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5 mL Polystyrene round Bottom tube with cell strainer cap

Company: BD
Catalog#: 352235
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Dual Fluorescence Cytometry Assay to Assess Cellular Protein Levels
[Abstract]  Expression levels of cellular proteins can be affected by various perturbations, such as genetic knockout of interactors, drug treatments or cell stress. To specifically measure the effects on protein levels post-synthesis under different experimental conditions, it is important to compensate for transcriptional and other upstream changes. Here, we provide a protocol for a dual-fluorescence flowcytometry-based assay to determine protein levels. The protein of interest is genetically linked to enhanced GFP (eGFP) followed by a viral 2A self-cleaving peptide sequence and mCherry. As a result, translation of the reporter construct leads to two fluorescent protein products from the same mRNA template, which enables unambiguous protein expression analysis with normalization across samples. [摘要]  [摘要 ] 表达水平的细胞蛋白质可受各种扰动,如基因敲除交互件,药物治疗小号或细胞压力。具体测量对蛋白质水平合成后在不同的实验条件,重要的是要补偿对于转录等上游的变化在这里,我们提供了一个协议为双- 荧光流。流式细胞仪为基础的检测,以确定蛋白质水平目的蛋白是遗传关联增强GFP(EGFP 其次是病毒2A自身切割肽)序列和mCherry结果,报告子构建体的翻译会导致来自同一mRNA模板的两个荧光蛋白产物,这使得能够进行明确的蛋白表达分析,并对整个样品进行归一化处理。

背景 ] 合成和维护的Cellu 拉尔在p- Roteins取决于多进程,从转录调节,处理和降解mRNA中翻译,折叠,本地化,翻译后修饰和蛋白质降解(沃格尔而且马科特,2012) 。具体研究的。在蛋白水平合成后的细胞扰动的影响,这一点很重要,以弥补变异上游步骤蛋白表达在这里,我们提供了一个协议的双- 荧光流术为基础的检测,以确定蛋白质水平处于稳定状态如前所述(Itakura 等人,2016; Chitwood 等人,2018; Ngo 等人,2019)。目的蛋白在基因上与增强的GFP(eGFP )融合,随后是病毒2A自切割肽序列和一个第二种荧光蛋白,mCherry (图1),由于在2A s时核糖体跳过了肽键,融合构建体的翻译产生了两种蛋白质产物,其比例为1:1。ite:与eGFP 和mCherry ...

HIVGKO: A Tool to Assess HIV-1 Latency Reversal Agents in Human Primary CD4+ T Cells
[Abstract]  While able to suppress HIV replication in HIV infected individuals, combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) fails to eliminate viral latent reservoir, which consists in integrated transcriptional silenced HIV provirus. So far, identification of latently-infected cells has relied on activating cells to induce expression of HIV proteins which can then be detected. Unfortunately, this activation significantly changed the cell phenotype. We developed a novel HIV reporter, named HIVGKO, that allows the purification of latently-infected cells in absence of reactivation. Indeed, latent cells can be identified by expression of the EF1a-driven mKO2 and lack of expression of the LTR-driven csGFP. This protocol can be used to study the effectiveness of LRAs (Latency Reversal Agents) in ... [摘要]  虽然能够抑制HIV感染个体中的HIV复制,但联合抗逆转录病毒疗法(ART)无法消除病毒潜伏性储库,其包含整合的转录沉默的HIV原病毒。 到目前为止,潜伏感染细胞的鉴定依赖于激活细胞以诱导HIV蛋白的表达,然后可以检测到这些蛋白的表达。 不幸的是,这种激活显着改变了细胞表型。 我们开发了一种名为HIV GKO 的新型HIV报告基因,可以在没有再激活的情况下纯化潜伏感染的细胞。 实际上,可以通过EF1a驱动的mKO2的表达和LTR驱动的csGFP的缺乏表达来鉴定潜伏细胞。 该方案可用于研究LCA(潜伏期逆转剂)在原代细胞中重新激活潜伏HIV的有效性。

【背景】新版双标记病毒(HIV GKO )含有5'LTR中HIV-1启动子控制下的密码子转换eGFP(csGFP)和一种独特的无关荧光蛋白 mKO2在细胞延伸因子αα启动子(EF1α)的控制下。 当使用与遗传相关的荧光蛋白时,由于重组问题,在这些报道分子中使用不相关的荧光蛋白是很重要的。 因此,生产性感染的细胞主要是csGFP + mKO2 + (有些可能只是GFP + ),而潜伏感染的细胞是csGFP - mKO2 + 。 流式细胞仪如分拣机AriaII允许纯化纯感染人群(生产性,潜伏性和/或未感染),而分析仪LSRII允许评估HIV GKO LTR的转录激活。 感染后的时间很短。

Zebrafish Embryo Xenograft and Metastasis Assay
[Abstract]  Xenograft models, and in particular the mouse xenograft model, where human cancer cells are transplanted into immunocompromised mice, have been used extensively in cancer studies. Although these models have contributed enormously to our understanding of cancer biology, the zebrafish xenograft model offers several advantages over the mouse model. Zebrafish embryos can be easily cultured in large quantities, are small and easy to handle, making it possible to use a high number of embryos for each experimental condition. Young embryos lack an efficient immune system. Therefore the injected cancer cells are not rejected, and the formation of primary tumors and micrometastases is rapid. Transparency of the embryos enables imaging of primary tumors and metastases in an intact and living embryo. ... [摘要]  异种移植模型,特别是小鼠异种移植模型,其中人癌细胞被移植到免疫受损小鼠中,已广泛用于癌症研究。尽管这些模型对我们对癌症生物学的理解做出了巨大贡献,但斑马鱼异种移植模型与鼠标模型相比具有多种优势。斑马鱼胚胎可以很容易地大量培养,体积小且易于处理,因此可以在每种实验条件下使用大量胚胎。年轻的胚胎缺乏有效的免疫系统。因此,注射的癌细胞不被排斥,并且原发性肿瘤和微转移的形成是快速的。胚胎的透明度使得能够在完整和活的胚胎中对原发性肿瘤和转移瘤进行成像。在这里,我们描述了一种方法,其中表达GFP的肿瘤细胞被注射到斑马鱼胚胎的心包空间。在注射后4天,对胚胎成像并分析原发性肿瘤和远端微转移的形成。

【背景】 斑马鱼( Danio rerio )是一种小型淡水鱼,不仅在发育生物学中,而且在生物医学中越来越受欢迎。快速发展的领域之一是使用斑马鱼作为癌症生物学研究的模型。斑马鱼高效可靠地交配,可以产生大量小,透明,外部发育的后代,可以在例如,多孔板中轻松培养(White et al。 >,2013)。有趣的是,人类肿瘤细胞可以植入斑马鱼胚胎中,许多异种移植物能够通过在胚胎中生长,侵入和转移来忠实地重演它们的恶性行为(Lee et al。,2005; Nicoli et al。,2007; Chapman et ...
