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NuPAGETM MES SDS Running buffer (20x)

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: NP0002
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An in vitro Co-culture System for the Activation of CD40 by Membrane-presented CD40 Ligand versus Soluble Agonist
[Abstract]  One fundamental property of the TNR receptor (TNFR) family relates to how ‘signal quality’ (the extent of receptor ligation or cross-linking) influences the outcome of receptor ligation, for instance the induction of death in tumour cells. It is unequivocal that membrane-presented ligand (delivered to target cells via cell-surface presentation by co-culture with ligand-expressing third-party cells) induces a greater extent of carcinoma cell death in vitro in comparison to non-cross-linked agonists (agonistic antibodies and/or recombinant ligands). The CD40 receptor epitomises this fundamental property of TNF receptor-ligand interactions, as the extent of CD40 cross-linking dictates cell fate. Membrane-presented CD40 ligand (mCD40L), but not soluble agonists (e.g., ... [摘要]  TNR受体(TNFR)家族的一个基本特性涉及“信号质量”(受体连接或交联的程度)如何影响受体连接的结果,例如肿瘤细胞中的死亡诱导。毫无疑问,膜呈递配体(通过与表达配体的第三方细胞共培养通过细胞表面呈递递送至靶细胞)在体外诱导更大程度的癌细胞死亡非交联激动剂(激动性抗体和/或重组配体)。 CD40受体集中体现了TNF受体 - 配体相互作用的这种基本特性,因为CD40交联的程度决定了细胞命运。膜呈递CD40配体(mCD40L),但不是可溶性激动剂(例如,激动性抗CD40抗体),诱导高水平的促炎细胞因子分泌并导致恶性肿瘤细胞广泛死亡(细胞凋亡)但不是正常的)上皮细胞。在本文中,我们描述了通过mCD40L激活CD40并随后检测细胞凋亡的各种特征(包括细胞膜透化,DNA片段化,半胱天冬酶活化)以及细胞内细胞死亡介质检测的共培养系统(包括衔接蛋白,促凋亡激酶和活性氧,ROS)。

【背景】TNFR及其配体在调节淋巴组织以及上皮(尤其是癌)细胞中的细胞增殖或死亡中的作用已经在广泛研究中,因为它们诱导细胞死亡(主要通过细胞凋亡)的能力代表了有希望的目标。用于癌症治疗。然而,重要的是,当以可溶性对膜结合形式存在时,TNFR激动剂引发细胞死亡的能力存在明显差异。当作为单独治疗施用时,可溶性激动剂通常表现出相对低的细胞毒性效力,而膜呈递的配体似乎是优越的(Albarbar ...

Preparation of Cerebellum Granule Neurons from Mouse or Rat Pups and Evaluation of Clostridial Neurotoxin Activity and Their Inhibitors by Western Blot and Immunohistochemistry
[Abstract]  Cerebellar Granule Neurons (CGN) from post-natal rodents have been widely used as a model to study neuronal development, physiology and pathology. CGN cultured in vitro maintain the same features displayed in vivo by mature cerebellar granule cells, including the development of a dense neuritic network, neuronal activity, neurotransmitter release and the expression of neuronal protein markers. Moreover, CGN represent a convenient model for the study of Clostridial Neurotoxins (CNT), most notably known as Tetanus and Botulinum neurotoxins, as they abundantly express both CNT receptors and intraneuronal substrates, i.e., Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor activating protein receptors (SNARE proteins). Here, we describe a protocol for obtaining a highly pure ... [摘要]  来自产后啮齿动物的小脑颗粒神经元(CGN)已被广泛用作研究神经元发育,生理学和病理学的模型。 CGN体外培养维持成熟小脑颗粒细胞在体内显示的相同特征,包括发育致密的神经炎网络,神经元活动,神经递质释放和神经元的表达 蛋白质标记。 此外,CGN代表了梭菌神经毒素(CNT)研究的便利模型,最着名的是破伤风和肉毒杆菌神经毒素,因为它们大量表达CNT受体和神经元内基质, ie ,可溶性N-乙基马来酰亚胺 - 敏感因子激活蛋白受体(SNARE蛋白)。 在这里,我们描述了从出生后大鼠/小鼠获得高纯度CGN培养物的方案和用CNT中毒的简便方法。 我们还说明了评估CNT活性及其抑制的方便方法。

【背景】梭菌神经毒素(CNT)的大家族由破伤风神经毒素(TeNT)和肉毒杆菌神经毒素(BoNT)的多种变体形成,它们分别是破伤风和肉毒中毒的神经麻痹毒素(Schiavo et al。,2000; Johnson和Montecucco,2008; Rossetto et al。,2014)。 TeNT,七种BoNT血清型(BoNT / A至/ G)及其许多亚型是金属蛋白酶,通过切割SNARE蛋白(可溶性N-乙基马来酰亚胺敏感因子激活蛋白受体),三种必需蛋白质来阻断神经递质的释放而引起神经麻痹。控制突触小泡与突触前质膜的融合(Rossetto et al。,2014; ...
