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Sulfuric acid


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 339741
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Artificial Inoculation of Epichloë festucae into Lolium perenne, and Visualisation of Endophytic and Epiphyllous Fungal Growth
[Abstract]  Natural hosts for the fungal endophyte Epichloë festucae include Festuca rubra (fine fescue) and Festuca trachyphylla (hard fescue). Some strains also form stable associations with Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass). L. perenne is a suitable host to study fungal endophyte–grass interactions, such as endophytic fungal growth within the plant and epiphyllous growth on the plant surface. Here we provide a detailed protocol based on work by, for artificial inoculation of E. festucae into L. perenne, and newly developed staining and visualization techniques for observing endophytic and epiphyllous hyphae and the expressorium, an appressorium-like structure used by the fungus to exit the plant. The staining method uses a combination of ... [摘要]  真菌内生菌Epichloëfestucae的天然宿主包括 Festuca rubra (细羊茅)和 Festuca trachyphylla (硬羊茅)。一些菌株也与黑麦草(多年生黑麦草)形成稳定的关联。 升。 perenne 是研究真菌内生菌 - 草相互作用的合适宿主,例如植物内生真菌生长和植物表面的叶生生长。在这里,我们提供了一个基于工作的详细协议,用于 E的人工接种。 festucae 进入 L. perenne ,以及新开发的染色和可视化技术,用于观察内生和附生的菌丝和表达菌,这是一种类似真菌的结构,用于离开植物。染色方法使用葡聚糖结合苯胺蓝二铵盐(AB)和几丁质结合小麦胚凝集素缀合的Alexa Fluor ® 488-(WGA-AF488)的组合。该协议将是研究Epichloë -grass相互作用的有用工具,特别是不同Epichloë - 草关联,各种内生菌 - 宿主发育阶段的比较,以及分析突变Epichloë菌株。

【背景】Latch和Christensen(1985)开发了一种用Epichloë内生菌人工感染草的方案。这项工作一直是广泛的 E的基础。 festucae Fl1- L. perenne 共生研究(Scott et al。,2012年综述)。在我们最近的工作中,我们描述了一种新发现的真菌结构,即能够实现 E的表达式。 ...

Establishment of New Split-root System by Grafting
[Abstract]  A new split-root system was used to simulate non-uniform salt, drought or nutrient deficiency stress in the root zone, in which the root system was divided into two or more equal portions. Here, we established a split-root system by grafting of cotton seedlings. In contrast to the conventional split-root, the main roots of the new system remained intact, which provided a better system for studying cotton response to unequal treatment in the root zone. The new system was suitable for plant growth in nutrient solution and the two root systems can fully be immerged in the nutrient solution. [摘要]  采用新的分裂系统模拟根系中不均匀的盐,干旱或营养缺乏胁迫,根系分为两个或更多等份。在这里,我们通过嫁接棉花幼苗建立了根系。与传统的根系相反,新系统的主要根源保持不变,为根区不平等处理棉花的响应提供了更好的系统。新系统适用于营养液中的植物生长,两种根系可以完全浸入营养液中。

背景 分裂根系被用于研究植物对不均匀土壤条件的响应,如部分根部干燥,不均匀盐分布和异质营养分布。棉花和其他植物中常规的根系系统是通过在切割幼苗的主根之后将侧根分成两等份(Bazihizina等人,2009; Dong& et al。,2010)。新系统适合于营养液和环绕实验中的植物生长,因为移植物的根部和位置之间有足够的距离(Kong& et al。,2012和2016)。

Lipid Extraction from HeLa Cells, Quantification of Lipids, Formation of Large Unilamellar Vesicles (LUVs) by Extrusion and in vitro Protein-lipid Binding Assays, Analysis of the Incubation Product by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and by Flotation across a Discontinuous Sucrose Gradient
[Abstract]  Dissecting the interactions established between proteins and membranes in a given type of cells is not an easy task. Using a cell-free system of large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) to analyze these interactions may help decipher these interactions and identify potential membrane deformations induced by the proteins incubated with these LUVs. This article describes the protocols for 1) extraction of total lipids from eukaryotic cells using the method developed by Bligh and Dyer (1959), 2) the quantification of glycerophospholipids by gas chromatography after methanolysis, followed by 3) the formation of LUVs by extrusion, 4) protein-lipid binding assay, 5) analysis of the incubation product by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and by flotation across a discontinuous sucrose gradient and ... [摘要]  解剖在给定类型的细胞中蛋白质和膜之间建立的相互作用不是一个容易的任务。使用大单层囊泡(LUV)的无细胞系统来分析这些相互作用可以帮助破译这些相互作用和识别由与这些LUV孵育的蛋白质诱导的潜在的膜变形。本文介绍了1)使用由Bligh和Dyer(1959)开发的方法从真核细胞中提取总脂质,2)在甲醇分解后通过气相色谱法定量甘油磷脂,然后3)通过挤出形成LUV的方案, 4)蛋白质 - 脂质结合测定,5)通过透射电子显微镜(TEM)和通过不连续蔗糖梯度浮选分析孵育产物,最后,6)通过免疫印迹分析蛋白质并通过碘素熏蒸显示甘油磷脂。

[背景] 包含巨单层囊泡(GUV;由单个磷脂双层组成,直径大于1μm)或脂质体孵育的无细胞系统与重组蛋白可能有助于了解这些相互作用。根据它们的直径和层数,脂质体被分为小的单层囊泡(SUV;由单个磷脂双层构成的囊泡,直径在20和100nm之间),大的单层囊泡(LUV;由单个双层磷脂,并且直径在100和400nm之间),大多层囊泡(MLV;由多个磷脂双层构成且直径在200nm和3μm之间的囊泡)和多泡囊泡(MVV);由囊泡组成的大囊泡单个双层磷脂,并含有几个较小的囊泡,每个囊泡由单个双层磷脂组成)。 ...
