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Matrigel matrix using Cell Recovery Solution

Company: Corning
Catalog#: 354253
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Fluidigm Based Single-cell Gene Expression Library Preparation from Patient-derived Small Intestinal Organoids
[Abstract]  In this protocol, we describe our methods to isolate crypts from patients' biopsy samples and to culture human intestinal stem cells as it’s called “organoid.” Beyond that, we describe how to dissociate organoids cells into single cells for single-cell analysis as a further application. This protocol should provide investigators sufficient tools to generate human organoids from biopsy samples and to accomplish a stable in-vitro assay system. [摘要]  [摘要]在此协议中,我们描述了从患者的活检样本中分离隐窝并培养人类肠干细胞(称为“类器官”)的方法。除此之外,我们还介绍了如何将类器官细胞分解为单细胞以进行单细胞分析,作为进一步的应用。该方案应为研究人员提供足够的工具,以从活检样品中产生人类器官并完成稳定的体外测定系统。

[背景]肠上皮是一个多功能组织即编排动态平衡并形成物理屏障。由肠干细胞(ISC)产生的每个肠上皮细胞(IEC)每4-5天更新一次该上皮(Crosnier等,2006 )。ISC位于隐窝的底部,并表达各种文献先前报道的特定标记(Muñoz等,2012 ;Clevers ,2013 )。研究表明,干细胞正确更新的功能障碍与肠道疾病有关,对ISCs动态的了解可能阐明了包括炎症性肠病(IBD)在内的各种疾病的发病机制(Okamoto et al。,2016 )。

然而,由于缺乏能概括生理性肠上皮层的有效模型,因此对肠干细胞特性的研究具有挑战性。史诗般的“类器官”的引入克服了种种障碍(Sato等人,2009和2011 ),可以从单个ISC体外建立类器官,并忠实地保留其起源组织的生理和病理特征(Middendorp等人)。 。,2014 )。类器官已被用于各种胃肠道疾病解剖基础病理变化(Fatehullah 。等人,2016; Noben等人,2017 ...

Antisense Oligonucleotide-mediated Knockdown in Mammary Tumor Organoids
[Abstract]  Primary mammary tumor organoids grown in 3D are an excellent system to study tumor biology. They resemble the organization and physiology of native epithelia more closely than cancer cell lines grown in 2D, and additionally model interactions with the ECM (Boj et al., 2015; Clevers, 2016; Shamir and Ewald, 2014). Mammary tumor organoids are therefore a promising model system to identify and characterize novel drivers of breast cancer that would be unlikely to be identified using 2D cell lines. Antisense oligonucleotides can be used to efficiently and specifically knockdown target genes in the cell (Bennett et al., 2017). They can be taken up freely by organoids without the need for a transfection agent, making them a convenient tool for routine lab studies and screens. [摘要]  在3D生长的原发性乳腺肿瘤组织是研究肿瘤生物学的优秀系统。 它们类似于天然上皮的组织和生理学,比2D生长的癌细胞系更为紧密,另外还与ECM的模型相互作用(Boj et al。,2015; Clevers,2016; Shamir and Ewald,2014)。 因此,乳腺肿瘤组织因子是一种有希望的模型系统,用于识别和表征不可能使用2D细胞系识别的乳腺癌的新型驱动因素。 反义寡核苷酸可用于有效和特异地敲低细胞中的靶基因(Bennett等,2017)。 它们可以被有机物自由摄取,而不需要转染剂,使其成为常规实验室研究和筛选的便捷工具。
   ASO是短(20-mers),含有硫代磷酸酯修饰的核苷酸的单链DNA分子以及2'-ribose(5-10-5 ...
