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Fluorescent mounting media

Company: Dako
Catalog#: S3023
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Isolation of Murine Primary Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells

Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) have been cultured for decades to study the role of these cells in cardiovascular disorders. The most common source of VSMCs is the rat aorta. Here we show the adaptation of this method to isolate and culture mouse aortic VSMCs. The advantage of this method is that there are many more transgenic mouse lines available compared to rats. The protocol consists of the isolation of the aorta, the liberation of vascular cells by the action of collagenase, culturing of VSCMs, and analyzing filamentous actin and alpha smooth muscle actin by fluorescence microscopy. VSCMs can be further used to study mechanisms underlying cardiovascular diseases.

Graphic abstract

Figure 1. Working steps

[摘要]  [摘要]血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)已培养了数十年,以研究这些细胞在心血管疾病中的作用。VSMC的最常见来源是大鼠主动脉。在这里,我们展示了此方法对分离和培养小鼠主动脉VSMC的适应性。这种方法的优点是,与大鼠相比,有更多的转基因小鼠系可用。该方案包括主动脉的分离,通过胶原酶的作用释放血管细胞,培养VSCM ,通过荧光显微镜分析丝状肌动蛋白和α平滑肌肌动蛋白。VSCM可进一步用于研究心血管疾病的潜在机制。


˚F igure 1.工作步骤


[背景]血管壁细胞(壁细胞)在多种疾病的调节中起着至关重要的作用,从高血压(Rodríguez-Vita等,2005a)和动脉粥样硬化(Rodríguez-Vita等,2008)到癌症( Wong等人,2020年),甚至最近还有COVID-19 (He等人,2020年)。毛细血管大部分被周细胞覆盖,而较大的血管在血管壁中含有VSCM。壁细胞通过血管收缩和血管舒张来控制血流。这样,吨哎是在几种药物靶,其降低血压(圣保罗等人,2020) ...

Generation of Functional Mouse Hippocampal Neurons
[Abstract]  Primary culture of mouse hippocampal neurons is a very useful in vitro model for studying neuronal development, axonal and dendritic morphology, synaptic functions, and many other neuronal features. Here we describe a step-by-step process of generating primary neurons from mouse embryonic hippocampi (E17.5/E18.5). Hippocampal neurons generated with this protocol can be plated in different tissue culture dishes according to different experimental aims and can produce a reliable source of pure and differentiated neurons in less than one week. This protocol covers all the steps necessary for the preparation, culture and characterization of the neuronal culture, including the illustration of dissection instruments, surgical procedure for embryos’ isolation, culturing conditions and ... [摘要]  [摘要] 原代培养小鼠海马神经元是一种非常有用的体外模型用于研究神经元的发育,轴突和树突的形态,突触功能,以及许多其他神经元的特征。这里我们描述了从小鼠胚胎海马(E17.5/E18.5)产生初级神经元的一步一步的过程。根据不同的实验目的,用该方法产生的海马神经元可以在不同的组织培养皿中进行培养,并能在不到一周的时间内产生一个可靠的来源。该方案涵盖了神经元培养物的制备、培养和鉴定的所有必要步骤,包括解剖器械的说明、胚胎分离的手术程序、培养条件以及培养物纯度和分化的评估。通过分析培养6天时的钙显像动力学来评估神经元的活性。

[背景] 海马体是一个非常典型的大脑结构,对重要的大脑功能如记忆、空间导航、情绪记忆和学习至关重要。从解剖学上讲,小鼠海马体有一个清晰的C形结构,很容易定位和分离。在细胞水平上,它主要由锥体细胞组成,与其他脑区相比,中间神经元和胶质细胞较少(Kaech和Banker,2006)。因此,海马体是从野生型或基因工程小鼠模型中产生高纯度原代神经元培养物的理想区域,可用于疾病建模或研究神经元功能的多个方面,如突触传递和电生理特性、对神经毒性的敏感性,分化与衰老(;;;;)。Busche,2018Koyama和Ikegaya,2018Molnar,2011Wu等人,2019Rush等人,2020年

已经制定了许多协议,通过与神经胶质喂食器共同培养神经元来产生皮层和海马神经元(Kaech和Banker,2006),描述了用水凝胶微纤维封装的星形胶质细胞的三维神经元培养系统(Kim等人,2020年),长期向培养基中补充生长因子神经元培养(Ray ...

Immunofluorescent Staining of Claudin-2 in Cultured Kidney Tubular Cells
[Abstract]  Members of the claudin family of tight junction proteins regulate paracellular permeability and modulate cell signaling. During junction remodeling, these proteins are selectively inserted into or retrieved from the tight junctions, but the control and coordination of these processes remain incompletely understood. Visualization of claudins allows the assessment of changes in their localization and abundance. We use the described protocol to stain claudin-2, but it can also be adapted to stain any tight junction protein. We found that using methanol for fixing allows the best preservation of claudin-2 both at the membrane and in cytoplasmic vesicles. Staining is done using a claudin-2 specific primary and a fluorescently labelled secondary antibody, along with DAPI to label nuclei. The ... [摘要]  [摘要 t] 紧密连接蛋白claudin家族的成员调节细胞旁通透性并调节细胞信号传导。在连接重塑过程中,这些蛋白被选择性地插入紧密连接或从紧密连接中检索出来,但是对这些过程的控制和协调仍不完全了解。claudins的可视化可以评估其定位和丰度的变化。我们使用所描述的方案对claudin-2染色,但它也可以用于染色任何紧密连接蛋白。我们发现使用甲醇进行固定可以使claudin-2在膜和细胞质囊泡中得到最佳保存。使用claudin-2特异性一抗和荧光标记的二抗以及与DAPI标记核一起进行染色。然后使用共聚焦显微镜对样品成像,并获得z堆栈,从而可以可视化连接和细胞内claudin-2。总的claudin-2信号可以在3D重建图像后使用Imaris 软件。

[背景 ] 紧密连接(TJ)是一种多蛋白复合物,位于连接上皮细胞的细胞间连接复合物的最顶端(Van Itallie和Anderson,2014)。这些结构产生通透性屏障和离子特异性旁细胞途径,维持apicobasal 极性,为各种重要功能提供输入并调节信号传导途径。位于TJs的蛋白可分为跨膜蛋白和相关的胞质蛋白(综述见(González-Mariscal ...
