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Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: A412
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Nonenzymatic RNA-templated Synthesis of N3′→P5′ Phosphoramidate DNA
[Abstract]  The RNA world hypothesis describes a scenario where early life forms relied on RNA to govern both inheritance and catalyze useful chemical reactions. Prior to the emergence of enzymes capable of replicating the RNA genome, a nonenzymatic replication process would have been necessary to initiate Darwinian Evolution. However, the one-pot nonenzymatic RNA chemical copying of templates with mixed-sequences is insufficient to generate strand products long enough to encode useful function. The use of alternate (RNA-like) genetic polymers may overcome hurdles associated with RNA copying, and further our understanding of nonenzymatic copying chemistry. This protocol describes the nonenzymatic copying of RNA templates into N3′→P5′ phosphoramidate DNA (3′-NP-DNA). We describe, in detail, the ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] RNA世界假说描述了一种场景,即早期生命形式依赖于RNA来控制遗传和催化有用的化学反应。在能够复制RNA基因组的酶出现之前,必须进行非酶复制过程以启动达尔文进化论。然而,具有混合序列的模板的一锅法非酶RNA化学复制不足以产生足够长的链产物以编码有用的功能。使用替代的(类似RNA的)遗传聚合物可以克服与RNA复制相关的障碍,并进一步我们对非酶复制化学的理解。该协议描述了将RNA模板非酶复制到N3'→P5' 氨基磷酸酯中的过程DNA(3'-NP-DNA)。我们详细描述了被2-氨基咪唑(3'-NH 2 -2AIpddN)活化的3'-氨基-2',3'-二脱氧核糖核苷酸单体的合成及其在模板指导的聚合反应中的用途。

[背景 ] 的Prim itive生命形式可能包括能够复制和功能的基因组中,一空间限定的隔室中包封的(绍斯塔克等人,2001;绍斯塔克,2012;布莱恩和Szostak,2014) 。在能够复制RNA基因组的酶出现之前,非酶复制过程可能是启动达尔文进化所必需的(Szostak,2012和2017)。由于RNA具有催化重要的化学反应(例如蛋白质合成)并在现代生物学环境中充当遗传信息载体的能力,因此它是原始遗传聚合物的逻辑候选物。


Biochemical Analysis of Dimethyl Suberimidate-crosslinked Yeast Nucleosomes
[Abstract]  Nucleosomes are the fundamental unit of eukaryotic chromosome packaging, comprised of 147 bp of DNA wrapped around two molecules of each of the core histone proteins H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. Nucleosomes are symmetrical, with one axis of symmetry centered on the homodimeric interaction between the C-termini of the H3 molecules. To explore the functional consequences of nucleosome symmetry, we designed an obligate pair of H3 heterodimers, termed H3X and H3Y, allowing us to compare cells with single or double H3 alterations. Our biochemical validation of the heterodimeric X-Y interaction included intra-nucleosomal H3 crosslinking using dimethyl suberimidate (DMS). Here, we provide a detailed protocol for the use of DMS to analyze yeast nucleosomes. [摘要]  核小体是真核染色体包装的基本单元,由围绕核心组蛋白H2A,H2B,H3和H4中的每一个的两个分子包裹的147bp DNA组成。 核小体是对称的,一个对称轴以H3分子的C-末端之间的同源二聚体相互作用为中心。 为了探索核小体对称性的功能性后果,我们设计了一对特异性H3异二聚体,称为H3X和H3Y,使我们能够比较具有单一或双重H3改变的细胞。 我们对异二聚体X-Y相互作用的生物化学验证包括使用二甲基琥珀三酸酯(DMS)进行的核内H3交联。 在这里,我们提供了使用DMS来分析酵母核小体的详细方案。


对于单个核小体内H3X-H3Y相互作用的生化验证,我们生成了表达细菌生物素连接酶BirA,N-末端V5-标记的H3X和N-末端生物素接受表位标记的H3Y的酵母菌株(Beckett等人, 1999)。 ...
