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Company: SPL Life Sciences
Catalog#: 50050
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Intracellular and Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Measurement in Primary Cultured Neurons
[Abstract]  Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are chemically reactive oxygen containing molecules. ROS consist of radical oxygen species including superoxide anion (O2•−) and hydroxyl radical (•OH) and non-radical oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), singlet oxygen (O2). ROS are generated by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, environmental stresses including UV or heat exposure, and cellular responses to xenobiotics (Ray et al., 2012). Excessive ROS production over cellular antioxidant capacity induces oxidative stress which results in harmful effects such as cell and tissue damage. Sufficient evidence suggests that oxidative stresses are involved in cancers, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative diseases including ... [摘要]  活性氧物质(ROS)是化学活性的含氧分子。 ROS由自由基氧物种组成,包括超氧化物阴离子(O2-)和羟基自由基(·OH)以及非自由基氧物种如过氧化氢(H


ROS是由线粒体中消耗的一小部分氧产生的。线粒体中产生的ROS的主要种类是超氧化物阴离子,它是电子传递链的副产物(Batandier等人,2002)。为了检测线粒体中的超氧化物,使用MitoSOX红色,线粒体超氧化物指示剂。由于三苯基鏻基团带正电,MitoSOX红可以有效地穿透磷脂双分子层,并积聚在线粒体基质中。此外,MitoSOX红的氢化乙啶可使研究人员区分超氧化物介导的氧化产物与其他非特异性信号产生的荧光信号(Robinson等人,2006; ...

Human Endometrial Stem Cell Isolation from Endometrium and Menstrual Blood
[Abstract]  Human endometrial stem cell/stromal cells (hEnSCs) are isolated from endometrium or menstrual blood and are recognized as a valuable cell type in tissue engineering and cell therapy. Furthermore, hEnSCs, which have CD90 (a mesenchymal marker), CD105 (endoglin), CD44, CD146 (endometrial stem cell markers) and lack CD31 (Endothelial marker), CD34 (hematopoietic marker) and CD133 on the cell surface, are a new source of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells. Additionally, these cells can be encapsulated into self-assembling peptide nanofibers as a 3D scaffold for applications in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we describe a protocol to isolate hEnSCs from endometrium or menstrual blood. [摘要]  人类子宫内膜干细胞/基质细胞(hEnSCs)是从子宫内膜或经血中分离出来的,在组织工程和细胞治疗中被公认为有价值的细胞类型。 此外,在细胞表面具有CD90(间充质标记),CD105(内皮糖蛋白),CD44,CD146(子宫内膜干细胞标记)和缺乏CD31(内皮标记),CD34(造血标记)和CD133的hEnSCs是新的 间充质干细胞/基质细胞的来源。 此外,这些细胞可以封装成自组装肽纳米纤维作为三维支架应用于治疗神经退行性疾病。 在这里,我们描述了从子宫内膜或经血中分离hEnSC的方案。

【背景】正在研究细胞替代治疗,作为治疗神经退行性疾病(如阿尔茨海默病,中风和脊髓损伤)的新策略(Tavakol等人,2014b; 2015; 2016a和2016c)。子宫内膜干细胞/基质细胞(hEnSCs)可以从经血(Azedi等人,2014和2017)和子宫内膜分离。这些细胞具有脂肪形成(Khanmohammadi等人,2014),成骨(Darzi等人,2012)和软骨形成(Kazemnejad等人, >,2012)分化潜力。此外,这些细胞可以与支架组合用作组织工程应用中智能细胞支架的成分(Tavakol等人,2014a; 2016b和2017)。值得注意的是,诸如外来体,微泡和其他组分的细胞区室被认为比使用全细胞的治疗更安全。 ...
