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Scalpel Blade #10

手术刀 - #10

Company: Fine Science Tools
Catalog#: 10010-00
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Preparing Immunolocalization Slides of Maize Meiotic Chromosomes for Three-dimensional Microscopy
[Abstract]  The protocol provides fully detailed steps for preparing microscopic slides of acrylamide-embedded maize meiotic cells. This method is particularly useful for examining chromatin structure and chromosome arrangement without destroying the three-dimensional organization of the nucleus. [摘要]  [摘要] 该协议提供了制备丙烯酰胺包埋的玉米减数分裂细胞显微玻片的完整详细步骤。该方法对于检查染色质结构和染色体排列而不破坏细胞核的三维结构特别有用。

[背景] 减数分裂是一个动态过程,涉及同源染色体配对,突触和重组。用于研究减数分裂蛋白的定位和动力学的细胞学分析对于了解这些过程的细节至关重要。在许多显微载玻片制备方法中,空间染色质的组织受到机械加工或化学溶剂的破坏。在这里,我们描述了三维显微镜协议,以分析染色质结构和减数分裂蛋白的定位,而不会干扰核组织。

Oral Microbiome Characterization in Murine Models
[Abstract]  The oral microbiome has been implicated as a trigger for immune responsiveness in the oral cavity, particularly in the setting of the inflammatory disease periodontitis. The protocol presented here is aimed at characterizing the oral microbiome in murine models at steady state and during perturbations of immunity or physiology. Herein, we describe murine oral microbiome sampling procedures, processing of low biomass samples and subsequent microbiome characterization based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing. [摘要]  口腔微生物组被认为是口腔免疫应答的触发因素,特别是在炎性疾病牙周炎的形成中。 这里提出的协议旨在描述在稳定状态和扰动免疫或生理学的小鼠模型中的口腔微生物群。 在此,我们描述了鼠类口腔微生物群落取样程序,低生物量样品的处理和随后的基于16S rRNA基因测序的微生物群鉴定。

【背景】微生物组在调节组织特异性免疫应答(特别是在屏障部位)中起关键作用(Belkaid和Harrison,2017)。在这些屏障环境中,例如胃肠道和皮肤,选择的共生物显示能够驱动特定免疫细胞群体的发育(Ivanov等人,2009; Naik等人。,2012)。我们的工作最近开始探索口腔微生物组在剪裁组织免疫力方面的影响,尤其是在牙龈处,一个脆弱的口腔屏障部位(Abusleme和Moutsopoulos,2016; Dutzan等人,2017)。

在人类中,众所周知口腔中含有丰富多样的微生物(Human Microbiome Project,2012)。口腔微生物群落的改变与常见的口腔疾病,牙周炎(一种影响牙龈组织并导致组织损伤的炎症)有关(Griffen等人,2012; Abusleme等人。,2013; Moutsopoulos et al 。,2015)。迄今为止,动物模型已经有助于解决微生物组在各种生理和病理条件中的作用(Turnbaugh等人,2006; ...

A Controlled Cortical Impact Mouse Model for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
[Abstract]  Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects millions of people worldwide; however, the immediate impact of TBI and the secondary injury mechanisms are still not fully understood. TBI can cause devastating neuromotor deficits in both acute and chronic stages. Time course studies utilizing animal models of focal TBI have provided essential insight into TBI neuropathology. Here, we describe a surgical technique for creating a mouse model of focal, mild TBI (Dixon et al., 1991; Smith et al., 1995; Bolkvadze and Pitkanen, 2012). Furthermore, we provide protocols for validating TBI models using behavioral tests that examine post-traumatic neuromotor deficits resulting from TBI neuropathology (Fujimoto et al., 2004; Febinger et al., 2015; Smith et al., 1995; ... [摘要]  创伤性脑损伤(TBI)影响全世界数百万人; 然而,TBI和继发性损伤机制的直接影响仍然没有完全理解。 TBI可以在急性和慢性阶段引起毁灭性的神经性运动缺陷。 使用局灶性TBI动物模型的时程研究提供了对TBI神经病理学的重要见解。 在这里,我们描述了用于产生局灶性,轻度TBI的小鼠模型的外科技术(Dixon等人,1991; Smith等人,1995; Bolkvadze和Pitkanen, 2012)。 此外,我们提供用于验证TBI模型的方案,其使用行为测试,其检查由TBI神经病理学产生的创伤后神经运动缺陷(Fujimoto等人,2004; Febinger等人, 2015; Smith 等人,1995; Bolkvadze和Pitkanen,2012)。
