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Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (C2H5OS)


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 472301
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Identification of Insertion Site by RESDA-PCR in Chlamydomonas Mutants Generated by AphVIII Random Insertional Mutagenesis
[Abstract]  Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is frequently used as a model organism to study fundamental processes in photosynthesis, metabolism, and flagellar biology. Versatile tool boxes have been developed for this alga (Fuhrmann et al., 1999; Schroda et al., 2000; Schroda, 2006). Among them, forward genetic approach has been intensively used, mostly because of the high efficiency in the generation of hundreds of thousands of mutants by random insertional mutagenesis and the haploid nature therefore phenotypic analysis can be done in the first generation (Cagnon et al., 2013; Tunçay et al., 2013). A major bottleneck in the application of high throughput methods in a forward genetic approach is the identification of the genetic lesion(s) responsible for the ... [摘要]  莱茵衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)是光合作用,代谢和鞭毛生物学的基础研究者。已经为这种藻类开发了多功能的工具箱(Fuhrmann等人,1999; Schroda等人,2000; Schroda,2006)。其中,正向遗传方法已经被广泛使用,主要是因为通过随机插入诱变产生了数十万个突变体的高效率,并且可以在第一代进行单倍体性质表型分析(Cagnon等人 2013,Tunçay et。 2013)。在正向遗传方法中应用高通量方法的主要瓶颈是鉴定与观察到的表型相关的遗传损伤。在该协议中,我们详细描述了最初在(González-Ballester等人,2005)中报道的限制性定点扩增PCR(RESDA-PCR)的改进版本。优化包括引物组合的优化,DNA聚合酶的选择,PCR循环参数的优化以及PCR产物直接测序的应用。这些修改使得获得特定的PCR产物变得更加容易,并且加速了亚克隆步骤以更快地获得测序数据。

【背景】除了限制酶位点定向扩增PCR(RESDA-PCR)(González-Ballester等人,2005)之外,还发现了其它几种分子技术。 包括Genome ...

Identification and Quantification of Secondary Metabolites by LC-MS from Plant-associated Pseudomonas aurantiaca and Pseudomonas chlororaphis
[Abstract]  Increased antibiotic resistance of plants and human pathogens and continuous use of chemical fertilizers has pushed microbiologists to explore new microbial sources as potential antagonists. In this study, eight strains of Pseudomonas aurantiaca and Pseudomonas chlororaphis, have been isolated from different plant sources and screened for their antagonistic and plant growth promoting potential (Shahid et al., 2017). All strains were compared with reference strain PB-St2 and their secondary metabolites were isolated by the use of solvent partitioning and subjected to LC/ESI/MS for confirmation of compounds. The ESI-mass spectra obtained were used to characterize the surfactants ionization behavior and [M + H]+ and [M + Na]+ ions were ... [摘要]  哺乳动物正呼吸道病毒(呼肠孤病毒)利用成孔肽穿透宿主细胞膜。 在病毒进入过程中,这一步对于提供含核心颗粒的基因组至关重要。 该协议描述了用于测量呼肠孤病毒诱导的孔形成的体外测定。

【背景】呼肠孤病毒是无包膜的双链RNA病毒,其由两个同心蛋白质壳组成:内衣壳(核心)和外衣壳(Dryden等人,1993; Zhang等人, / ,2005; Dermody et al ,2013)。在附着之后,病毒颗粒被内吞(Borsa et al。,1979; Ehrlich et al。,2004; Maginnis et al。,2006; Maginnis和宿主组织蛋白酶蛋白酶降解σ3外壳蛋白(Chang和Zweerink,1971; Silverstein等人,1972; Borsa等人,et al。 1981; Sturzenbecker等人,1987; Dermody等人,1993; Baer和Dermody,1997; Ebert等人, 2002年)。这个过程产生一个亚稳中间体,称为感染性亚病毒颗粒(ISVP),其中细胞穿透蛋白μ1被暴露(Dryden等人,1993)。呼肠孤病毒ISVPs进行第二次构象改变以将含有基因组的核心沉积到宿主细胞的细胞质中。被改变的粒子被称为ISVP *(Chandran et al。,2002)。 ISVP-to-ISVP ...

Microglial Phagocytosis Assay
[Abstract]  Phagocytosis is essential for microglial clearance of apoptotic cells, extracellular protein aggregates, and infectious bacteria in the central nervous system (CNS). While the preparation of primary microglial culture has been described elsewhere, this protocol describes the microglial phagocytosis experimental procedure and the subsequent measurement of microglial phagocytic ability using fluorescent latex beads or fluorescent amyloid beta 42 (Aβ42) peptides. [摘要]  吞噬作用对于中枢神经系统(CNS)中细胞凋亡细胞,细胞外蛋白质聚集体和感染性细菌的小胶质细胞清除至关重要。 虽然其他地方已经描述了原代小胶质细胞培养物的制备,但是该方案描述了小胶质细胞吞噬实验程序和随后使用荧光乳胶珠或荧光淀粉样蛋白β42(Aβ42)肽测量小胶质细胞吞噬能力。
【背景】小神经胶质细胞在中枢神经系统(CNS)中起多重作用。刺激后,小胶质细胞呈现复杂的炎症反应,包括改变的基因表达和形态变化(Heneka等,2014; Cunningham,2013)。细胞因子是通过活化的小胶质细胞改变的表达分子列表中的关键的蛋白质簇。通过在星形胶质细胞,神经元和其他脑细胞类型上表达的有效的信号传导能力的细胞因子受体,小胶质细胞传达,募集和协调炎性事件(Smith等,2012)。除了细胞因子分泌,吞噬细胞,其涉及小胶质细胞的形态学变化,也增加了他们作为CNS环境中环境稳态监护人的作用。病原体的小胶质细胞吞噬作用,细胞外蛋白质聚集体和凋亡细胞碎片抑制炎症和保护神经元(Fu et al。,2014)。除致病条件外,小神经胶质细胞吞噬也通过消除非功能性突触参与CNS发育和突触发生。缺乏或过量的小神经胶质细胞吞噬能力可导致突触连接异常和聚集蛋白沉积(Schafer et al。,2012; Lian et ...
