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Cuvets (UVette Cuvets)

Company: Eppendorf
Catalog#: 952010069
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In vivo Blood-brain Barrier Permeability Assays Using Clostridium perfringens Epsilon Toxin
[Abstract]  In order for the brain to function properly, a carefully orchestrated homeostasis must be maintained. To help regulate this delicate balance, the brain has developed a highly selective blood-brain barrier (BBB). Under normal conditions, the BBB excludes harmful blood-borne material from the brain parenchyma. However, numerous neuropathological conditions can disrupt this barrier, causing BBB permeability and subsequent CNS dysfunction. Understanding the mechanisms involved in BBB permeability are essential to elucidating the pathology of various neurological disorders as well as identifying methods for drug delivery to the CNS. Here, we describe several in vivo methods to measure BBB permeability in mice using an array of diverse sized tracers including exogenous 376 Da ... [摘要]  [摘要]为了使大脑正常工作,必须维持精心安排的体内平衡。为了帮助调节这种微妙的平衡,大脑已经形成了一种高度选择性的血脑屏障(BBB)。在正常情况下,血脑屏障将有害的血液传播物质排除在脑实质之外。然而,许多神经病理学条件可以破坏这一屏障,导致BBB通透性和随后的CNS功能障碍。了解BBB通透性的机制对于阐明各种神经系统疾病的病理学以及确定药物输送到中枢神经系统的方法至关重要。在这里,我们描述了几种在体内使用不同大小的示踪剂(包括外源性376da荧光素盐、66.5kDa牛血清白蛋白、70kDa右旋糖酐以及内源性160kDa小鼠IgG)来测量BBB在小鼠体内的通透性。当静脉注射时,这些物质会被BBB排除在健康大脑之外。然而,BBB功能障碍可使这些示踪剂进入大脑,这种积聚可通过分光光度法、荧光显微镜和免疫组织化学进行测量。我们还描述了一种利用产气荚膜梭菌epsilon毒素诱导BBB通透性的方法。最后,我们将简要讨论每种方法的优缺点及其适当的下游应用。

[背景] ...

Platelet Migration and Bacterial Trapping Assay under Flow
[Abstract]  Blood platelets are critical for hemostasis and thrombosis, but also play diverse roles during immune responses. We have recently reported that platelets migrate at sites of infection in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, platelets use their ability to migrate to collect and bundle fibrin (ogen)-bound bacteria accomplishing efficient intravascular bacterial trapping. Here, we describe a method that allows analyzing platelet migration in vitro, focusing on their ability to collect bacteria and trap bacteria under flow. [摘要]  血小板对于止血和血栓形成至关重要,但在免疫反应中也起着不同的作用。 我们最近报道了血小板在体外体外和体内感染部位迁移。 重要的是,血小板利用它们迁移的能力来收集和捆绑纤维蛋白(ogen)结合的细菌,从而实现有效的血管内细菌捕获。 在这里,我们描述了一种方法,允许分析血小板在体外的迁移,重点是它们收集细菌和捕获流动细菌的能力。

【背景】血小板是从巨核细胞释放的小的无核细胞片段,其存在于哺乳动物生物的骨髓内(Machlus和Italiano,2013)。大约7500亿血小板在人体血液中循环,不断扫描脉管系统以破坏内皮表面。在遇到内皮损伤时,血小板立即被招募在充分表征的事件级联中,包括初始血小板束缚和滚动,然后是血小板活化,粘附和扩散,最终导致纤维蛋白(ogen)依赖性聚集和随后的血栓收缩(Jackson, 2007)。血小板栓塞形成是生理性止血的主要步骤,但也是动脉粥样硬化斑块破裂后的病理性血栓形成,触发心肌梗塞或中风(Jackson,2011)。

除了在止血和血栓形成中的公认作用外,血小板还发展出多种免疫功能(Semple et al。,2011)。作为第一批招募炎症和感染部位的细胞,血小板在启动血管内免疫反应中起着重要作用(Wong et ...
