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Incubator, 28 °C

Company: SANYO
Catalog#: MIR-162
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Zebrafish Bacterial Infection Assay to Study Host-Pathogen Interactions
[Abstract]  The study of host-pathogen interactions has improved our understanding of both pathogenesis and the response of the host to infection, including both innate and adaptive responses. Neutrophils and macrophages represent the first line of innate host defense against any infection. The zebrafish is an ideal model to study the response of these cells to a variety of pathogens. Zebrafish possess both neutrophils and macrophages exhibiting similar defense mechanisms to their human counterparts. The transparency of zebrafish embryos greatly facilitates in vivo tracking of infection dynamics in a non-invasive manner at high-resolution using labelled pathogens, while immune cells can also be labelled transgenically to enable even more in-depth analysis. Here we describe a procedure for ... [摘要]  

[ 文摘动作 ] 宿主-病原体相互作用的研究已经提高了我们既发病机制和宿主对INFE响应的理解ction,包括先天性和适应性应答。中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞是抵抗任何感染的先天宿主防御的第一线。斑马鱼是研究这些细胞对多种病原体反应的理想模型。斑马鱼同时具有嗜中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞表现出荷兰国际集团类似的防御机制,它们人的相应。斑马鱼胚胎的透明性极大地促进了体内 使用标记的病原体以非侵入性的方式以高分辨率跟踪感染动态,同时还可以通过转基因方式标记免疫细胞,以进行更深入的分析。在这里,我们描述了一种方法,用于执行一个在斑马鱼中的细菌感染测定胚胎使用荧光标记的大肠杆菌细菌和演示感染动力学的监测和定量。值得注意的是,该程序有助于理解对驱动先天免疫应答至关重要的基因的功能作用。

[ 背景 ] 宿主-病原体相互作用的研究是重要的是了解疾病的发病机理,也为有效治疗药物的开发。需要确定宿主和病原体的多个方面,以确定宿主中的潜在危险因素和病原体中的关键毒力因素。先天性免疫是抵抗感染的第一道防线,它会引发一连串的反应,包括炎症,中和和适应性免疫系统各组分的募集(Akira et ...

A Streamlined Method for the Preparation of Gelatin Embedded Brains and Simplified Organization of Sections for Serial Reconstructions
[Abstract]  Gelatin embedding of whole brains for sectioning is a critical procedure used in neuroscience to ensure all morphological and spatial details are preserved intact. Here, we describe an inexpensive, reproducible and efficient means to embed post-fixed brains ready for sectioning in gelatin within a week’s time. The sections obtained are distortion-free and their fragile internal structures preserved which can be used for serial reconstructions for lesion studies and mapping of viral expression after stereotaxic injections. In addition, the separation of adjacent slices into a series of 3-4 vials facilitates subsequent organization and assembly of serial sections at the mounting step. [摘要]  整个脑切片明胶嵌入是神经科学中使用的关键程序,以确保所有的形态和空间的细节保存完好。 在这里,我们描述了一个廉价,可重复和有效的方法来嵌入后固定的大脑准备切片明胶一个星期的时间。 获得的部分是无畸变的,它们的脆弱内部结构被保留下来,可用于系列重建病变研究和立体定位注射后的病毒表达图谱。 此外,将相邻切片分离成3-4个小瓶系列便于在安装步骤中对连续切片进行组织和组装。

凝胶嵌入和IHC处理后的质量取决于几个程序性的细节,这可能是乏味和耗时的。在先前公开的方案中,明胶向脑和心室空间的适当渗透和渗透需要真空烘箱(Griffioen等,1992)。此外,将大脑嵌入小模具中是具有挑战性的,因为大脑具有漂浮的趋势。另外,在连续重构的IHC处理之后识别和定向相邻切片可能是艰巨的。 ...
