disassembly assay has gained popularity in addressing the functions of the protein-of-interest in ciliary dynamics. Here, we describe a well-tested protocol for transfecting human retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE-1) and performing ciliary assembly/disassembly assays on the transfected cells. [摘要]  主要纤毛是一种非运动感觉细胞器,其装配和拆卸与细胞周期进程密切相关。 初级纤毛在静止细胞中从基体拉长并随着细胞重新进入细胞周期而被吸收。 睫状动力失调与纤毛病和其他人类疾病有关。 体外血清刺激的睫状体装配/分解测定已经在解决睫状动力学中感兴趣的蛋白质的功能方面受到欢迎。 在这里,我们描述了转染人视网膜色素上皮细胞(RPE-1)和对转染细胞进行睫状体装配/分解测定的充分测试的方案。

【背景】初级纤毛是毛发样感觉细胞器,其在G 0 / G 1期出现,并且在细胞周期的S期之前分解(Tucker等, et al。,1979)。先前的研究已经证实,某些未转化的细胞类型(即,甚至是RPE-1细胞,3T3成纤维细胞和小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞[MEFs])可以被饿死以诱导静止和睫状体形成。随后的血清再次添加触发双相睫状体吸收,其在刺激后2小时和24小时达到峰值(Tucker等人,1979; Li等人,2011) 。该现象为文献中常用的血清刺激的睫状体组装/分解测定奠定了基础,以鉴定参与睫状体组装和拆卸的蛋白质(Pugacheva等人,2007; ...

A Streamlined Method for the Preparation of Gelatin Embedded Brains and Simplified Organization of Sections for Serial Reconstructions
[Abstract]  Gelatin embedding of whole brains for sectioning is a critical procedure used in neuroscience to ensure all morphological and spatial details are preserved intact. Here, we describe an inexpensive, reproducible and efficient means to embed post-fixed brains ready for sectioning in gelatin within a week’s time. The sections obtained are distortion-free and their fragile internal structures preserved which can be used for serial reconstructions for lesion studies and mapping of viral expression after stereotaxic injections. In addition, the separation of adjacent slices into a series of 3-4 vials facilitates subsequent organization and assembly of serial sections at the mounting step. [摘要]  整个脑切片明胶嵌入是神经科学中使用的关键程序,以确保所有的形态和空间的细节保存完好。 在这里,我们描述了一个廉价,可重复和有效的方法来嵌入后固定的大脑准备切片明胶一个星期的时间。 获得的部分是无畸变的,它们的脆弱内部结构被保留下来,可用于系列重建病变研究和立体定位注射后的病毒表达图谱。 此外,将相邻切片分离成3-4个小瓶系列便于在安装步骤中对连续切片进行组织和组装。

凝胶嵌入和IHC处理后的质量取决于几个程序性的细节,这可能是乏味和耗时的。在先前公开的方案中,明胶向脑和心室空间的适当渗透和渗透需要真空烘箱(Griffioen等,1992)。此外,将大脑嵌入小模具中是具有挑战性的,因为大脑具有漂浮的趋势。另外,在连续重构的IHC处理之后识别和定向相邻切片可能是艰巨的。 ...
