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Mathieu Needle Holders

Company: Fine Science Tools
Catalog#: 12510-14
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Mechanical Allodynia Assessment in a Murine Neuropathic Pain Model
[Abstract]  Experimental animal models are unique tools (i) to study pain transmission and pathophysiology of neuropathic pain, (ii) to identify novel molecular targets and (iii) to test the potential analgesic effect of specific molecules. The chronic constriction injury (CCI) model of neuropathic pain is the first model of post-traumatic painful peripheral neuropathy, originally developed by Bennett and Xie in the late 1980s. The chronic constriction is performed in the sciatic nerve and induces a partial denervation involving myelinated afferent axons and unmyelinated axons. Damage to unmyelinated axons is much more severe than myelinated afferents. As the model induces a partial denervation, it is very useful for the analysis of pain behaviours. Stimulation of the hind paw, a target of the ... [摘要]  实验动物模型是独特的工具:(i)研究神经性疼痛的疼痛传递和病理生理学,(ii)鉴定新的分子靶标和(iii)测试特定分子的潜在镇痛作用。神经性疼痛的慢性缩窄性损伤(CCI)模型是最初由Bennett和Xie在二十世纪八十年代后期开发的创伤后疼痛性周围神经病的第一个模型。慢性收缩是在坐骨神经中进行的,并诱导部分去神经支配,包括有髓鞘的传入轴突和无髓鞘轴突。对无髓鞘轴突的损伤比有髓神经传入者严重得多。由于该模型导致部分去神经支配,对疼痛行为的分析非常有用。刺激后爪(坐骨神经的靶标)引起可被定量的疼痛。因此,通常通过测量对von Frey丝刺激的后爪缩回反应,在坐骨神经的CCI后7,14和21天评估机械异常性疼痛。在这里,我们详细描述协议允许在小鼠中可靠和可重复的CCI模型。总的来说,研究人员最常使用这种手术模式来发现更有效的慢性疼痛状态的药物控制药物。

