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Sodium pyruvate

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 11360039
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Isolation of Microvascular Endothelial Cells
[Abstract]  The vascular endothelium is essential to normal vascular homeostasis. Its dysfunction participates in various cardiovascular disorders. Murine endothelial cell culture is an important tool for cardiovascular disease research. This protocol demonstrates a quick, efficient method for the isolation of microvascular endothelial cells from murine tissues without any special equipment. To isolate endothelial cells, the lung or heart were mechanically minced and enzymatically digested with collagenase and trypsin. The single cell suspension obtained was then incubated with an anti-CD31, anti-CD105 antibody and with biotinylated isolectin B-4. The endothelial cells were harvested using magnetic bead separation with rat anti-mouse Ig- and streptavidin-conjugated microbeads. Endothelial cells were ... [摘要]  血管内皮是正常血管稳态所必需的。其功能障碍参与各种心血管疾病。小鼠内皮细胞培养是心血管疾病研究的重要工具。该协议演示了一种快速,有效的方法从小鼠组织中分离微血管内皮细胞而无需任何特殊设备。为了分离内皮细胞,将肺或心脏机械切碎并用胶原酶和胰蛋白酶进行酶促消化。然后将获得的单细胞悬浮液与抗CD31,抗CD105抗体和生物素化的异凝集素B-4温育。使用大鼠抗小鼠Ig-和链霉亲和素缀合的微珠,使用磁珠分离收获内皮细胞。扩张内皮细胞并收集用于随后的分析。这些培养物的形态和表型特征在培养10代以上保持稳定。在任何阶段没有过度生长的非内皮来源的污染细胞。

【背景】微血管内皮细胞通过调节白细胞再循环和作为T淋巴细胞的抗原呈递细胞而在免疫应答的发展中起中心作用。内皮的良好状态对血管稳态很重要。功能失调的内皮参与各种心血管疾病,包括动脉粥样硬化,血管炎和缺血/再灌注损伤(Cid et al。,2004; Wang等人,2007)。因此,体外培养的内皮细胞培养物是研究血管生理学和疾病病理学的重要工具。然而,分离原代鼠类内皮细胞被认为是特别困难的,因为大多数描述的方案涉及用消化酶灌注器官或大血管和耗时的纯化过程(Gumkowski等人,1987) 。

该协议的目的是提供一种简单的方法,不需要使用任何特殊设备即可从肺/心脏中分离和扩展内皮细胞。使用这种方法,我们以前补充了体内研究,证明了CD31信号传导在内皮细胞细胞保护中的重要性(Cheung等人,2015年)。 ...

Assessing the Efficacy of Small Molecule Inhibitors in a Mouse Model of Persistent Norovirus Infection
[Abstract]  Human norovirus is the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis worldwide, resulting in estimated mortality of ~210,000 each year, of whom most are children under the age of five. However, norovirus can infect people of all age groups. There is a risk of prolonged infection in children, the elderly and patients who are immunocompromised. To study the inhibition of persistent norovirus replication by small molecule antivirals in vivo, we used a murine norovirus CR6 strain (MNV.CR6). We demonstrated earlier that efficient small molecules can reduce viral shedding in the stool of infected mice. Here we present how to generate the MNV.CR6 virus stock, infect type I and II interferon receptor knockout AG129 mice via oral gavage, administer antivirals to mice, and quantify viral ... [摘要]  人类诺瓦克病毒是全球急性胃肠炎最常见的原因,估计每年约有210,000人死亡,其中大部分是5岁以下的儿童。 然而,诺如病毒可以感染所有年龄组的人。 儿童,老年人和免疫功能低下的患者有长期感染的风险。 为研究体内小分子抗病毒剂对持续诺如病毒复制的抑制作用,我们使用鼠诺沃克病毒CR6株(MNV.CR6)。 我们之前表明,高效小分子可以减少感染小鼠粪便中的病毒脱落。 在这里,我们介绍如何产生MNV.CR6病毒,通过口服灌胃感染I型和II型干扰素受体敲除AG129小鼠,给小鼠施用抗病毒药物,并量化这些小鼠粪便中的病毒基因组拷贝。

【背景】人诺瓦克病毒是胃肠炎的重要原因。尽管大多数诺罗病毒感染是急性和自限性的,但是在具有免疫缺陷状态的患者中,尤其是在实体器官和造血干细胞移植受体,接受化疗的患者和患有AIDS的患者中,感染可能变成慢性的(Westhoff等人, / em>,2009; Green,2014; Angarone 等。,2016)。在幼儿和老年人中也观察到延长的诺如病毒感染,导致疾病持续时间增加,排便增加和病毒脱落长达47天(Murata等人,2007; ...

Live-cell Imaging of Neisseria meningitidis Microcolony Dispersal Induced by Lactate or Other Molecules
[Abstract]  To efficiently colonize the nasopharyngeal epithelium, the human restricted pathogen Neisseria meningitidis follows a multistep adhesion cascade. First, the bacteria adhere to host cells and aggregate into spherical shaped structures called microcolonies. Several hours later, single bacteria start dispersing from the microcolonies and form a monolayer on top of the host cells. Once in proximity to host cells meningococci can adhere tightly to the epithelial surface or become internalized. This can eventually result in invasion of the mucosal surfaces and gain access to the bloodstream, causing a life-threatening disease. Lactate, a metabolite derived from human epithelial cells, has been previously shown to induce rapid dispersal of N. meningitidis from microcolonies. ... [摘要]  为了有效地定居鼻咽上皮,人类限制性病原体脑膜炎奈瑟氏球菌遵循多步粘附级联。首先,细菌粘附到宿主细胞并聚集成称为微菌落的球形结构。几个小时后,单细菌开始从微菌落分散并在宿主细胞上形成单层。一旦接近宿主细胞,脑膜炎球菌可紧密地粘附在上皮表面或内化。这最终可能导致粘膜表面的侵入并进入血液,导致危及生命的疾病。乳酸是一种来源于人类上皮细胞的代谢物,之前已被证明能诱导N的快速分散。 meningitidis 来自微菌落。在这里,我们描述基于活细胞成像的宿主细胞自由方法来检查宿主来源的乳酸对N的时间的影响。 meningitides microcolony扩散。虽然在这个协议中我们使用乳酸盐,它可以很容易地修改,以测试其他分子的影响。

【背景】ñ。脑膜炎是引起败血症和/或脑膜炎的专性人类病原体。鼻咽上皮的初始附着和随后形成的小菌落是建立感染的第一步。为了导致疾病N。脑膜炎奈瑟球必须穿过鼻咽粘膜上皮屏障,其天然储库,并进入血液(Stephens,2009; ...
