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Macro Zoom Microscope

Company: Olympus
Catalog#: MVX10
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Surgical Induction of Endometriosis in Female Mice
[Abstract]  Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. It is frequently associated with pain, infertility and a reduced quality of life, and it lacks adequate treatment. Several rodent models of endometriosis have been developed through heterologous and homologous transplantation of endometrial tissue into the abdominal compartment. Here we describe a surgical procedure to generate a syngeneic model of endometriosis in immunocompetent mice with intact uterine and ovarian tissues. In this model, four uterine fragments from a donor mouse at diestrus are sutured to the abdominal wall of a recipient mouse. One month after surgeries, endometrial implants develop into cysts with glandular epithelium and stroma, mimicking ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 子宫内膜异位症是一种常见的妇科疾病,其特征是子宫腔外存在子宫内膜组织。它经常与疼痛,不育和生活质量下降有关,并且缺乏适当的治疗。子宫内膜异位症的几种啮齿动物模型是通过将子宫内膜组织异源和同源移植到腹腔中而开发的。在这里,我们描述了在具有完整子宫和卵巢组织的免疫功能小鼠中产生子宫内膜异位症的同基因模型的手术程序。在该模型中,将来自供体小鼠在二头肌的四个子宫碎片缝合到受体小鼠的腹壁上。手术一个月后,子宫内膜植入物发展成具有腺上皮和间质的囊肿,模仿了子宫内膜异位症女性中观察到的子宫内膜异位病变。因此,该小鼠模型为研究子宫内膜异位症的病理生理学和潜在治疗方法的有效性提供了有价值的工具。

[背景 ] 子宫内膜异位是由子宫外子宫内膜组织的生长所定义的一种慢性妇科疾病,主要在骨盆和腹部表面生长(Zondervan et al。,2018)。它影响了育龄妇女的10%,并且与疼痛,不孕症和生活质量下降有关(Fourquet 等人,2011;Márki 等人,2017; Zondervan 等人,2018)。子宫内膜异位症的可用药物和手术疗法具有不良作用,并且无法长期缓解症状(Falcone和Flyckt,2018年)。因此,需要新的治疗策略,其发展依赖于动物模型的建立,该模型概括了临床子宫内膜异位症的病理生理和行为特征。


Zebrafish Bacterial Infection Assay to Study Host-Pathogen Interactions
[Abstract]  The study of host-pathogen interactions has improved our understanding of both pathogenesis and the response of the host to infection, including both innate and adaptive responses. Neutrophils and macrophages represent the first line of innate host defense against any infection. The zebrafish is an ideal model to study the response of these cells to a variety of pathogens. Zebrafish possess both neutrophils and macrophages exhibiting similar defense mechanisms to their human counterparts. The transparency of zebrafish embryos greatly facilitates in vivo tracking of infection dynamics in a non-invasive manner at high-resolution using labelled pathogens, while immune cells can also be labelled transgenically to enable even more in-depth analysis. Here we describe a procedure for ... [摘要]  

[ 文摘动作 ] 宿主-病原体相互作用的研究已经提高了我们既发病机制和宿主对INFE响应的理解ction,包括先天性和适应性应答。中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞是抵抗任何感染的先天宿主防御的第一线。斑马鱼是研究这些细胞对多种病原体反应的理想模型。斑马鱼同时具有嗜中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞表现出荷兰国际集团类似的防御机制,它们人的相应。斑马鱼胚胎的透明性极大地促进了体内 使用标记的病原体以非侵入性的方式以高分辨率跟踪感染动态,同时还可以通过转基因方式标记免疫细胞,以进行更深入的分析。在这里,我们描述了一种方法,用于执行一个在斑马鱼中的细菌感染测定胚胎使用荧光标记的大肠杆菌细菌和演示感染动力学的监测和定量。值得注意的是,该程序有助于理解对驱动先天免疫应答至关重要的基因的功能作用。

[ 背景 ] 宿主-病原体相互作用的研究是重要的是了解疾病的发病机理,也为有效治疗药物的开发。需要确定宿主和病原体的多个方面,以确定宿主中的潜在危险因素和病原体中的关键毒力因素。先天性免疫是抵抗感染的第一道防线,它会引发一连串的反应,包括炎症,中和和适应性免疫系统各组分的募集(Akira et ...

Boron Uptake Assay in Xenopus laevis Oocytes
[Abstract]  Boron (B) is essential for plant growth and taken up by plant roots as boric acid. Under B limitation, B uptake and translocation in plants are dependent on the boric acid channels located in the plasma membrane. Xenopus leavis oocyte is a reliable heterologous expression system to characterize transport activities of boric acid channels and related major intrinsic proteins (aquaporins). Here, we outline the protocols for expression of boric acid channels and boric acid uptake assay in Xenopus leavis oocytes. [摘要]  硼(B)对植物生长至关重要,并被植物根部吸收为硼酸。 在B限制下,植物中的B吸收和转运依赖于位于质膜中的硼酸通道。 非洲爪蟾卵母细胞是一种可靠的异源表达系统,用于表征硼酸通道和相关主要内在蛋白(水通道蛋白)的运输活性。 在这里,我们概述了在非洲爪蟾卵母细胞中表达硼酸通道和硼酸摄取测定的方案。

【背景】硼对植物生长是必不可少的,但是它在积累时是有毒的。硼通过鼠李糖聚半乳糖醛酸II区果胶多糖的交联在细胞壁中具有结构功能(Funakawa和Miwa,2015)。在溶液中,B主要以生理pH下的硼酸形式存在[B(OH)3 H 2 O 2 B(OH)4] + - (p k a = 9.24)]。硼酸是一种小的中性分子,因此在生物膜上显示出显着的被动扩散(Dordas等人,2000)。此外,植物利用属于主要内在蛋白质(MIP,水通道蛋白)家族的硼酸通道和硼酸盐出口者(BOR家族)来维持B体内平衡(Takano等人,2008)。

最初,玉米PIP1在非洲爪蟾卵母细胞中表达并且显示出促进硼酸摄入比注水卵母细胞高30%(Dordas et al。 2000>)。然后,显示拟南芥NIP5; 1促进硼酸摄取比注水卵母细胞高5至9倍(Takano等人,2006)。与发现缺乏NIP5; ...
