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LDN 193189

Company: Stemgent
Catalog#: 04-0074
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Small Molecule-Based Retinal Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
[Abstract]  Retinal degeneration leads to loss of light-sensing photoreceptors eventually resulting in vision impairment and impose a heavy burden on both patients and the society. Currently available treatment options are very limited and mainly palliative. Ever since the discovery of human pluripotent stem cell technologies, cell replacement therapy has become a promising therapeutic strategy for these patients and may help restore visual function. Reproducibly generating enriched retinal cells including retinal progenitors and differentiated retinal neurons such as photoreceptors using human embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in a dish is an essential first step for developing stem cell-based therapies. In addition, this will provide a reliable and sufficient supply ... [摘要]  视网膜变性导致光感受器丧失,最终导致视力损害,并给患者和社会带来沉重的负担。目前可用的治疗方案非常有限,主要是姑息治疗。自从人类多能干细胞技术的发现以来,细胞替代疗法已成为这些患者的有希望的治疗策略,并可能有助于恢复视觉功能。使用人类胚胎干(ES)细胞和诱导多能干(iPS)细胞在培养皿中重现性地产生包括视网膜祖细胞和分化的视网膜神经元(例如光感受器)的富集视网膜细胞是开发基于干细胞的治疗的重要的第一步。此外,这将为研究疾病机制提供可靠和充足的人类视网膜细胞供应。在这里,我们描述了一种小分子视网膜诱导协议,已被用于生成视网膜祖细胞和分化的视网膜神经元,包括来自几个人ES和iPS细胞系的光感受器。通过该方案产生的视网膜细胞可以在视网膜下移植后的几个月内存活并且功能性地整合到正常和患病的小鼠视网膜中。



Obtaining Multi-electrode Array Recordings from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell–Derived Neurons
[Abstract]  Neuronal electrical properties are often aberrant in neurological disorders. Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs)-derived neurons represent a useful platform for neurological disease modeling, drug discovery and toxicity screening in vitro. Multi-electrode array (MEA) systems offer a non-invasive and label-free platform to record neuronal evoked-responses concurrently from multiple electrodes. To better detect the neural network changes, we used the Axion Maestro MEA platform to assess neuronal activity and bursting behaviors in hiPSC-derived neuronal cultures. Here we describe the detailed protocol for neuronal culture preparation, MEA recording, and data analysis, which we hope will benefit other researchers in the field. [摘要]  神经元电特性在神经疾病中经常是异常的。 人诱导的多能干细胞(hiPSC)衍生的神经元代表神经疾病建模,药物发现和体外毒性筛选的有用平台。 多电极阵列(MEA)系统提供了一个非侵入性的无标记平台,可同时记录来自多个电极的神经元诱发反应。 为了更好地检测神经网络变化,我们使用了Axion Maestro MEA平台来评估hiPSC衍生的神经元培养物中的神经元活动和爆裂行为。 在这里,我们描述了神经元培养准备,MEA记录和数据分析的详细方案,我们希望这将有益于该领域的其他研究人员。

膜片钳和多电极阵列(MEA)技术是用于评估电生理学活性并由此评估神经元功能的主要技术。尽管膜片钳是研究单个细胞的活性和功能的强大的细胞内方法(Neher等人,1978),MEA平板具有记录细胞外动作电位(或尖峰)的能力,和同一板中数千个不同细胞同时的局部场电位,从而更好地理解网络水平的神经元活动(Hutzler等人,2006; ...
