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Polycarbonate centrifuge tubes

管,厚壁,聚碳酸酯,230μL,7 x 21 mm

Company: Beckman Coulter
Catalog#: 343775
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Imaging Microtubules in vitro at High Resolution while Preserving their Structure

Microtubules (MT) are the most rigid component of the cytoskeleton. Nevertheless, they often appear highly curved in the cellular context and the mechanisms governing their overall shape are poorly understood. Currently, in vitro microtubule analysis relies primarily on electron microscopy for its high resolution and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy for its ability to image live fluorescently-labelled microtubules and associated proteins. For three-dimensional analyses of microtubules with micrometer curvatures, we have developed an assay in which MTs are polymerized in vitro from MT seeds adhered to a glass slide in a manner similar to conventional TIRF microscopy protocols. Free fluorescent molecules are removed and the MTs are fixed by perfusion. The MTs can

[摘要]  [摘要]微管(MT)是细胞骨架中最刚性的组成部分。然而,它们在细胞环境中经常显得高度弯曲,并且控制它们整体形状的机理了解甚少。当前,体外微管分析主要依靠电子显微镜进行高分辨率分析,而全内反射荧光(TIRF )显微镜则可以对活的荧光标记的微管和相关蛋白进行成像。为了对具有微米曲率的微管进行三维分析,我们开发了一种在体外聚合MT的检测方法 用类似于常规TIRF显微镜操作规程的方式将MT种子的MT粘附到载玻片上。除去游离的荧光分子,并通过灌注固定MTs。然后可以使用带有Airyscan模块的共聚焦显微镜观察MT,以获得更高的分辨率。该协议允许对保留其原始三维形状并与高分辨率免疫荧光检测兼容的微管进行成像。

[背景]微管(MT)是通过异源二聚体的组合制成的聚合物α和β微管蛋白,并且是细胞骨架的主要成分。他们参与了细胞功能的基本机制,如有丝分裂,细胞内转运,胞质分裂和细胞形态的维持(Akhmanova和Steinmetz,2015)。尽管MT本身具有很高的刚性,但它们通常会在细胞中弯曲并产生一些蛋白,从而弯曲微管(Brangwynne等人,2006; Bechstedt等人,2014; Leung等人,2020; Cuveillier等人,2020 ...

Cell-free Generation of COPII-coated Procollagen I Carriers
[Abstract]  The aim of this protocol is to generate COPII-coated procollagen I (PC1) carriers in a cell-free reaction. The COPII-coated PC1 carriers were reconstituted from donor membrane, cytosol, purified recombinant COPII proteins, and nucleotides. This protocol describes the preparation of donor membrane and cytosol, the assembly of the reaction, and the isolation and detection of reconstituted COPII-coated carriers. This cell-free reaction can be used to test conditions that stimulate or suppress the packaging of PC1 into COPII-coated carriers. [摘要]  该协议的目的是在无细胞反应中产生COPII包被的前胶原I(PC1)载体。 COPII包被的PC1载体由供体膜,胞质溶胶,纯化的重组COPII蛋白和核苷酸重构。 该方案描述了供体膜和细胞溶胶的制备,反应的组装,以及复制的COPII包被的载体的分离和检测。 该无细胞反应可用于测试刺激或抑制PC1包装成COPII包被的载体的条件。
【背景】外壳蛋白复合体II(COPII)在从内质网(ER)途径到高尔基体的运输中起着至关重要的作用。来自ER的货物运输所需的基因在酵母的基因研究中被发现,并且借助于添加有纯化组分的无细胞囊泡萌芽反应来阐明囊泡出芽所需基因的蛋白质产物的精确作用(Novick 1981; Kaiser等人,1990; Barlowe等人,1994)。开发了类似的反应来检测COPII在培养的哺乳动物细胞中来自ER的货物运输中的作用(Kim等人,2005)。哺乳动物COPII包被的囊泡直径大约为80-100nm,似乎太小以至于不能容纳诸如刚性的300nm前胶原I(PC1)三股螺旋杆的大分泌性货物。尽管可能的尺寸差异,COPII对于包括PC1在内的大型货物的分泌是必不可少的(Boyadjiev等人,2006)。最近,我们报道了通过随机光学重建显微镜(STORM),相关光电子显微镜(CLEM)和活细胞成像(Gorur ...

Gliding Assay to Analyze Microtubule-based Motor Protein Dynamics
[Abstract]  The purpose of this protocol is to provide an updated method of performing microtubule gliding assays and visualizing it using fluorescence microscopy. [摘要]  该协议的目的是提供一种更新的微管滑翔测定方法,并使用荧光显微镜对其进行可视化。

