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Rat tail collagen I, in 0.02N acetic acid, conc. approx. 10 mg/ml

Corning ®胶原I,高浓度,大鼠尾,100mg

Company: Corning
Catalog#: 354249
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Isolation of Mouse Cardiac Neural Crest Cells and Their Differentiation into Smooth Muscle Cells
[Abstract]  Cardiac neural crest cells (CNCCs) originate at the dorsal edge of the neural tube between the otic pit and the caudal edge of the 3rd somite, and migrate into the pharyngeal arches and the heart. We have shown that fibronectin (Fn1) plays an important role in the development of the CNCC by regulating the differentiation of CNCCs into vascular smooth muscle cells around pharyngeal arch arteries (Wang and Astrof, 2016). This protocol describes the isolation of CNCCs from the neural tube and from the caudal pharyngeal arches, and the differentiation of neural crest-derived cells into smooth muscle cells. This protocol was adapted from (Newgreen and Murphy, 2000; Pfaltzgraff et al., 2012). [摘要]  心脏神经嵴细胞(CNCC)起源于神经管的背部边缘,位于第3个体节的耳穴和尾缘之间,并迁移到咽弓和心脏。 我们已经表明,纤连蛋白(Fn1)通过调节CNCCs到咽弓动脉周围的血管平滑肌细胞的分化,在CNCC的发展中起重要作用(Wang and Astrof,2016)。 该方案描述了CNCC与神经管和尾尾弓的分离,以及神经嵴衍生细胞分化成平滑肌细胞。 该方案从(Newgreen和Murphy,2000; Pfaltzgraff等人,2012)改编。
【背景】以前发表的方案描述了从神经管分离神经嵴细胞。然而,在耳孔和第三体细胞之间的神经管区域中的神经嵴细胞包括有助于许多不同细胞类型的神经嵴细胞群体;例如,迷走神经嵴细胞也来自该区域。在该方案中,我们修改了用于分离心脏神经嵴细胞的常规方法。而不是使用神经管,我们在胚胎期(E)9.5(22-25个体节期)使用尾部咽部弓形区。这是在将心脏神经嵴细胞分化为血管平滑肌细胞之前。神经嵴培养物通常含有污染性间充质细胞,通常表达平滑肌基因。为了鉴定神经嵴衍生细胞,我们从以下交叉产生的胚胎中分离出神经嵴细胞:Fn1flox / flox; ROSAmTmG / mTmG雌性小鼠×Fn1 +/-;Tfap2αIRESCre/ ...

Relative Stiffness Measurements of Cell-embedded Hydrogels by Shear Rheology in vitro
[Abstract]  Hydrogel systems composed of purified extracellular matrix (ECM) components (such as collagen, fibrin, Matrigel, and methylcellulose) are a mainstay of cell and molecular biology research. They are used extensively in many applications including tissue regeneration platforms, studying organ development, and pathological disease models such as cancer. Both the biochemical and biomechanical properties influence cellular and tissue compatibility, and these properties are altered in pathological disease progression (Cox and Erler, 2011; Bonnans et al., 2014). The use of cell-embedded hydrogels in disease models such as cancer, allow the interrogation of cell-induced changes in the biomechanics of the microenvironment (Madsen et al., 2015). Here we report a simple method to ... [摘要]  由纯化的细胞外基质(ECM)组分(如胶原,纤维蛋白,Matrigel和甲基纤维素)组成的水凝胶系统是细胞和分子生物学研究的支柱。它们广泛用于许多应用,包括组织再生平台,研究器官发育和病理疾病模型如癌症。生物化学和生物力学性质都影响细胞和组织相容性,并且这些性质在病理疾病进展中发生改变(Cox和Erler,2011; Bonnans等人,2014)。在诸如癌症的疾病模型中使用细胞嵌入的水凝胶允许询问细胞诱导的微环境生物力学变化(Madsen等人,2015)。在这里,我们报告一种使用受控应变旋转流变仪测量这些细胞诱导的体外变化的简单方法。

背景 纤维化和实体瘤伴随着其天然组织的病理重塑(Cox和Erler,2011; Bonnans等人,2014)。在两种病理状况下,局部组织环境经历物理化学和生物学变化,导致组织刚度(弹性模量)增加(Humphrey等人,2014)。增强的组织/基质调节导致细胞行为改变,细胞形态,分化状态,增殖,迁移和干性的机械信号。在癌症的临床前动物模型中,这些变化可以驱动恶性进展和转移性扩散(Bonnans等人,2014)。不足为奇的是,靶基质硬化近年来受到了极大的关注,几项临床试验已经开始(Kai等人,2016)。
 基质组分的弹性和机械性能可以使用原子力显微镜(AFM)进行检查,原子力显微镜(AFM)是一种提供纳米分辨率并以picoNewton分辨率同时测量施加力的技术(Kasas和Dietler,2008)。然而,AFM不适用于理解较大的3D矩阵的弹性特性。使用剪切流变学可以更精确地检查体积3D矩阵的机械性能(Picout和Ross-Murphy,2003)。流变学是研究当施加力时材料如何变形。因此,将剪切应力施加到3D矩阵可以确定体积3D矩阵的弹性模量(刚度)。在该方案中,我们描述了一种通过剪切流变学测量细胞诱导的与癌相关成纤维细胞嵌入的水凝胶的基质刚度变化的方法。 ...

A 3D Culture System of Human Immortalized Myometrial Cells
[Abstract]  Myometrium forms the middle layer of the uterus and is mainly composed of the smooth muscle cells. The cells in vitro are usually grown in a single layer (2-dimensional; 2D) format, whereas in vivo cells are structured in an extracellular matrix scaffolding that allows the cells to communicate and respond to environmental cues. We have developed human myometrium and leiomyoma 3-dimensional (3D) culture, wherein the cells retain their molecular characteristics and respond to environmental cues (Malik and Catherino, 2012; Malik et al., 2014). [摘要]  子宫肌层形成子宫的中间层,主要由平滑肌细胞组成。细胞在体外通常生长在单层(2维; 2D)格式中,而体内细胞在细胞外基质支架中结构化,其允许细胞沟通和响应环境线索。我们已经开发了人子宫肌瘤和平滑肌瘤3维(3D)培养物,其中细胞保留其分子特征并响应环境线索(Malik和Catherino,2012; Malik等人,2014)。 br /> [背景] 在过去十年中,随着更多实验室从使用人工2D格式的细胞培养转移到3D细胞培养模型系统,观察到一定的转变,其中细胞生长在允许它们附着并获得更生理结构的基质中。该模型系统为细胞提供更自然的分化状态,并且培养的细胞在体内形成组织样环境。这是一个详细的协议为myometrium 3D细胞培养生长胶原-1矩阵,修改从Malik和Catherino(2012年)。
