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Company: VWR
Catalog#: 734-2056
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Histochemical Staining of Suberin in Plant Roots

Histological stains are useful tools for characterizing cell shape, arrangement and the material they are made from. Stains can be used individually or simultaneously to mark different cell structures or polymers within the same cells, and to visualize them in different colors. Histological stains can be combined with genetically-encoded fluorescent proteins, which are useful for understanding of plant development. To visualize suberin lamellae by fluorescent microscopy, we improved a histological staining procedure with the dyes Fluorol Yellow 088 and aniline blue. In the complex plant organs such as roots, suberin lamellae are deposited deep within the root on the endodermal cell wall. Our procedure yields reliable and detailed images that can be used to determine the suberin pattern in

[摘要]  [摘要]组织学染色是表征细胞形状,排列和其制成材料的有用工具。可以单独或同时使用污渍来标记同一细胞内的不同细胞结构或聚合物,并以不同的颜色对其进行可视化。组织学染色剂可以与遗传编码的荧光蛋白结合使用,这对于理解植物的发育非常有用。为了通过荧光显微镜观察木栓质片状细胞,我们改进了荧光黄088和苯胺蓝染料的组织学染色程序。在复杂的植物器官中,例如根部,木栓质薄片沉积在根部内的内胚层细胞壁上。我们的程序产生了可靠而详细的图像,可用于确定根细胞中的suberin模式。此协议的主要优点是它的效率,木栓质本地化的详细可视化它产生的根源,并返回到共焦图象进行分析和重新的可能性-评估数据如果必要的话。

[背景] Suberin是一种复杂的聚酯,与角质和木质素一起在陆地植物中形成物理屏障。在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana )中,木栓质主要积聚在表皮叶细胞的细胞壁,种皮,周皮和根部内胚层细胞的细胞壁中。从根本上说,木栓质沉积是动态过程(Barberon等,2016; Andersen等,2018; Ursache等,2020),其受各种营养胁迫,干旱胁迫和植物激素信号传导途径的调节(Baxter等)。等人,2009; Kosma等人,2014; ...

Real-time Analysis of Lateral Root Organogenesis in Arabidopsis
[Abstract]  Plants maintain capacity to form new organs such as leaves, flowers, lateral shoots and roots throughout their postembryonic lifetime. Lateral roots (LRs) originate from a few pericycle cells that acquire attributes of founder cells (FCs), undergo series of anticlinal divisions, and give rise to a few short initial cells. After initiation, coordinated cell division and differentiation occur, giving rise to lateral root primordia (LRP). Primordia continue to grow, emerge through the cortex and epidermal layers of the primary root, and finally a new apical meristem is established taking over the responsibility for growth of mature lateral roots [for detailed description of the individual stages of lateral root organogenesis see Malamy and Benfey (1997)]. To examine this highly dynamic ... [摘要]  植物在其胚后期内保持形成新的器官,例如叶,花,侧枝和根的能力。侧根(LR)源于几个获得创始细胞(FC)属性的周围细胞,经历一系列的背脊分裂,并产生几个短的初始细胞。起始后,发生协调的细胞分裂和分化,产生侧根原基(LRP)。原始状态继续生长,通过主根的皮层和表皮层出现,并且最终建立新的顶端分生组织,承担成熟侧根生长的责任[关于侧根根器官发生的各个阶段的详细描述,参见Malamy和Benfey(1997)]。为了检查这种高度动态的发育过程并且调查各种激素,遗传和环境因素在侧根器官发生的调节中的作用,基于实时成像的分析代表非常有力的工具(Laskowski等人 ,2008; De Smet等人,2012;Marhavý等人,2013;Marhavý等人,2014)。在这里,我们描述了用于实时侧根原基(LRP)分析的协议,其使得能够在原始器官发生期间监测特定基因表达和亚细胞蛋白定位的发生,以及评估遗传和环境扰动的影响对LRP器官发生的影响。
