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Round-bottom tube

Company: BD
Catalog#: 352058
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Mono Sodium Urate Crystal-induced Peritonitis for in vivo Assessment of Inflammasome Activation
[Abstract]  Due to its particulate material, mono-sodium urate (MSU) crystals are potent activators of the NOD-like receptor NLRP3. Upon activation, NLRP3 induces the formation of inflammasome complexes, which lead to the production and release of mature IL-1β. Bioactive IL-1β is a potent activator of innate immune responses and promotes recruitment of inflammatory cells, including neutrophils from the blood into damaged/inflamed tissues. This protocol describes a method to study in vivo inflammasome activation via intraperitoneal injection of MSU crystals. MSU-injection results in a drastic increase of intraperitoneal IL-1β levels, promoting neutrophil infiltration. Early-stage neutrophil numbers correlate with the amount of released IL-1β and can be used as a read-out for the extent of in ... [摘要]  由于其颗粒物质,单钠尿酸盐(MSU)晶体是NOD样受体NLRP3的有效激活剂。在激活后,NLRP3诱导炎性复合体的形成,其导致成熟IL-1β的产生和释放。生物活性IL-1β是先天性免疫应答的有效激活剂,并促进炎性细胞(包括来自血液的嗜中性粒细胞)向受损/发炎组织中的募集。该协议描述了通过腹膜内注射MSU晶体研究体内炎性体活化的方法。 MSU注射导致腹膜内IL-1β水平急剧增加,促进嗜中性粒细胞浸润。早期嗜中性粒细胞数与释放的IL-1β的量相关并且可以用作体内炎性体活化程度的读数。此外,该方案也可用作无菌性腹膜炎模型,以研究嗜中性粒细胞向腹膜募集的机制,或作为获得大量体内活化的嗜中性粒细胞的手段。

【背景】先天性免疫细胞通过一组模式识别受体(PRR)识别病原体,其与病原体表面上的进化保守结构结合或通过连接其它危险相关分子模式。这些受体的一个家族是NOD-样受体(NLR),其对细胞内入侵的病原体和/或细胞内危险信号起反应(Meylan等,2006)。包括一些NLR在内的几种PRR能够诱导形成所谓的炎症复合体,所述炎性复合体介导pro-IL-1β,pro-IL-18和其他IL-1家族细胞因子的蛋白水解活化(Martinon等人,2002)。由于IL-1β和IL-18的强烈促炎特性,炎性体激活是高度调节的两步过程,涉及pro-IL-1β/ ...

Generation of Busulfan Chimeric Mice for the Analysis of T Cell Population Dynamics
[Abstract]  This protocol was developed to generate chimeric mice in which T lymphocytes could be stratified by age on the basis of congenic marker expression. The conditioning drug busulfan is used to ablate host haematopoietic stem cells while leaving the peripheral immune system intact. Busulfan treatment is followed by bone marrow transplantation (BMT), with T-cell depleted donor bone marrow bearing a different congenic marker (CD45.2) to that of the host mouse (CD45.1). New cell production post-BMT can thus be tracked by measuring the fraction of CD45.2+ cells over time within a population of interest (Hogan et al., 2015; Gossel et al., 2017). [摘要]  该方案被开发用于生成嵌合小鼠,其中T淋巴细胞可以根据同基因标志物表达的年龄进行分层。 白藜芦醇调理药物用于消融宿主造血干细胞,同时使外周免疫系统保持完整。 接受白消安治疗的是骨髓移植(BMT),T细胞耗竭的供体骨髓携带与宿主小鼠(CD45.1)不同的同基因标记(CD45.2)。 因此可以通过在感兴趣的群体内随时间测量CD45.2 +细胞的比例来追踪新的细胞生成后BMT(Hogan等人,2015; Gossel ,2017)。

【背景】骨髓嵌合体是研究免疫系统发育和功能的有价值的工具。典型地,通过照射宿主小鼠然后用供体骨髓移植产生嵌合体。辐射对造血系统造成相当大的损害,并且完全免疫重建在移植后延迟数周至数月(Fry和Mackall,2005)。由此产生的淋巴细胞减少期促使幼稚T细胞的自发性增殖和获得类似记忆的表型(Goldrath等人,2004)。为了避免辐射引起的免疫稳态的紊乱,我们把注意力转向调理药物白消安。白消安是一种烷化剂,对造血干细胞(HSC)有毒性,但不会耗竭循环淋巴细胞(Westerhof等人,2000; Hsieh等人,2007) 。在白消安调理和骨髓移植(BMT)之后,嵌合体与未处理的对照没有区别:它们具有正常数量的幼稚和记忆CD4和CD8T细胞,并且这些细胞表达增殖标记Ki67的正常水平(Hogan等人。,2015; Gossel ...
