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1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes

Catalog#: 72.706.400
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Determination of Storage (Starch/Glycogen) and Total Saccharides Content in Algae and Cyanobacteria by a Phenol-Sulfuric Acid Method
[Abstract]  This is a protocol for quantitative determination of storage and total carbohydrates in algae and cyanobacteria. The protocol is simple, fast and sensitive and it requires only few standard chemicals. Great advantage of this protocol is that both storage and total saccharides can be determined in the cellular pellets that were already used for chlorophyll and carotenoids quantification. Since it is recommended to perform the pigments measurement in triplicates, each pigment analysis can generate samples for both total saccharide and glycogen/starch content quantification.

The protocol was applied for quantification of both storage and total carbohydrates in cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 and Cyanobacterium sp. ...
[摘要]  这是用于定量测定藻类和蓝细菌中的储存和总碳水化合物的方案。该协议简单,快速,灵敏,只需要很少的标准化学品。该方案的最大优点是可以在已经用于叶绿素和类胡萝卜素定量的细胞沉淀中测定储存和总糖。由于建议一式三份进行颜料测量,因此每种颜料分析都可以生成总糖和糖原/淀粉含量定量的样品。

该方案用于量化蓝细菌 Synechocystis sp中的储存和总碳水化合物。 PCC 6803, Cyanothece sp。 ATCC 51142和 Cyanobacterium sp。 IPPAS B-1200。它还被用于估算 Galdieria (IPPAS P-500,IPPAS P-507,IPPAS P-508,IPPAS P-513), Cyanidium caldarium IPPAS中的储存多糖P-510,绿藻小球藻 sp。 IPPAS C-1和C-1210, Parachlorella kessleri IPPAS C-9, Nannochloris sp。 C-1509, Coelastrella sp。 IPPAS H-626, Haematococcus sp。 IPPAS H-629和H-239,以及 Eustigmatos sp。 IPPAS H-242和IPPAS C-70。

【背景】碳水化合物在藻类和蓝细菌的代谢中起着许多作用。正如Raven和Beardall(Raven和Beardall,2003)所总结的那样,碳水化合物代表碳还原/氧化途径(光合作用和光呼吸)中间体的主要汇集,它们提供生长所需的骨架(例如,for氨基酸或细胞壁生物合成),它们代表ATP和还原当量的来源(通过呼吸途径),它们作为相容的溶质,它们对维持细胞膨胀是必不可少的(通过确保细胞壁的刚性结构)并且它们可以清除自由基。储存多糖(其中藻类和蓝藻中的主要形式是淀粉和糖原)作为能量和碳源,缓冲碳水化合物生产和消费率之间的不成比例,并允许活跃的新陈代谢(例如,固氮)在黑暗时期。 ...

Bacterial Microcolonies in Gel Beads for High-throughput Screening
[Abstract]  High-throughput screening of a DNA library expressed in a bacterial population for identifying potentially rare members displaying a property of interest is a crucial step for success in many experiments such as directed evolution of proteins and synthetic circuits and deep mutational scanning to identify gain- or loss-of-function mutants.

Here, I describe a protocol for high-throughput screening of bacterial (E. coli) microcolonies in gel beads. Single cells are encapsulated into monodisperse water-in-oil emulsion droplets produced with a microfluidic device. The aqueous solution also contains agarose that gelates upon cooling on ice, so that solid gel beads form inside the droplets. During incubation of the emulsion, the cells grow into monoclonal microcolonies ...
[摘要]  在细菌群体中表达的DNA文库的高通量筛选用于鉴定显示感兴趣性质的潜在稀有成员是在许多实验中成功的关键步骤,例如蛋白质和合成回路的定向进化以及用于鉴定增益的深度突变扫描 - 或功能丧失的突变体。

在这里,我描述了一种用于高通量筛选凝胶珠中细菌(大肠杆菌)微菌落的方案。将单细胞包封成用微流体装置产生的单分散油包水乳液液滴。水溶液还含有琼脂糖,其在冰上冷却时凝胶化,从而在液滴内部形成固体凝胶珠。在乳液温育期间,细胞在珠内生长成单克隆微菌落。在从乳液中分离凝胶珠并通过荧光激活细胞分选(FACS)分选后,从凝胶珠中回收细菌,然后准备进行进一步的分选,诱变或分析。为了通过FACS分类,该方案需要荧光读数,例如荧光报告蛋白的表达。测量微小菌落的平均荧光信号降低了高表型细胞间变异性的影响,并且与单细胞分选相比提高了灵敏度。我们应用这种方法在ON和OFF状态下对pBAD启动子文库进行分类(Duarte et al。,2017)。

【背景】荧光激活细胞分选(FACS)具有> 10 7 事件/ h的无与伦比的筛选通量(Davies,2012)。然而,通过FACS根据其荧光分选单个细胞以筛选合成回路的文库(Schaerli和Isalan,2013)经常受到高表型细胞间变异性的阻碍。或者,可以对水凝胶珠中所含的小细胞集落(微集落)进行分类(Weaver ...

An Affinity-directed Protein Missile (AdPROM) System for Targeted Destruction of Endogenous Proteins
[Abstract]  We recently reported an Affinity-directed PROtein Missile (AdPROM) system for the targeted proteolysis of endogenous proteins of interest (POI) (Fulcher et al., 2016 and 2017). AdPROM consists of the Von Hippel Lindau (VHL) protein, a Cullin 2 E3 ligase substrate receptor (Bosu and Kipreos, 2008), conjugated to a high affinity polypeptide binder (such as a camelid nanobody) that recognises the target protein in cells. When introduced in cells, the target protein is recruited to the CUL2 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex for ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation. For target protein recruitment, we have utilised both camelid-derived VHH domain nanobodies as well as synthetic polypeptide monobodies based on the human type III fibronectin domain (Sha et al., 2013; Fridy et ... [摘要]  我们最近报道了一种针对内源性感兴趣蛋白(POI)的靶向蛋白水解的亲和指导PROtein导弹(AdPROM)系统(Fulcher等人,2016和2017)。 AdPROM由Von Hippel Lindau(VHL)蛋白组成,Cullin 2 E3连接酶底物受体(Bosu and Kipreos,2008),与识别细胞中靶蛋白的高亲和力多肽结合剂(如骆驼科纳米抗体)缀合。当在细胞中引入时,靶蛋白质被招募到CUL2 E3泛素连接酶复合体用于泛素介导的蛋白酶体降解。对于靶蛋白的募集,我们使用了基于人类III型纤连蛋白结构域的骆驼科动物来源的VHH结构域纳米抗体以及合成多肽单体(Sharm等人,2013; Fridy等人。,2014; Schmidt et al。,2016)。在此协议中,我们描述了生成AdPROM构建体及其在人细胞系中用于靶蛋白质破坏的详细方法。 AdPROM允许对POI进行功能表征,并且其目标蛋白质破坏的效率克服了RNA干扰方法的许多局限性,这些方法需要长时间的治疗并与脱靶效应相关联,而CRISPR / Cas9基因编辑并不总是可行的。
【背景】该协议使人们能够在哺乳动物细胞系中设计,构建和表达AdPROM VHL-nano ...
