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PBS, pH 7.4

PBS,pH 7.4

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 10010002
Other protocol()

Isolation of Mouse Embryo Fibroblasts
[Abstract]  Preparation of primary cultures of embryo fibroblasts from genetically engineered mouse strains can provide a valuable resource for analyzing the consequences of genetic alterations at the cellular level. Mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) have been particularly useful in cancer research, as they have facilitated the identification of the genetic changes that allow cells to overcome senescence and proliferate indefinitely in culture. The immortalized MEFs can then acquire additional mutations that lead to anchorage-independent growth and the ability to form tumors in mice. Recently we developed an MEF model system for analysis of the role of the tumor suppressor gene DLC1 in cellular transformation (Qian et al., 2012). In this communication we describe a protocol for the ... [摘要]  来自基因工程小鼠品系的胚成纤维细胞的原代培养物的制备可以提供用于分析细胞水平的遗传改变的后果的有价值的资源。 小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞(MEF)已经在癌症研究中特别有用,因为它们促进了允许细胞克服衰老并且在培养中无限增殖的遗传变化的鉴定。 永生化MEF然后可获得导致锚定非依赖性生长和在小鼠中形成肿瘤的能力的其它突变。 最近我们开发了用于分析肿瘤抑制基因DLC1在细胞转化中的作用的MEF模型系统(Qian等人,2012)。 在这种沟通中,我们描述了从第13.5天14.5小鼠胚胎中分离MEF的方案。 通过该方法获得的MEF适用于生化测定和进一步的遗传操作。
