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手术刀 - #11

Company: Fine Science Tools
Catalog#: 10011-00
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Long-term Devocalization of Zebra Finches
[Abstract]  Songbirds, such as the zebra finch, are a popular animal model for studying the neural basis of vocal and complex skill learning. Adult male zebra finches produce courtship song toward females (referred to as ‘directed song’) and recording and analyzing sounds of directed song along with underlying neural activity is important for investigating behavioral and neural mechanisms of song production and learning. However, recording of directed song is easily contaminated by calls that are often as loud as directed songs and frequently produced by a female bird is presented in the same sound-recording chamber to elicit directed song. We developed a new surgical procedure to relatively easily and almost completely devocalize female zebra finches semi-permanently, without affecting other ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 鸣禽(例如斑马雀科)是一种流行的动物模型,用于研究声音和复杂技能学习的神经基础。成年男性斑马雀对女性产生求爱歌曲(被称为“定向歌曲”),记录和分析定向歌曲的声音以及潜在的神经活动对于调查歌曲产生和学习的行为和神经机制很重要。然而,定向歌曲的记录容易被通常与定向歌曲一样响亮并且通常由雌鸟产生的呼叫污染在同一录音室中以引起定向歌曲。我们开发了一个新的 外科手术程序可以相对轻松地,几乎完全消除半永久性地消除雌性斑马雀,而不会影响其他行为。此程序使研究人员可以录制定向歌曲,几乎不会受到女性呼叫的污染。该程序也可以用来消除雄鸟的声音,因此,对于各种实验目的,例如长期消除雄鸟唱歌过程中的听觉反馈,具有很大的潜力。

[背景 ] 正如人类婴儿学习与成人产生复杂的语音声音,年轻的鸣禽学习产生复杂发声(即在发展的关键时期,从成年导师,歌曲)。由于生命科学研究中的普通动物模型(例如小鼠和猴子)不表现出声音学习,因此鸣禽为研究声音学习的神经基础(人类语言获取的重要要素)提供了绝佳的机会(Doupe和Kuhl,1999; Bolhuis 等)等人,2010)。此外,鸟类的鸣叫学习严重依赖于神经节- 丘脑- ...

Human Endometrial Stem Cell Isolation from Endometrium and Menstrual Blood
[Abstract]  Human endometrial stem cell/stromal cells (hEnSCs) are isolated from endometrium or menstrual blood and are recognized as a valuable cell type in tissue engineering and cell therapy. Furthermore, hEnSCs, which have CD90 (a mesenchymal marker), CD105 (endoglin), CD44, CD146 (endometrial stem cell markers) and lack CD31 (Endothelial marker), CD34 (hematopoietic marker) and CD133 on the cell surface, are a new source of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells. Additionally, these cells can be encapsulated into self-assembling peptide nanofibers as a 3D scaffold for applications in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we describe a protocol to isolate hEnSCs from endometrium or menstrual blood. [摘要]  人类子宫内膜干细胞/基质细胞(hEnSCs)是从子宫内膜或经血中分离出来的,在组织工程和细胞治疗中被公认为有价值的细胞类型。 此外,在细胞表面具有CD90(间充质标记),CD105(内皮糖蛋白),CD44,CD146(子宫内膜干细胞标记)和缺乏CD31(内皮标记),CD34(造血标记)和CD133的hEnSCs是新的 间充质干细胞/基质细胞的来源。 此外,这些细胞可以封装成自组装肽纳米纤维作为三维支架应用于治疗神经退行性疾病。 在这里,我们描述了从子宫内膜或经血中分离hEnSC的方案。

【背景】正在研究细胞替代治疗,作为治疗神经退行性疾病(如阿尔茨海默病,中风和脊髓损伤)的新策略(Tavakol等人,2014b; 2015; 2016a和2016c)。子宫内膜干细胞/基质细胞(hEnSCs)可以从经血(Azedi等人,2014和2017)和子宫内膜分离。这些细胞具有脂肪形成(Khanmohammadi等人,2014),成骨(Darzi等人,2012)和软骨形成(Kazemnejad等人, >,2012)分化潜力。此外,这些细胞可以与支架组合用作组织工程应用中智能细胞支架的成分(Tavakol等人,2014a; 2016b和2017)。值得注意的是,诸如外来体,微泡和其他组分的细胞区室被认为比使用全细胞的治疗更安全。 ...

Assessing Long-distance Transport from Photosynthetic Source Leaves to Heterotrophic Sink Organs with [14C]CO2
[Abstract]  Phloem loading and transport of photoassimilate from photoautotrophic source leaves to heterotrophic sink organs are essential physiological processes that help the disparate organs of a plant function as a single, unified organism. We present three protocols we routinely use in combination with each other to assess (1) the relative rates of sucrose (Suc) loading into the phloem vascular system of mature leaves (Yadav et al., 2017a), (2) the relative rates of carbon loading and transport through the phloem (Yadav et al., 2017b), and (3) the relative rates of carbon unloading into heterotrophic sink organs, specifically roots, after long-distance transport (this protocol). We propose that conducting all three protocols on experimental and control plants provides a ... [摘要]  来自光合自养源的光合同化物的韧皮部装载和运输到异养宿主器官是必不可少的生理过程,其帮助植物的不同器官作为单一的统一生物体起作用。我们提出了三种方案,我们经常使用它们相互结合来评估(1)蔗糖(Suc)加载到成熟叶片的韧皮部血管系统中的相对比率(Yadav等人,2017a), (2)通过韧皮部的碳载量和运输的相对速率(Yadav等人,2017b),和(3)碳长期释放到异养池器官特别是根中的相对速率距离传输(这个协议)。我们建议,在实验和对照植物上进行所有三种方案提供了全植物碳分配的可靠比较,并且将与单独进行的单一方案相关联的歧义降至最低(Dasgupta等人,2014; Khadilkar 。,2016)。在该方案中,在源叶片和韧皮部装载和运输14 C标签到异养宿主器官中,[14 C] CO 2 2被光致同化,尤其是根,通过闪烁计数进行量化。使用该协议,我们证明在拟南芥的伴侣细胞中蔗糖转运蛋白和液泡质子泵激焦磷酸酶的过表达增强了14 C标记光合同化物向宿主器官的转运(Dasgupta <等人,2014; Khadilkar等人,2016)。这种方法可以适用于量化其他植物物种的长途运输。

【背景】通过从自养源器官到异养池的韧皮部的长途运输是植物生长和产量的基础。根据其在植物中的作用和位置及其在该地区的主要功能,韧皮部网络通常分为收集韧皮部,运输韧皮部和释放韧皮部(Ayre,2011)。收集韧皮部是糖和其他化合物装入韧皮部以准备运输的地方。在已建立的植物中,收集韧皮部是发生韧皮部负载的成熟,光自养叶子的小脉。我们的第一个伴侣协议(Yadav ...
