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RNasin® Ribonuclease Inhibitors

RNasin ® Plus RNA酶抑制剂

Company: Promega
Catalog#: N2611
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RNA Immunoprecipitation (RIP) Sequencing of Pri-miRNAs Associated with the Dicing Complex in Arabidopsis
[Abstract]  RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) is an antibody-based technique used to map in vivo RNA-protein interactions. DBR1, an RNA debranching enzyme, is responsible for the debranching of lariat RNA, for the degradation and turnover of lariat RNAs. It is well known that primary miRNA (Pri-miRNA) is recognized and further processed into mature miRNA by the Dicing complex mainly composed of DCL1 and HYL1. Due to the low abundance of pri-miRNAs, RIP followed qRT-PCR has been widely used to evaluate the binding efficiency of the Dicing complex with pri-miRNAs in previous studies. Therefore, the genome-wide evaluation of the Dicing complex with pri-miRNAs is lacking. With the improvement of high-throughput sequencing technologies, we successfully used RIP-seq to compare the binding efficiency ... [摘要]  RNA免疫沉淀(RIP)是一种基于抗体的技术,用于绘制体内 RNA-蛋白质相互作用。 DBR1是一种RNA脱支酶,负责套索RNA的脱支,用于套索RNA的降解和转换。众所周知,主要miRNA(Pri-miRNA)被主要由DCL1和HYL1组成的切割复合物识别并进一步加工成成熟miRNA。由于pri-miRNA的丰度较低,RIP随后的qRT-PCR已被广泛用于评估切割复合物与pri-miRNA在先前研究中的结合效率。因此,缺乏对具有pri-miRNA的切割复合物的全基因组评估。随着高通量测序技术的改进,我们成功地使用RIP-seq比较了Dicing复合物与野生型和 dbr1-2 突变体之间的pri-miRNA的结合效率。 。在该方案中,我们提供了在两种不同基因型之间的HYL1-YFP和DCL1-YFP转基因植物中使用GFP捕获珠的RIP-seq的详细描述。该方法可用于评估pri-miRNA与拟南芥中的切割复合物的结合,并且它可以应用于植物中的其他RNA结合蛋白。

Host-regulated Hepatitis B Virus Capsid Assembly in a Mammalian Cell-free System
[Abstract]  The hepatitis B virus (HBV) is an important global human pathogen and represents a major cause of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. The HBV capsid is composed of multiple copies of a single viral protein, the capsid or core protein (HBc), plays multiple roles in the viral life cycle, and has emerged recently as a major target for developing antiviral therapies against HBV infection. Although several systems have been developed to study HBV capsid assembly, including heterologous overexpression systems like bacteria and insect cells, in vitro assembly using purified protein, and mammalian cell culture systems, the requirement for non-physiological concentrations of HBc and salts and the difficulty in manipulating host regulators of assembly presents major limitations ... [摘要]  乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)是一种重要的全球人类病原体,并且是肝炎,肝硬化和肝癌的主要原因。 HBV衣壳由单个病毒蛋白的多个拷贝组成,衣壳或核心蛋白(HBc)在病毒生命周期中起着多重作用,并且最近已经成为开发抗HBV病毒疗法的主要靶标。尽管已经开发了几种用于研究HBV衣壳组装的系统,包括异源过表达系统如细菌和昆虫细胞,使用纯化蛋白质和哺乳动物细胞培养系统进行体外组装,但对非生理浓度HBc和盐以及难以操纵装配的宿主调节物在生理相关条件下的衣壳装配的详细研究方面存在主要限制。我们最近开发了基于兔网织红细胞裂解物(RRL)的哺乳动物无细胞系统,其中HBc以生理浓度表达并在近生理条件下组装成衣壳。该系统已经揭示了HBc装配要求,这是以前装配系统所不能预料的。此外,该系统中的衣壳组装受可容易操作的内源宿主因子调控。在这里,我们提供了这种无细胞衣壳装配系统的详细协议,包括如何操纵调节装配的宿主因子的说明。

【背景】乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)是一种重要的全球人类病原体,其长期感染全世界数以亿计的人并且代表病毒性肝炎,肝硬化和肝癌的主要原因(Seeger等人, 2013; Trepo et。,2014)。 HBV通过逆转录RNA中间体(所谓的前基因组RNA(pgRNA))在核衣壳内(NC)复制其基因组DNA(一种宽松的环状部分双链DNA(RC ...

Adapting the Smart-seq2 Protocol for Robust Single Worm RNA-seq
[Abstract]  Most nematodes are small worms that lack enough RNA for regular RNA-seq protocols without pooling hundred to thousand of individuals. We have adapted the Smart-seq2 protocol in order to sequence the transcriptome of an individual worm. While developed for individual Steinernema carpocapsae and Caenorhabditis elegans larvae as well as embryos, the protocol should be adaptable for other nematode species and small invertebrates. In addition, we describe how to analyze the RNA-seq results using the Galaxy online environment. We expect that this method will be useful for the studying gene expression variances of individual nematodes in wild type and mutant backgrounds. [摘要]  大多数线虫是小蠕虫,缺乏足够的RNA用于常规的RNA-seq协议,而没有汇集成千上万的个体。 我们已经调整了Smart-seq2协议来排序单个蠕虫的转录组。 虽然针对Steinernema carpocapsae和Caenorhabditis elegans幼虫以及胚胎开发,但该方案应该适用于其他线虫物种和小无脊椎动物。 另外,我们介绍如何使用Galaxy在线环境分析RNA-seq结果。 我们预计这种方法将有助于研究野生型和突变体背景个体线虫的基因表达差异。

【背景】低输入RNA-seq方案和扩增试剂盒,例如Smart-seq(Takara Bio,USA,Inc)和SuperAmp(Miltenyl Biotec,Inc),已经越来越多地开发和商业化,作为对低输入RNA-基于小组织,单一微生物和单细胞的seq研究。这些研究经常探索并解决特定群体(例如细胞群体,复杂组织或微生物群体)的个体中的异源基因表达。针对微生物(如线虫)的低输入RNA-seq方案的改进和适应将通过允许在单一线虫水平上分析基因表达异质性而极大地有益于线虫领域。在这里,我们已经调整了单细胞RNA-seq方案Smart-seq2(Picelli等人,2013和2014; Trombetta等人,2014),对于单线虫RNA测序。我们成功地在昆虫寄生线虫Steinernema ...
