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Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 71649
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Surgical Induction of Endometriosis in Female Mice
[Abstract]  Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. It is frequently associated with pain, infertility and a reduced quality of life, and it lacks adequate treatment. Several rodent models of endometriosis have been developed through heterologous and homologous transplantation of endometrial tissue into the abdominal compartment. Here we describe a surgical procedure to generate a syngeneic model of endometriosis in immunocompetent mice with intact uterine and ovarian tissues. In this model, four uterine fragments from a donor mouse at diestrus are sutured to the abdominal wall of a recipient mouse. One month after surgeries, endometrial implants develop into cysts with glandular epithelium and stroma, mimicking ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 子宫内膜异位症是一种常见的妇科疾病,其特征是子宫腔外存在子宫内膜组织。它经常与疼痛,不育和生活质量下降有关,并且缺乏适当的治疗。子宫内膜异位症的几种啮齿动物模型是通过将子宫内膜组织异源和同源移植到腹腔中而开发的。在这里,我们描述了在具有完整子宫和卵巢组织的免疫功能小鼠中产生子宫内膜异位症的同基因模型的手术程序。在该模型中,将来自供体小鼠在二头肌的四个子宫碎片缝合到受体小鼠的腹壁上。手术一个月后,子宫内膜植入物发展成具有腺上皮和间质的囊肿,模仿了子宫内膜异位症女性中观察到的子宫内膜异位病变。因此,该小鼠模型为研究子宫内膜异位症的病理生理学和潜在治疗方法的有效性提供了有价值的工具。

[背景 ] 子宫内膜异位是由子宫外子宫内膜组织的生长所定义的一种慢性妇科疾病,主要在骨盆和腹部表面生长(Zondervan et al。,2018)。它影响了育龄妇女的10%,并且与疼痛,不孕症和生活质量下降有关(Fourquet 等人,2011;Márki 等人,2017; Zondervan 等人,2018)。子宫内膜异位症的可用药物和手术疗法具有不良作用,并且无法长期缓解症状(Falcone和Flyckt,2018年)。因此,需要新的治疗策略,其发展依赖于动物模型的建立,该模型概括了临床子宫内膜异位症的病理生理和行为特征。


Preparation of Yeast tRNA Sample for NMR Spectroscopy
[Abstract]  Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) are heavily decorated with post-transcriptional modifications during their biosynthesis. To fulfil their functions within cells, tRNAs undergo a tightly controlled biogenesis process leading to the formation of mature tRNAs. In addition, functions of tRNAs are often modulated by their modifications. Although the biological importance of post-transcriptional RNA modifications is widely appreciated, methods to directly detect their introduction during RNA biosynthesis are rare and do not easily provide information on the temporal nature of events. To obtain information on the tRNA maturation process, we have developed a methodology, using NMR as a tool to monitor tRNA maturation in a non-disruptive and continuous fashion in cellular extracts. By following the ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 转移RNA(tRNA )在其生物合成过程中大量修饰有转录后修饰。为了在细胞内履行其功能,tRNA 经历了严格控制的生物生成过程,导致了成熟的tRNA 的形成。此外,tRNA的功能通常是虽然转录后修饰RNA的生物学重要性被广泛理解,方法直接检测它们的RNA生物合成过程中引入是罕见的,并且不容易提供上events.To的时间特性信息获取的信息的tRNA 成熟 在此过程中,我们开发了一种方法,使用NMR作为监测细胞提取物中tRNA 成熟的无中断和连续方式。通过模型酵母tRNA 的时间分辨NMR 成熟,我们发现修饰是该方法的实施需要对具有不同修饰状态的tRNA 样品进行NMR光谱学分析,以鉴定各个修饰的NMR特征。此处将介绍用于NMR光谱分析修饰途径的tRNA 样品的生产,并在酵母tRNA Phe 上进行例证,但可以通过更改构建体的序列扩展到其他tRNA 。该方案描述了未修饰的生产通过体外转录获得tRNA 样品,并通过在大肠杆菌中重组表达tRNA 产生修饰的tRNA 样品。大肠杆菌。

[背景 ] 在生活的各个领域,合成和RNA的成熟包括在特定地点的核苷酸的转录后的化学修饰。在不同的RNA家族,tRNA基因不仅显示最高多种化学修饰,而且密度最高每转录修饰(〜中经修饰的核苷酸8-25%的tRNA 各种生物体的)(Boccaletto ...

Time-of-addition and Temperature-shift Assays to Determine Particular Step(s) in the Viral Life Cycle that is Blocked by Antiviral Substance(s)
[Abstract]  Viruses infect their host cells to produce progeny virus particles through the sequential steps of the viral life cycle, such as viral attachment, entry, penetration and post-entry events. This protocol describes time-of-addition and temperature-shift assays that are employed to explore which step(s) in the viral life cycle is blocked by an antiviral substance(s). [摘要]  病毒通过病毒生命周期的连续步骤感染它们的宿主细胞以产生子代病毒颗粒,例如病毒附着,进入,穿透和进入后事件。 该协议描述了用于探索病毒生命周期中的哪个或哪些步骤被抗病毒物质阻断的添加时间(time-of-addition)和温度变化分析。

【背景】病毒是专门的细胞内寄生虫,它们劫持宿主细胞机制来复制它们自己的基因组。病毒的生命周期通过感染性病毒颗粒(病毒粒子)附着(结合)到宿主细胞表面并将其穿透(内化,融合)到细胞内区室中进行,其中病毒粒子脱壳(分解)发生,然后是病毒基因组转录/复制,病毒蛋白质合成和病毒体组装,最终导致感染细胞产生和释放子代病毒体(Scheel and Rice,2013)。

为了探索病毒生命周期的哪个或哪些步骤被抗病毒物质阻断,进行药物添加时间实验。简而言之,在病毒接种细胞的不同时间点将病毒和/或宿主细胞添加到病毒和/或宿主细胞中(Chen等人,2017):(1)预处理在病毒接种前带有抗病毒物质的细胞检查该物质是否可以阻断病毒受体以抑制病毒与宿主细胞的附着或者是否可以诱导产生抗病毒宿主因子如干扰素。 (2)对病毒进行预处理,然后将处理过的病毒接种到细胞中,检查抗病毒物质的杀病毒活性或中和活性。 (3)病毒接种期间细胞和病毒的共同处理检查病毒进入步骤的抗病毒效果,包括杀病毒(中和)活性和阻断病毒附着和细胞渗透。 ...
