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EDTA, 0.5 M, pH 8.0


Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: AM9260G
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Charging State Analysis of Transfer RNA from an α-proteobacterium
[Abstract]  Transfer RNA (tRNA) is an essential link between the genetic code and proteins. During the process of translation, tRNA is charged with its cognate amino acid and delivers it to the ribosome, thus serving as a substrate of protein synthesis. To analyze the charging state of a particular tRNA, total RNA is purified and analyzed on an acid-urea gel. Separated RNA is then transferred to a membrane and detected with a probe for the tRNA of interest. Here, we present an improved protocol to analyze the tRNA charging state in the α-proteobacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Compared to the classical method, the RNA isolation step is optimized to suit this organism. Additionally, a non-radioactive platform is used for electrophoresis and Northern blots. This significantly reduces ... [摘要]  [摘要]转移RNA(tRNA)是遗传密码与蛋白质之间的重要纽带。在翻译过程中,tRNA带有其同源氨基酸,并将其传递至核糖体,因此可作为蛋白质合成的底物。为了分析特定tRNA的电荷状态,纯化总RNA并在酸性尿素凝胶上进行分析。然后将分离的RNA转移到膜上并用目标tRNA的探针进行检测。在这里,我们提出了一种改进的协议来分析α-变形杆菌Rhodopseudomonas palustris中的tRNA充电状态 。与传统方法相比,优化了RNA分离步骤以适合这种生物。另外,非放射性平台用于电泳和RNA印迹。这显着减少了此协议所需的时间和精力。

[背景] tRNA的主要功能是,与其他翻译因素的帮助,以确保mRNA的蛋白质的准确的翻译。氨基酰基-tRNA(带电)将氨基酸带到核糖体中以延长肽段,然后释放不带电荷的tRNA。tRNA的充电状态主要取决于可用资源(即氨基酸)及其被核糖体的消耗量。为了分析细胞tRNA的充电状态,已经开发了使用酸性脲凝胶分离总RNA并通过Northern印迹检测感兴趣的tRNA的方法(Janssen等人,2012; ...

Fluidigm Based Single-cell Gene Expression Library Preparation from Patient-derived Small Intestinal Organoids
[Abstract]  In this protocol, we describe our methods to isolate crypts from patients' biopsy samples and to culture human intestinal stem cells as it’s called “organoid.” Beyond that, we describe how to dissociate organoids cells into single cells for single-cell analysis as a further application. This protocol should provide investigators sufficient tools to generate human organoids from biopsy samples and to accomplish a stable in-vitro assay system. [摘要]  [摘要]在此协议中,我们描述了从患者的活检样本中分离隐窝并培养人类肠干细胞(称为“类器官”)的方法。除此之外,我们还介绍了如何将类器官细胞分解为单细胞以进行单细胞分析,作为进一步的应用。该方案应为研究人员提供足够的工具,以从活检样品中产生人类器官并完成稳定的体外测定系统。

[背景]肠上皮是一个多功能组织即编排动态平衡并形成物理屏障。由肠干细胞(ISC)产生的每个肠上皮细胞(IEC)每4-5天更新一次该上皮(Crosnier等,2006 )。ISC位于隐窝的底部,并表达各种文献先前报道的特定标记(Muñoz等,2012 ;Clevers ,2013 )。研究表明,干细胞正确更新的功能障碍与肠道疾病有关,对ISCs动态的了解可能阐明了包括炎症性肠病(IBD)在内的各种疾病的发病机制(Okamoto et al。,2016 )。

然而,由于缺乏能概括生理性肠上皮层的有效模型,因此对肠干细胞特性的研究具有挑战性。史诗般的“类器官”的引入克服了种种障碍(Sato等人,2009和2011 ),可以从单个ISC体外建立类器官,并忠实地保留其起源组织的生理和病理特征(Middendorp等人)。 。,2014 )。类器官已被用于各种胃肠道疾病解剖基础病理变化(Fatehullah 。等人,2016; Noben等人,2017 ...

Probe-Seq: Method for RNA Sequencing of Specific Cell Types from Animal Tissue
[Abstract]  Most organs and tissues are composed of many types of cells. To characterize cellular state, various transcription profiling approaches are currently available, including whole-tissue bulk RNA sequencing, single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq), and cell type-specific RNA sequencing. What is missing in this repertoire is a simple, versatile method for bulk transcriptional profiling of cell types for which cell type-specific genetic markers or antibodies are not readily available. We therefore developed Probe-Seq, which uses hybridization of gene-specific probes to RNA markers for isolation of specific types of cells, to enable downstream FACS isolation and bulk RNA sequencing. We show that this method can enable isolation and profiling of specific cell types from mouse retina, frozen human ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 大多数器官和组织由许多类型的细胞组成。为了表征细胞状态,目前可以使用各种转录分析方法,包括全组织体RNA测序,单细胞RNA测序(scRNA -Seq)和特定于细胞类型的RNA测序。在此库中缺少的是一种简单,通用的方法,无法批量获得细胞类型的特定基因标记或抗体,因此无法批量转录。因此,我们开发了Probe-Seq,该探针使用基因特异性探针与RNA标记的杂交来分离特定类型的细胞,以实现下游FACS分离和大量RNA测序。我们表明,该方法可以实现从小鼠视网膜,冷冻人视网膜,果蝇中肠和发育中的雏鸡视网膜中分离和分析特定细胞类型的特征,这表明它对大多数生物很有用。

[背景技术 [ 0002 ] 在过去的二十年中,使用RNA-Seq和微阵列进行转录谱分析已在生物学研究中无处不在。分析现在是用来了解大多数生物体中细胞和细胞状态的主要工具之一。它被用于正常发育,异常发育和疾病的研究,并极大地扩展了我们对进化关系的理解。特别地,scRNA- Seq已经以前所未有的速度导致了新型细胞类型的鉴定(Picelli 等,2013;Jaitin 等,2014; Klein 等,2015; Macosko 等,2015)。为了更深入地了解这些新描述的细胞类型,一种无需转基因标记或特异性抗原即可将其分离的方法将大有裨益。尽管可以使用scRNA ...
