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96-well plates


Company: Corning
Catalog#: 3897
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Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) Assay of Influenza Viruses with Monoclonal Antibodies
[Abstract]  Heamagglutination is inhibited when antibodies are present because antibodies to the influenza virus will prevent attachment of the virus to red blood cells. The highest dilution of antibody that prevents hemagglutination is called the HI titer. Human monoclonal antibodies generated from single human B cells were tested to characterize their ability to inhibit hemagglutination against virus A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) and A/Brisbane/10/2007 (H3N2). [摘要]  当存在抗体时,凝血抑制被抑制,因为针对流感病毒的抗体将阻止病毒附着于红细胞。 防止血细胞凝集的抗体的最高稀释度称为HI滴度。 测试从单个人B细胞产生的人单克隆抗体,以表征其抑制关于病毒A/California/07/2009(H1N1)和A/Brisbane/10/2007(H3N2)的凝血的能力。

Process and Analysis of Kidney Infiltrates by Flow Cytometry from Murine Lupus Nephritis
[Abstract]  Methods for the isolation and characterization of mononuclear phagocytes from the kidneys of mice with SLE are essential to understand the patho-physiology of the disease. Activation of these cells is associated with the onset of clinical disease in mice and infiltration with these cells is associated with poor prognosis in humans.An analysis of the function of these cells should lead to a better understanding of the inflammatory processes that lead to renal impairment in SLE and other renal inflammatory diseases. [摘要]  从SLE小鼠的肾中分离和表征单核吞噬细胞的方法对于了解疾病的病理生理学是必不可少的。 这些细胞的活化与小鼠中的临床疾病的发作相关,并且这些细胞的浸润与人类的不良预后相关。这些细胞的功能的分析应当导致更好地理解导致肾损伤的炎症过程 在SLE等肾性炎症性疾病中的应用。

Isolation of Dendritic Cells and Macrophages from the Murine Kidneys of Lupus by Cell Sorter
[Abstract]  Methods for the isolation and characterization of mononuclear phagocytes from the kidneys of mice with SLE are essential to understand the patho-physiology of the disease. Activation of these cells is associated with the onset of clinical disease in mice and infiltration with these cells is associated with poor prognosis in humans.An analysis of the function of these cells should lead to a better understanding of the inflammatory processes that lead to renal impairment in SLE and other renal inflammatory diseases.
[摘要]  从SLE小鼠的肾中分离和表征单核吞噬细胞的方法对于了解疾病的病理生理学是必不可少的。 这些细胞的活化与小鼠中的临床疾病的发作相关,并且这些细胞的浸润与人类的不良预后相关。这些细胞的功能的分析应导致更好地理解导致肾损伤的炎症过程 在SLE和其他肾脏炎性疾病中
