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Sodium hypochlorite solution

Company: ALADDIN
Catalog#: S101636
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A Modified Approach for Axenic Cultivation of Spores of Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris L. with High Germination Rate
[Abstract]  Spores are the primary way of spread and reproduction for ferns, a clade of seed-free vascular plants. However, no detailed protocol for ferns spore cultivation has been reported yet. Here we provide a modified approach for axenic cultivation of fern Adiantum capillus-veneris L., based on Cao’s and Li’s method (Cao, et al., 2010; Li, et al., 2013).

Our approach can be briefly divided into four steps: 1) collect spores; 2) sterilize the spores with 5% sodium hypochlorite solution and wash twice; 3) incubate the spores in liquid Knop’s medium in the dark for five days; 4) cultivate the spores on Knop's plate medium. To increase the germination rate, we constrain the sterilization time under 25 min and add dark treatment step after spore sterilization. ...
[摘要]  孢子是蕨类植物(一种无种子维管植物的分支)的传播和繁殖的主要方式。 然而,尚未报道蕨类植物孢子培养的详细方案。 在这里,我们提供了一种基于Cao和Li的方法(Cao,等,,2010; Li, et al。,2013)。

我们的方法可以简单地分为四个步骤:1)收集孢子; 2)用5%次氯酸钠溶液对孢子进行灭菌,洗涤两次; 3)在黑暗中将液体Knop培养基中的孢子培养5天; 4)在Knop的平板培养基上培养孢子。 为了提高发芽率,我们将灭菌时间限制在25分钟以下,并在孢子灭菌后加入黑暗处理步骤。 经过这些改良后,发芽率从2%提高到25%。

【背景】在植物的系统发育树中,蕨类植物是陆地植物的关键分支,因为它们是种子植物的姐妹谱系。蕨类植物具有独特的生命周期特征。与种子植物相比,蕨类植物的孢子体带有孢子而不是种子。在有利条件下,孢子萌发形成配子体,其中某些区域(肋骨)上的细胞专门生殖生殖器官以产生配子。在水依赖性受精后,新生孢子体出现并且蕨类植物的整个生命周期完成(Li et al。,2013)。因此,为了研究蕨类植物的有性生殖过程和生活史,在实验条件下进行孢子培养是必要的。

然而,可用于蕨类植物孢子培养的方案是不充分的。在此,我们选择 Adiantum capillus-veneris ...

Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Catalase (CAT) Activity Assay Protocols for Caenorhabditis elegans
[Abstract]  Assays for superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities are widely employed to indicate antioxidant responses underlying the toxic effects of test chemicals. Yet, earlier studies mainly described the procedures as performed according to manufacturer’s instructions without modifications that are specific to any organisms. The present protocol describes the steps in analyzing the superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities in C. elegans, which is a model organism that can be used to study effects of pharmaceutical compounds and environmental pollutants. The main steps include: (1) sample preparation; (2) total protein assay; (3) SOD activity assay; (4) CAT activity assay; and (5) medium list and formula, and also data analysis and performance notes. [摘要]  超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的测定被广泛用于表明测试化学品的毒性作用的抗氧化反应。 然而,早期的研究主要描述了根据制造商的说明进行的程序,而无需对任何生物体特异的修改。 本方案描述了分析线虫中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的步骤,它是可用于研究药物化合物和环境污染物的影响的模型生物。 主要步骤包括:(1)样品制备; (2)总蛋白测定; (3)SOD活性测定; (4)CAT活性测定; 和(5)中等名单和公式,以及数据分析和绩效说明。
   秀丽隐杆线虫(秀丽隐杆线虫)是一种用于研究药物化合物(Dengg和van Meel,2004; Carretero等,2017)和环境污染物(Yu et ...
