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15 ml Falcon Conical Tubes 17/120MM

Company: Cellstar
Catalog#: 188271
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Zebrafish Embryo Xenograft and Metastasis Assay
[Abstract]  Xenograft models, and in particular the mouse xenograft model, where human cancer cells are transplanted into immunocompromised mice, have been used extensively in cancer studies. Although these models have contributed enormously to our understanding of cancer biology, the zebrafish xenograft model offers several advantages over the mouse model. Zebrafish embryos can be easily cultured in large quantities, are small and easy to handle, making it possible to use a high number of embryos for each experimental condition. Young embryos lack an efficient immune system. Therefore the injected cancer cells are not rejected, and the formation of primary tumors and micrometastases is rapid. Transparency of the embryos enables imaging of primary tumors and metastases in an intact and living embryo. ... [摘要]  异种移植模型,特别是小鼠异种移植模型,其中人癌细胞被移植到免疫受损小鼠中,已广泛用于癌症研究。尽管这些模型对我们对癌症生物学的理解做出了巨大贡献,但斑马鱼异种移植模型与鼠标模型相比具有多种优势。斑马鱼胚胎可以很容易地大量培养,体积小且易于处理,因此可以在每种实验条件下使用大量胚胎。年轻的胚胎缺乏有效的免疫系统。因此,注射的癌细胞不被排斥,并且原发性肿瘤和微转移的形成是快速的。胚胎的透明度使得能够在完整和活的胚胎中对原发性肿瘤和转移瘤进行成像。在这里,我们描述了一种方法,其中表达GFP的肿瘤细胞被注射到斑马鱼胚胎的心包空间。在注射后4天,对胚胎成像并分析原发性肿瘤和远端微转移的形成。

【背景】 斑马鱼( Danio rerio )是一种小型淡水鱼,不仅在发育生物学中,而且在生物医学中越来越受欢迎。快速发展的领域之一是使用斑马鱼作为癌症生物学研究的模型。斑马鱼高效可靠地交配,可以产生大量小,透明,外部发育的后代,可以在例如,多孔板中轻松培养(White et al。 >,2013)。有趣的是,人类肿瘤细胞可以植入斑马鱼胚胎中,许多异种移植物能够通过在胚胎中生长,侵入和转移来忠实地重演它们的恶性行为(Lee et al。,2005; Nicoli et al。,2007; Chapman et ...

Induction of Natural Competence in Genetically-modified Lactococcus lactis
[Abstract]  Natural competence can be activated in Lactoccocus lactis subsp lactis and cremoris upon overexpression of ComX, a master regulator of bacterial competence. Herein, we demonstrate a method to activate bacterial competence by regulating the expression of the comX gene by using a nisin-inducible promoter in an L. lactis strain harboring either a chromosomal or plasmid-encoded copy of nisRK. Addition of moderate concentrations of the inducer nisin resulted in concomitant moderate levels of ComX, which led to an optimal transformation rate (1.0 x 10-6 transformants/total cell number/g plasmid DNA). Here, a detailed description of the optimized protocol for competence induction is presented. [摘要]  在过度表达细菌能力的主要调节因子ComX后,天然能力可以在乳酸乳球菌亚种乳酸和 cremoris 中激活。 在本文中,我们展示了通过在 L中使用乳链菌肽诱导型启动子调节 comX 基因的表达来激活细菌能力的方法。 含有 nisRK 的染色体或质粒编码拷贝的lactis 菌株。 加入中等浓度的诱导剂乳链菌肽导致伴随的中等水平的ComX,其导致最佳转化率(1.0×10 2 sup / -6>转化子/总细胞数/ g质粒DNA)。 在此,提出了用于能力归纳的优化协议的详细描述。

【背景】自然能力是细菌通过专门的摄取机制获得外源DNA的过程,之后内化的DNA整合到其基因组中或作为质粒DNA维持。一些细菌在特定的环境触发因素如基因毒性应激或饥饿时进入能力状态(Seitz和Blokesch,2013; Blokesch,2016)。群体感应系统,如 comCDE 或 comRS ,控制着革兰氏阳性菌的自然能力的激活(Håvarstein et al。,1995; Pestova et al。,1996; Kleerebezem et al。,1997b; Fontaine et al。,2015)。更具体地说, comC 和 comS 编码信息素,而 comD 编码组氨酸激酶和 comE 和 comR 编码响应调节器(Håvarstein et al。,1995; ...

An Affinity-directed Protein Missile (AdPROM) System for Targeted Destruction of Endogenous Proteins
[Abstract]  We recently reported an Affinity-directed PROtein Missile (AdPROM) system for the targeted proteolysis of endogenous proteins of interest (POI) (Fulcher et al., 2016 and 2017). AdPROM consists of the Von Hippel Lindau (VHL) protein, a Cullin 2 E3 ligase substrate receptor (Bosu and Kipreos, 2008), conjugated to a high affinity polypeptide binder (such as a camelid nanobody) that recognises the target protein in cells. When introduced in cells, the target protein is recruited to the CUL2 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex for ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation. For target protein recruitment, we have utilised both camelid-derived VHH domain nanobodies as well as synthetic polypeptide monobodies based on the human type III fibronectin domain (Sha et al., 2013; Fridy et ... [摘要]  我们最近报道了一种针对内源性感兴趣蛋白(POI)的靶向蛋白水解的亲和指导PROtein导弹(AdPROM)系统(Fulcher等人,2016和2017)。 AdPROM由Von Hippel Lindau(VHL)蛋白组成,Cullin 2 E3连接酶底物受体(Bosu and Kipreos,2008),与识别细胞中靶蛋白的高亲和力多肽结合剂(如骆驼科纳米抗体)缀合。当在细胞中引入时,靶蛋白质被招募到CUL2 E3泛素连接酶复合体用于泛素介导的蛋白酶体降解。对于靶蛋白的募集,我们使用了基于人类III型纤连蛋白结构域的骆驼科动物来源的VHH结构域纳米抗体以及合成多肽单体(Sharm等人,2013; Fridy等人。,2014; Schmidt et al。,2016)。在此协议中,我们描述了生成AdPROM构建体及其在人细胞系中用于靶蛋白质破坏的详细方法。 AdPROM允许对POI进行功能表征,并且其目标蛋白质破坏的效率克服了RNA干扰方法的许多局限性,这些方法需要长时间的治疗并与脱靶效应相关联,而CRISPR / Cas9基因编辑并不总是可行的。
【背景】该协议使人们能够在哺乳动物细胞系中设计,构建和表达AdPROM VHL-nano ...
