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C57Bl/6J mice

Company: Charles River Laboratories
Catalog#: 000664
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Behavioral Evaluation of Seeking and Preference of Alcohol in Mice Subjected to Stress
[Abstract]  The alcohol preference model is one of the most widely used animal models relevant to alcoholism. Stressors increase alcohol consumption. Here we present a protocol for a rapid and useful tool to test alcohol preference and stress-induced alcohol consumption in mice. In this model, animals are given two bottles, one with a diluted solution of ethanol in water, and the other with tap water. Consumption from each bottle is monitored over a 24-h period over several days to assess the animal’s relative preference for the ethanol solution over water. In the second phase, animals are stressed by restraining them for an hour daily and their subsequent preference of tap water or the ethanol solution is evaluated. Preference is measured by the volume and/or weight or liquid consumed daily, which ... [摘要]  酒精偏好模型是与酒精中毒相关的最广泛使用的动物模型之一。压力源增加酒精消耗。在这里,我们提出了一个快速和有用的工具协议,以测试小鼠的酒精偏好和压力诱导的酒精消费。在该模型中,给动物两瓶,一瓶用乙醇在水中稀释的溶液,另一瓶用自来水。在几天内监测每瓶的消耗24小时,以评估动物对乙醇溶液相对于水的相对偏好。在第二阶段,通过每天约束它们一小时来对动物施加压力,并评估它们随后对自来水或乙醇溶液的偏好。优选通过每日消耗的体积和/或重量或液体来测量,然后将其转换为优选比率。将酒精偏好模型与条件性位置偏好范例相结合,以确定DAT- Cnr2 > Cre重组条件性敲除(cKO)小鼠中多巴胺能神经元中CB2大麻素受体缺失后的酒精调节和偏好。与野生型对照小鼠比较。

【背景】可以通过动物模型研究酒精中毒和饮酒的许多方面。酒精诱导积极的强化,动物可以寻求酒精,甚至为它工作。然而,酒精也可以是负面强化,因为它能够减少焦虑。没有动物模型能够复制酗酒的复杂特征。口服乙醇自我施用被广泛用于检查与理解酒精中毒相关的行为和生理学的特定方面(Mardones和Segovia-Riquelme,1983; Cunningham 等人,>,2000)。小鼠可以在细胞类型特异性水平上进行遗传操作,因此对于研究酒精中毒的细胞类型特异性遗传决定因素是有价值的。

酒精偏好模型是与酒精中毒相关的最广泛使用的动物模型之一。该模型符合重要标准,即乙醇应自口服(Cicero,1980; ...

Assessing Classical Olfactory Fear Conditioning by Behavioral Freezing in Mice
[Abstract]  Classical fear conditioning typically involves pairing a discrete cue with a foot shock. Quantifying behavioral freezing to the learned cue is a crucial assay for neuroscience studies focused on learning and memory. Many paradigms utilize discrete stimuli such as tones; however, given mice are odor-driven animals and the wide variety of odorants commercially available, using odors as conditioned stimuli presents advantages for studies involving learning. Here, we describe detailed procedures for assembling systems for presenting discrete odor cues during single-day fear conditioning and subsequent analysis of freezing behavior to assess learning. [摘要]  经典的恐惧条件反射通常涉及将离散的线索与脚部震动配对。 量化对学习线索的行为冻结是针对学习和记忆的神经科学研究的关键分析。 许多范例利用诸如音调之类的离散刺激; 然而,鉴于小鼠是气味驱动的动物和商业上可获得的各种气味剂,使用气味作为条件刺激对于涉及学习的研究具有优势。 在这里,我们描述了用于组装系统的详细程序,该系统用于在单日恐惧条件反射期间呈现离散的气味线索并随后分析冷冻行为以评估学习。

【背景】联想恐惧学习是几种焦虑症的根源,涉及将中性刺激与厌恶结果配对。这种配对产生强烈的行为恐惧反应,以冷冻(LeDoux,2003)的形式,对条件刺激,可以量化为恐惧学习和记忆的量度。离散刺激,如音调,通常被用作恐惧条件反射的条件刺激;然而,嗅觉提示在诱导学习冷冻方面也非常有效(Pavesi et al。,2012; Ross and Fletcher,2018)。这种联想恐惧学习方法不同于利用捕食者气味的方法,这种方法产生本能行为而非学习行为,使其成为快速评估嗅觉学习的理想选择。行为冻结,定义为缺乏所有自愿运动(Blanchard和Blanchard,1969; ...

Combinations of Patch-Clamp and Confocal Calcium Imaging in Acutely Isolated Adult Mouse Amygdala Brain Slices
[Abstract]  Calcium imaging is a powerful technique in the study of neuronal physiology, as it avoids the enzyme treatment on neurons and is able to study the neuronal activities in vivo. Using calcium-imaging techniques, we are able to monitor the elevation of calcium in the neuron. Furthermore, we can combine calcium imaging with other methods, like whole-cell patch clamp recordings, to detect a single cell calcium signal in brain slices. In this protocol, we describe a detailed confocal imaging method that is combined with whole-cell patch clamp configuration using brain slices (Du et al., 2017). [摘要]  钙成像是神经生理学研究中的一项强有力的技术,因为它避免了对神经元的酶处理,并且能够研究体内的神经元活动。 使用钙成像技术,我们能够监测神经元中钙的升高。 此外,我们可以将钙成像与其他方法结合起来,如全细胞膜片钳记录,以检测脑切片中的单细胞钙信号。 在该协议中,我们描述了一种详细的共焦成像方法,该方法与使用脑切片的全细胞膜片钳配置相结合(Du et al。,2017)。

【背景】几十年来,脑切片已成功用于研究突触,神经元和神经回路。许多实验操作已经应用于脑切片模型,例如药物应用,细胞内记录和光学成像。与培养的神经元相比,脑切片保留了神经元回路的许多基本功能特性。钙成像是一种广泛使用的技术,旨在表明分离的细胞和组织的细胞内钙(Ca 2 + )状态。研究脑组织中的细胞内钙可以深入了解各种生理过程,如细胞增殖,信号转导,突触可塑性和细胞死亡,因为钙浓度在这些功能中起着关键作用(Cameron et al。,2016)。钙指示剂是一种荧光分子,它与Ca 2 + ...
