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Company: Roche Diagnostics
Catalog#: 10708984001
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Isolation, Purification and Characterization of Exosomes from Fibroblast Cultures of Skeletal Muscle
[Abstract]  Exosomes are dynamic nanovesicles secreted by virtually all cells and are present in all biological fluids. Given their highly heterogeneous content exosomes have been implicated in many physiological and pathological processes that they exert by influencing cell-cell and cell-ECM communication. In recent years an increasing number of methods have been established for the purification and characterization of exosomes. These include ultracentrifugation, ultrafiltration, size exclusion chromatography, immune capture and precipitation using a proprietary polymer. Here, we provide a protocol based on differential ultracentrifugation and sucrose density gradients tailored for the isolation of crude and ultra-pure exosomes from primary fibroblast cultures derived from adult mouse skeletal ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 外来体是几乎所有细胞分泌的动态纳米囊泡,并存在于所有生物体液中。鉴于它们的异质含量很高,外泌体已牵涉到它们通过影响细胞-细胞和细胞-ECM通讯而发挥的许多生理和病理过程。近年来,已经建立了越来越多的方法外泌体的纯化和表征。其中包括超速离心,超滤,尺寸排阻色谱,免疫捕获和使用专有聚合物的沉淀。在这里,我们提供了基于差分超速离心和蔗糖密度梯度的协议,该协议专门用于从成年小鼠骨骼肌衍生的原代成纤维细胞培养物中分离粗制和超纯外泌体。可以对该协议进行修改和修改,以从各种组织和体液中分离和表征外泌体。

背景 ] ë xosomes是单膜,异质纳米囊泡直径范围从30至150nm,secre 由所有细胞和存在于几乎所有的体液泰德。外泌体中存在的可溶性和膜大分子,mRNA,microRNA的光谱取决于代谢状态以及分泌这些纳米囊泡的细胞的发育起源。由于它们的货物组成,外泌体可以启动接收细胞中的信号传导途径,并参与了发育,免疫和正常组织生理的维持。在神经退行性疾病,纤维化和癌症等疾病条件下,它们被证明可以触发和传播病理刺激(Rackov 等,2018; Gurunathan 等,2019; van de Vlekkert 等,2019)。在这里,我们描述了从成年小鼠腓肠肌(GA)肌肉建立的成纤维细胞培养物中纯化外泌体的方案(van de Vlekkert ...

Detection of Protein S-nitrosothiols (SNOs) in Plant Samples on Diaminofluorescein (DAF) Gels
[Abstract]  In plant cells, the analysis of protein S-nitrosothiols (SNOs) under physiological and adverse stress conditions is essential to understand the mechanisms of Nitric oxide (NO)-based signaling. We adapted a previously reported protocol for detecting protein SNOs in animal systems (King et al., 2005) for plant samples. Briefly, proteins from plant samples are separated via non-reducing SDS-PAGE, then the NO bound by S-nitrosylated proteins is released using UV light and, finally, the NO is detected using the fluorescent probe DAF-FM (Rodriguez-Ruiz et al., 2017). Thus, the approach presented here provides a relatively quick and economical procedure that can be used to compare protein SNOs content in plant samples and provide insight in NO-based signaling ... [摘要]  在植物细胞中,生理和不利胁迫条件下的蛋白质S-亚硝基硫醇(SNO)的分析对于了解一氧化氮(NO)的信号传导机制至关重要。 我们调整了以前报告的用于检测动物系统中蛋白质SNO的方法(King等,2005),用于植物样品。 简言之,通过非还原性SDS-PAGE分离来自植物样品的蛋白质,然后使用UV光释放由S-亚硝基化蛋白质结合的NO,最后使用荧光探针DAF-FM检测NO(Rodriguez-Ruiz et 等等,2017)。 因此,本文提出的方法提供了相对快速和经济的方法,可用于比较植物样品中的蛋白质SNOs含量,并提供植物中基于NO的信号传导的洞察。
【背景】一氧化氮(NO)是一种自由基,可与各种生物分子阵列相互作用,包括蛋白质,脂质和核酸。在蛋白质的情况下,最相关的翻译后修饰(PTM)之一是NO基团与存在于肽或蛋白质中的半胱氨酸(Cys)的硫醇(-SH)侧链的共价连接。该修饰产生称为S-亚硝基硫醇(SNO)的家族,其是动物和植物系统中重要的化合物(Foster等人,2003; Lindermayr和Durner,2009; Astier等人,2011; ...

TUNEL Assay to Assess Extent of DNA Fragmentation and Programmed Cell Death in Root Cells under Various Stress Conditions
[Abstract]  DNA damage is one of the common consequences of exposure to various stress conditions. Different methods have been developed to accurately assess DNA damage and fragmentation in cells and tissues exposed to different stress agents. However, owing to the presence of firm cellulosic cell wall and phenolics, plant cells and tissues are not easily amenable to be subjected to these assays. Here, we describe an optimized TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling) assay-based protocol to determine the extent of DNA fragmentation and programmed cell death in plant root cells subjected to various stress conditions. The method described here has the advantages of simplicity, reliability and reproducibility. [摘要]  DNA损伤是暴露于各种压力条件的常见后果之一。 已经开发了不同的方法来准确评估暴露于不同应激剂的细胞和组织中的DNA损伤和碎裂。 然而,由于纤维素细胞壁和酚类物质的存在,植物细胞和组织不容易进行这些测定。 在这里,我们描述了优化的TUNEL(末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶介导的dUTP切口标记)测定方法,以确定经受各种应激条件的植物根细胞中DNA片段化和程序性细胞死亡的程度。 这里描述的方法具有简单,可靠和重复性好的优点。
【背景】暴露于各种压力通常导致至少一定程度的DNA损伤,导致各种损伤,例如胸腺嘧啶二聚化,碱基烷基化,单链缺口和双链断裂(Bray和West,2005; Manova和Gruszka,2015)。在所有类型的DNA损伤中,DNA片段化在应激条件下特别令人关注,这可能是应激的直接影响(如用基因毒素治疗方法所观察到的)或间接作用(主要是通过过度产生的活性氧),甚至可能是两者的累积结果(Bray和West,2005; Kapoor等,2015)。这种DNA损伤必须由细胞的修复机械精确修复,否则可能会导致细胞死亡。为了维持正常状态,细胞利用依赖于三个非排他事件的DNA损伤反应。检测/识别损坏,其通过维修机械的访问,最后修复(Smerdon,1991)。
   在细胞水平上应力适应的主要分子机制之一涉及对由于应激引起的受损DNA的DNA损伤和/或有效修复的抗性。因此,为了评估基因型的应激适应性,通常需要对DNA损伤进行准确评估。两种广泛用于检测植物DNA断裂的测定法是单细胞凝胶电泳 ...
