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Company: duMONT
Catalog#: 11231-30
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Single or Repeated Ablation of Mouse Olfactory Epithelium by Methimazole

Odor-detecting olfactory sensory neurons residing in the nasal olfactory epithelium (OE) are the only neurons in direct contact with the external environment. As a result, these neurons are subjected to chemical, physical, and infectious insults, which may be the underlying reason why neurogenesis occurs in the OE of adult mammals. This feature makes the OE a useful model for studying neurogenesis and neuronal differentiation, with the possibility for systemic as well as local administration of various compounds and infectious agents that may interfere with these cellular processes. Several different chemical compounds have been shown to cause toxic injury to the OE, which can be used for OE ablation. We, and others, have found that the systemic administration of the hyperthyroid drug,

[摘要]气味-检测驻留在鼻腔嗅上皮(OE)嗅觉感觉神经元是在与外部环境直接接触仅神经元。其结果是,这些神经元进行化学,物理和传染性损伤,这可能是根本原因的神经发生中发生的的OE成年哺乳动物。这一特点使得该OE一个有用的模型用于研究ING神经和神经元分化,与该 可能会干扰这些细胞过程的各种化合物和感染剂的全身和局部给药的可能性。已示出几个不同的化学化合物以使毒性损伤的OE ,其可用于OE消融。我们和其他人,有无˚F OU次是在甲亢药物的全身给药,他巴唑,可靠地使olfactotoxicity的副作用。 在这里,我们概述了甲咪唑一次或多次消融的OE损伤方案。单甲巯咪唑给药可用作到螺柱ÿ神经上皮再生和干细胞活化,而[R epeated消融和OE的再生使所述螺柱ÿ组织干细胞的耗竭组织化生和产生。

[背景]新的神经元在整个生命中生成的OE的哺乳动物包括呼玛纳秒(哈恩等人,2005)一第二小鼠(Graziadei等人,1979年b;近藤等人,2010) 。Ç ontinuous细胞产生主要由球状祖细胞实现(张等人,2014) 。祖细胞也有重建损伤后所有OE细胞类型的潜力,与水平基底细胞小号公顷咏最大的组织干细胞的潜力(梁等人,2007;施尼特凯等人,2015年; Gadye 。等人,2017年)。

有存在不同的方法来具体伤害的OE在实验室啮齿动物,这又允许再生过程,包括干细胞的活化,神经发生,和神经元分化的研究。方法包括摘除嗅球(OB)(Schwob等,1992),嗅神经轴突切开术(Graziadei等,1979a; ...

Ecdysone Quantification from Whole Body Samples of Drosophila melanogaster Larvae

Steroid hormones strictly control the timing of sexual maturation and final body size both in vertebrates and invertebrates. In insects, the steroid hormone ecdysone controls the timing of the molts between larval instars as well as the transition to metamorphosis. Growth during the final instar accounts for over 80% of the increase in final mass in insects, and the duration of this growth period is driven by a sequence of small ecdysone pulses that ultimately induce metamorphosis. Historically the biologically active form of ecdysone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), was quantified using radio-immunoassays, bioassays, or chromatography assays. However, these assays are methodologically complicated and often time consuming. Furthermore, collecting samples for precise measurements of ecdysone

[摘要]  [摘要]类固醇激素严格控制着脊椎动物和无脊椎动物的性成熟时间和最终的体型。在昆虫中,类固醇激素蜕皮激素控制着幼虫龄之间蜕皮的时间以及向蜕变的过渡。最终龄期间生长占昆虫增加最终质量的80%以上,而这种生长周期的持续时间是由小的序列驱动的蜕皮激素脉冲,最终诱导metamo ř phosis。从历史上讲,蜕皮激素的生物活性形式20-hydroxyec dysone(20E)是使用放射免疫分析,生物分析或色谱分析定量的。但是,这些测定方法学上很复杂并且通常很耗时。此外,在像果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)这样的小昆虫中,使用这些测定法收集样品以准确测定蜕皮酮的浓度是有限的。在这里,我们描述了一种精确而灵敏的方法,用于收集精心准备的三龄幼虫,这些幼虫适用于准备使用商用20E酶免疫法(EIA)进行蜕皮激素定量的样品。因为我们使幼虫蜕皮与最终龄期重新同步,收集大量样品并称重每个样品,所以我们能够在最终龄期早期检测到一个小的蜕皮激素峰,称为临界重量蜕皮激素峰。该方法可检测低至6 pg 20E / mg幼虫样品的峰,使我们能够定量测定果蝇中的其他蜕皮激素小峰,这是最终确定其调控和功能的必要前提。

[背景]在BRO一个的d范围动物,发展是紧密由类固醇激素调节。在哺乳动物中,青春期的发作主要受性类固醇激素的调节(Koyama等,2020)。在昆虫中,类固醇激素的蜕皮激素调节的moltin定时克,inclu丁所述的定时变质蜕皮。由于浓度波动小蜕皮激素预计将触发键发育事件,发展的方法来检测改变我ñ蜕皮激素浓度是科学家,旨在评估类固醇激素的作用是至关重要的。在该协议中,我们描述了如何从发育同步的幼虫中收集高质量的样品,以及如何使用市售的酶免疫分析试剂盒为蜕皮激素定量制备这些样品。 ...

Assaying Mechanonociceptive Behavior in Drosophila Larvae
[Abstract]  Drosophila melanogaster larvae have been extensively used as a model to study the molecular and cellular basis of nociception. The larval nociceptors, class IV dendritic arborization (C4da) neurons, line the body wall of the animal and respond to various stimuli including noxious heat and touch. Activation of C4da neurons results in a stereotyped escape behavior, characterized by a 360° rolling response along the body axis followed by locomotion speedup. The genetic accessibility of Drosophila has allowed the identification of mechanosensory channels and circuit elements required for nociceptive responses, making it a useful and straightforward readout to understand the cellular and molecular basis of nociceptive function and behavior. We have optimized the protocol to ... [摘要]  果蝇幼虫已广泛用作研究伤害感受的分子和细胞基础的模型。 幼虫伤害感受器,IV类树突状树枝状(C4da)神经元,排列在动物体壁上,并对各种刺激作出反应,包括有害的热和触觉。 激活C4da神经元导致刻板脱逃行为,其特征在于沿着身体轴线的360°滚动响应,随后是运动加速。 果蝇的遗传可及性允许识别伤害性反应所需的机械感受通道和电路元件,使其成为理解伤害性功能和行为的细胞和分子基础的有用和直接的读数。 我们已经优化了该协议以检测果蝇幼虫中的机械伤害行为。

【背景】伤害感受,是检测和避免有害刺激的先天能力,在整个动物界高度保守。果蝇幼虫能够检测并避免各种有害刺激,包括有害触觉,热和光(Tracey等人,2003; Hwang等人, ,2007; Xiang et al。,2010)。高于特定阈值(> 30mN)的机械刺激在所有幼虫阶段(Almeida-Carvalho等人,2017)都引发了定型滚动逃避反应,其被认为已经进化以避免通过寄生蜂如L。 boulardi (Hwang et。,2007)。这种逃避反应是由伤害性C4da神经元的激活介导的,伤害性C4da神经元具有覆盖整个体壁的感觉树突,允许动物检测有害线索。 C4da神经元表达属于DEG / ENaC家族的几种机械感受通道(Pickpocket [ppk],ppk26 / ...
