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Glass media bottles

Company: Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: FB800500
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Observing Nutrient Gradients, Gene Expression and Growth Variation Using the "Yeast Machine" Microfluidic Device
[Abstract]  The natural environment of microbial cells like bacteria and yeast is often a complex community in which growth and internal organization reflect morphogenetic processes and interactions that are dependent on spatial position and time. While most of research is performed in simple homogeneous environments (e.g., bulk liquid cultures), which cannot capture full spatiotemporal community dynamics, studying biofilms or colonies is complex and usually does not give access to the spatiotemporal dynamics at single cell level. Here, we detail a protocol for generation of a microfluidic device, the “yeast machine”, with arrays of long monolayers of yeast colonies to advance the global understanding of how intercellular metabolic interactions affect the internal structure of colonies ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 微生物细胞(如细菌和酵母菌)的自然环境通常是一个复杂的社区,在该社区中,生长和内部组织反映了形态发生过程和相互作用,这些过程和相互作用取决于空间位置和时间。虽然大多数研究是在无法捕获完整时空群落动态的简单同质环境(例如,大量液体培养)中进行的,但研究生物膜或菌落却很复杂,通常无法在单个细胞水平上获得时空动态。在这里,我们详细介绍了一种用于生成微流控设备(“酵母机器”)的协议,该协议带有酵母菌落的长单层阵列,以推进对细胞间代谢相互作用如何影响已定义和可定制的空间尺寸内菌落内部结构的全球了解。以酿酒酵母作为模型酵母系统,我们使用“酵母机器”通过追踪荧光标记的己糖转运蛋白来证明葡萄糖梯度的出现。我们进一步量化了菌落内生长速率的表达空间模式和葡萄糖可利用性调控的其他基因的表达。除此之外,我们显示出氨基酸的梯度也在菌落内形成,潜在地打开了类似的方法来研究许多其他营养物和代谢废物的梯度的时空形成。该方法将来可用于在与生态学和进化有关的单细胞分辨率和时标下,破译其他相同物种或更复杂的多物种系统中的远程代谢相互作用,细胞发育和形态发生之间的相互作用。

[背景 ] ...

Human Endothelial Cell Spheroid-based Sprouting Angiogenesis Assay in Collagen
[Abstract]  Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones plays an important role during organ development, regeneration and tumor progression. The spheroid-based sprouting assay is a well-established and robust method to study the influence of genetic alterations or pharmacological compounds on capillary-like tube formation of primary cultured endothelial cells. A major advantage of this assay is the possibility to study angiogenesis in a 3D environment. Endothelial cells are cultured as hanging drops to form spheroids. Those spheroids are embedded into a collagen matrix and tube formation is analyzed 24 h later. By analyzing sprout number and sprout length the effects of genetic manipulation or drug treatment on angiogenesis can be investigated. [摘要]  血管生成,从先前存在的血管形成新血管在器官发育,再生和肿瘤进展中起重要作用。 基于球体的发芽测定法是一种成熟且稳健的方法,用于研究遗传改变或药理学化合物对原代培养的内皮细胞的毛细血管样管形成的影响。 该测定的主要优点是可以在3D环境中研究血管生成。 将内皮细胞培养为悬滴以形成球状体。 将这些球状体嵌入胶原基质中,24小时后分析管形成。 通过分析发芽数和发芽长度,可以研究遗传操作或药物治疗对血管生成的影响。


基于球体的发芽试验由Thomas Korff博士和Hellmut Augustin博士在90年代后期开发(Korff和Augustin,1999),使研究人员能够快速研究药物或基因操作对发芽血管生成的影响。稳健的方式(Heiss et al。,2015)。基于球体的发芽测定的一个重要优点是分析3D环境中的芽形成。这促进内皮细胞之间的细胞 - ...

Extraction of Small Molecules from Fecal Samples and Testing of Their Activity on Microbial Physiology
[Abstract]  The human body is colonized by vast communities of microbes, collectively known as microbiota, or microbiome. Although microbes colonize every surface of our bodies that is exposed to the external environment, the biggest collection of microbes colonizing humans and other mammals can be found in the gastrointestinal tract. Given the fact that the human gut is colonized by several hundred microbial species, our group hypothesized that the chemical diversity of this environment should be significant, and that many of the molecules present in that environment would have important signaling roles. Therefore, we devised a protocol to extract these molecules from human feces and test their signaling properties. Potentially bioactive extracts can be tested through addition to culture medium and ... [摘要]  人体被巨大的微生物群体统称为微生物群体或微生物群体。尽管微生物在我们身体的每一个暴露于外部环境的表面上定殖,但人类和其他哺乳动物中最大量的微生物可以在胃肠道中找到。鉴于人类肠道已被数百种微生物物种繁殖,我们的团队假设这种环境的化学多样性应该是显着的,并且该环境中存在的许多分子将具有重要的信号传导作用。因此,我们制定了一个协议,从人类粪便中提取这些分子并测试其信号特性。可以通过添加培养基并分析细菌生长和基因表达以及其他性质来测试潜在的生物活性提取物。本文描述的方案提供了一种简便且快速的方法,用于使用肠道沙门氏菌作为模型生物体从粪便样品中提取和测试代谢物。该方案还可以适用于从其他基质如培养的哺乳动物细胞,组织,体液和无菌微生物培养物中提取小分子,并且可以针对各种微生物物种测试所得提取物。

【背景】复杂的微生物群落生活在人类和人类身上,将暴露于外部环境的每个表面都定殖。几十年来,这些社区已经获得了几个教派,其中包括正常的植物群,微生物群和最近的微生物群(Sekirov等人,2010年; ...
