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100% Normal Goat Serum

Catalog#: 005-000-121
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Isolation, Culture, and Differentiation of Primary Myoblasts Derived from Muscle Satellite Cells
[Abstract]  The skeletal muscle is key for body mobility and motor performance, but aging and diseases often lead to progressive loss of muscle mass due to wasting or degeneration of muscle cells. Muscle satellite cells (MuSCs) represent a population of tissue stem cells residing in the skeletal muscles and are responsible for homeostatic maintenance and regeneration of skeletal muscles. Growth, injury, and degenerative signals activate MuSCs, which then proliferate (proliferating MuSCs are called myoblasts), differentiate and fuse with existing multinuclear muscle cells (myofibers) to mediate muscle growth and repair. Here, we describe a protocol for isolating MuSCs from skeletal muscles of mice for in vitro analysis. In addition, we provide a detailed protocol on how to culture and ... [摘要]  [摘要] 骨骼肌是身体活动和运动表现的关键,但是衰老和疾病通常会由于肌肉细胞的浪费或变性而导致肌肉质量的逐步丧失。肌卫星细胞(MuSCs)代表的组织STE群体米细胞小号居住在骨骼肌和负责骨骼肌的体内平衡维持和再生。生长,损伤和变性信号激活MuSC,然后增殖(增殖的MuSC被称为成肌细胞),分化并与现有的多核肌肉细胞(肌纤维)融合,以介导肌肉的生长和修复。在这里,我们描述了从小鼠骨骼肌中分离MuSC的体外实验方案分析。此外,我们提供了有关如何将原代成肌细胞培养和分化成肌管的详细协议,以及用于表征细胞的免疫荧光染色程序。这些方法对于在体外模拟再生肌生成以了解MuSC 的动力学,功能和分子调控至关重要。

[背景] 通过多种细胞功能维持肌肉的动态平衡,对于保持肌肉的完整性至关重要。组织特异性成体干细胞能够在整个生命中连续不断地再生局部组织。在成年骨骼肌中,称为肌肉卫星细胞(MuSC)的干细胞群具有强大的再生能力,这是肌肉动态平衡的关键(Yin 等人,2013; Dumont 等人,2016)。静态MuSC位于与肌肉纤维并列的基底层下方的壁iche中,负责肌肉的生长和再生(Yin 等人,2013; Dumont 等人,2016)。


Preserve Cultured Cell Cytonemes through a Modified Electron Microscopy Fixation
[Abstract]  Immunocytochemistry of cultured cells is a common and effective technique for determining compositions and localizations of proteins within cellular structures. However, traditional cultured cell fixation and staining protocols are not effective in preserving cultured cell cytonemes, long specialized filopodia that are dedicated to morphogen transport. As a result, limited mechanistic interrogation has been performed to assess their regulation. We developed a fixation protocol for cultured cells that preserves cytonemes, which allows for immunofluorescent analysis of endogenous and over-expressed proteins localizing to the delicate cellular structures. [摘要]  培养细胞的免疫细胞化学是用于确定细胞结构内蛋白质的组成和定位的常用且有效的技术。 然而,传统的培养细胞固定和染色方案不能有效地保存培养的细胞色素,长期专门用于形态发生转运的丝状伪足。 结果,进行了有限的机械审讯以评估其监管。 我们开发了一种用于培养细胞的固定方案,该方案保留了细胞质,允许对内源性和过表达的蛋白质进行免疫荧光分析,这些蛋白质定位于脆弱的细胞结构。

【背景】Cytonemes被分类为薄的(~200nm直径)基于肌动蛋白的丝状伪足,长度超过2μm,可以转运形态发生素(Ramírez-Weber和Kornberg,1999)。这些信号结构首先在发育中的 Drosophila 翼成像盘中进行了详细分类和描述,随后在小鼠,小鸡和斑马鱼模型生物中进行了观察(Ramírez-Weber和Kornberg,1999; Sanders et al。,2013; Stanganello et al。,2015)。在大多数情况下,只有对过表达的荧光标记蛋白进行实时成像才能进行细胞色素检测。由于传统的固定方案未能保存这些脆弱的细丝,因此对培养细胞的细胞色素的检查受到限制。这些并发症一直是决定在发育和组织稳态期间驱动细胞色素形成和功能的细胞机制以及确定这些过程是否在疾病中被破坏的限制因素。

为了克服这些限制,我们开发了一种基于修饰电子显微镜固定剂(MEM-fix)的方案,该方案可以保留培养细胞的细胞质。 ...

Preparation of Precisely Oriented Cryosections of Undistorted Drosophila Wing Imaginal Discs for High Resolution Confocal Imaging
[Abstract]  The combination of immunofluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSM) is essential to high-resolution detection of molecular distribution in biological specimens. A frequent limitation is the need to image deep inside a tissue or in a specific plane, which may be inaccessible due to tissue size or shape. Recreating high-resolution 3D images is not possible because the point-spread function of light reduces the resolution in the Z-axis about 3-fold, compared to XY, and light scattering obscures signal deep in the tissue. However, the XY plane of interest can be chosen if embedded samples are precisely oriented and sectioned prior to imaging (Figure 1). Here we describe the preparation of frozen tissue sections of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, which allows us to ... [摘要]  免疫荧光和激光扫描共聚焦显微镜(LSM)的组合是高分辨率检测生物样品中分子分布的关键。频繁的限制是需要在组织内或在特定的平面深处进行成像,这可能由于组织大小或形状而不可接近。因为与XY相比,光的点扩散函数将Z轴的分辨率降低了约3倍,并且光散射使组织中的深层信号模糊,所以不可能重新创建高分辨率3D图像。然而,如果嵌入的样品在成像之前被精确地定向和切片,则可以选择感兴趣的XY平面(图1)。在这里,我们描述的果蝇翅成像光盘的冰冻组织切片的准备,这使得我们能够获得高分辨率的图像,在整个这个折叠上皮的深度。

图1.上皮结构和未畸变的折叠模式在发育果蝇翅膀的这个冰冻部分的整个深度中都被揭示出来。通过机翼囊横向背腹节。 A.冷冻切片显示贯穿上皮深度的信号的α-连环蛋白(A',A“,洋红色)的细胞核(A,绿色)和亚细胞分布。基底表面清晰可辨(箭头)。 A是“A的数字增强图像”。 B.在显示为XZ正交视图的自顶向下视图中收集的图像的Z-堆叠揭示了α-连环蛋白(B',B“)甚至数字增强图像(B”)的细胞核(B)但很少可辨别的细节。未能揭示基底上皮表面(箭头)。 ...
