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Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L)

Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L)

Company: Jackson ImmunoResearch
Catalog#: 115-001-003
Other protocol()

Assessment of TCR-induced Sumoylation of PKC-θ
[Abstract]  Sumoylation controls many cellular processes. Protein kinase C-θ (PKC-θ), a member of the Ca2+-independent PKC subfamily of kinases, serves as a regulator of T cell activation by mediating the T cell antigen receptor (TCR)- and coreceptor CD28-induced activation of the transcription factors NF-κB and AP-1 and, to a lesser extent, NFAT, and, subsequently, interleukin 2 (IL-2) production and T cell proliferation. We recently proved that TCR-induced sumoylation of PKC-θ is required for its function in T cells (Wang et al., 2015). Here we describe the method to analyze TCR-induced sumoylation of overexpressed or endogenous PKC-θ, which is carried out by immunoprecipitation of PKC-θ followed by immunoblotting with anti-SUMO1 antibody. [摘要]  植物细胞壁主要由多糖纤维素,半纤维素和果胶组成。这些组分的结构和组成复杂性对于确定植物生长期间的细胞壁功能是重要的。此外,细胞壁结构限定了植物来源的生物质的多种功能性质,例如食品的流变性质和用于生产纤维素生物燃料的原料适用性。分子生物学实验室中细胞壁化学的典型表征包括用于定量半纤维素和果胶衍生单体的温和酸水解和通过Updegraff方法对纤维素的单独分析。我们采用了一个简化的"一步两步"水解方案,允许通过配对的脉冲安培检测(HPAEC-PAD)的高效阴离子交换层析同时测定纤维素含量,中性糖和糖醛酸样品。在我们的工作中,该方案已经在很大程度上替代了Updegraff纤维素定量和用2μMTFA水解以在微量级上测定基质多糖组成。

[背景] 是基于在121℃下在4%(w/v)硫酸中水解的样品的配对分析。一组样品首先用72%(w/w)硫酸预处理以使纤维素膨胀并使其易于稀释酸水解(图1中的Saeman水解; ...
