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Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: S9137
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Extraction of Small Molecules from Fecal Samples and Testing of Their Activity on Microbial Physiology
[Abstract]  The human body is colonized by vast communities of microbes, collectively known as microbiota, or microbiome. Although microbes colonize every surface of our bodies that is exposed to the external environment, the biggest collection of microbes colonizing humans and other mammals can be found in the gastrointestinal tract. Given the fact that the human gut is colonized by several hundred microbial species, our group hypothesized that the chemical diversity of this environment should be significant, and that many of the molecules present in that environment would have important signaling roles. Therefore, we devised a protocol to extract these molecules from human feces and test their signaling properties. Potentially bioactive extracts can be tested through addition to culture medium and ... [摘要]  人体被巨大的微生物群体统称为微生物群体或微生物群体。尽管微生物在我们身体的每一个暴露于外部环境的表面上定殖,但人类和其他哺乳动物中最大量的微生物可以在胃肠道中找到。鉴于人类肠道已被数百种微生物物种繁殖,我们的团队假设这种环境的化学多样性应该是显着的,并且该环境中存在的许多分子将具有重要的信号传导作用。因此,我们制定了一个协议,从人类粪便中提取这些分子并测试其信号特性。可以通过添加培养基并分析细菌生长和基因表达以及其他性质来测试潜在的生物活性提取物。本文描述的方案提供了一种简便且快速的方法,用于使用肠道沙门氏菌作为模型生物体从粪便样品中提取和测试代谢物。该方案还可以适用于从其他基质如培养的哺乳动物细胞,组织,体液和无菌微生物培养物中提取小分子,并且可以针对各种微生物物种测试所得提取物。

【背景】复杂的微生物群落生活在人类和人类身上,将暴露于外部环境的每个表面都定殖。几十年来,这些社区已经获得了几个教派,其中包括正常的植物群,微生物群和最近的微生物群(Sekirov等人,2010年; ...

Immunofluorescence Analysis of Human Endocervical Tissue Explants Infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae
[Abstract]  Colonization and penetration of the epithelium is the infection-initiating route of mucosal pathogens. The epithelium counteracts infection by eliciting host cell responses while maintaining the mucosal barrier function. The obligate human sexually transmitted bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, or gonococcus (GC) infects the female reproductive tract primarily from the endocervical epithelium. Due to lack of an infection model that mimics all aspects of human infections in the female reproductive tract, GC pathogenesis is poorly understood. This protocol takes advantage of the viability and functional integrity of human cervical tissues propagated in culture to generate an ex vivo infection model. This tissue model maintains the nature of the infection target and ... [摘要]  上皮的定植和穿透是粘膜病原体的感染启动途径。 上皮细胞通过引发宿主细胞应答来抵抗感染,同时维持粘膜屏障功能。 专性人类性传播细菌淋病奈瑟氏球菌或淋球菌属(GC)主要从宫颈内膜上皮感染女性生殖道。 由于缺乏模仿女性生殖道人类感染的各个方面的感染模型,GC发病机制知之甚少。 该方案利用培养物中繁殖的人宫颈组织的生存力和功能完整性来产生体外感染模型。 这种组织模型保持了感染目标和环境的性质,而没有任何操作,如病毒永生化上皮细胞。 使用免疫荧光显微镜,分析GC与子宫颈上皮细胞的相互作用。

【背景】淋病奈瑟菌(GC)感染人类生殖器上皮,引起淋病,一种常见的性传播感染。女性感染可导致严重的并发症,如盆腔炎,引起输卵管瘢痕和堵塞,易发生异位妊娠或不孕。由于抗生素耐药菌株的流行率增加,淋病又成为重要的公共卫生问题。由于人类是GC的唯一宿主,因此缺乏模仿人类感染各个方面的感染模型是推进我们对GC发病机理的理解的主要障碍。我们建立了人宫颈组织外植体模型和免疫荧光显微镜分析来检测GC感染妇女GC感染的主要部位人间宫颈细胞的机制。这种体外模型保持了宫颈上皮细胞的正常细胞构筑和组织完整性。使用这种模型和免疫荧光分析,我们表明,气相色氨酸定居和渗透到子宫颈组织,在那里他们可能导致症状和播散性淋球菌感染。 ...

Evolution of Escherichia coli to Macrophage Cell Line
[Abstract]  The genomes of species of Escherichia coli (E. coli) show an extraordinary amount of diversity, which include commensal strains and strains belonging to different pathovars. Many strains of E. coli, which can cause mild or severe pathologies in humans, have a commensal ancestor. Understanding the evolutionary changes that can lead to a transition from commensal to pathogen is an important task, which requires integration of different methodologies. One method is experimental evolution of bacteria, in controlled environments, that mimic some of the selective pressures, likely to be important during the transition to pathogenesis. The success of such a transition will depend, at least partially, on ability of E. coli to adapt to the presence of cells of ... [摘要]  大肠杆菌物种的基因组(大肠杆菌)显示出非凡的多样性,其包括共生菌株和属于不同病原体的菌株。许多菌株。大肠杆菌,其可引起人类的轻度或严重病理,具有共生祖先。了解可导致从共生转变为病原体的进化变化是一项重要任务,需要整合不同的方法。一种方法是在受控环境中的细菌的实验进化,其模拟一些选择性压力,在向发病过渡期间可能是重要的。这种转变的成功将至少部分地取决于E的能力。大肠杆菌以适应免疫系统细胞的存在。在这里,我们描述了用于进行共生应变的实验进化的方案。大肠杆菌,在充分研究的K12的衍生物,在先天免疫系统的细胞施加的恒定选择压力下,特别是RAW 264.7鼠巨噬细胞细胞系。
