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Company: EMD Millipore
Catalog#: 178680
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Protocol for Construction of a Tunable CRISPR Interference (tCRISPRi) Strain for Escherichia coli
[Abstract]  We present a protocol for construction of tunable CRISPR interference (tCRISPRi) strains for Escherichia coli. The tCRISPRi system alleviates most of the known problems of plasmid-based expression methods, and can be immediately used to construct libraries of sgRNAs that can complement the Keio collection by targeting both essential and nonessential genes. Most importantly from a practical perspective, construction of tCRISPRi to target a new gene requires only one-step oligo recombineering. Additional advantages of tCRISPRi over other existing CRISPRi methods include: (1) tCRISPRi shows significantly less than 10% leaky repression; (2) tCRISPRi uses a tunable arabinose operon promoter and modifications in transporter genes to allow a wide dynamic range with graded control by ... [摘要]  我们提出了构建大肠杆菌可调CRISPR干扰(tCRISPRi)菌株的方案。 tCRISPRi系统缓解了基于质粒的表达方法的大多数已知问题,并且可以立即用于构建可通过靶向必需基因和非必需基因来补充Keio收集物的sgRNA的文库。 最重要的是从实践的角度来看,建立tCRISPRi来靶向一个新的基因只需要一步寡核苷酸重组。 tCRISPRi与其他现有CRISPRI方法的其他优点包括:(1)tCRISPRi显示低于10%的泄漏抑制; (2)tCRISPRi使用可调阿拉伯糖操纵子启动子和转运蛋白基因的修饰,以允许通过阿拉伯糖诱导剂分级控制的宽动态范围; (3)tCRISPRi是无质粒的,整个系统整合到染色体中; (4)tCRISPRi菌株显示出理想的生理特性。
Morgan-Kiss 等人。 (2002)开发了基于质粒的剂量诱导型启动子pBAD。它们的系统允许来自pBAD启动子的蛋白质的可调节表达,取决于阿拉伯糖水平。阿拉伯糖转运蛋白基因和araFGH在菌株中是无活性的。他们的菌株也有两个拷贝的lacY ...

Gene Dosage Experiments in Enterobacteriaceae Using Arabinose-regulated Promoters
[Abstract]  This protocol is used to assay the effect of protein over-expression on fitness of E. coli. It is based on a plasmid expression of a protein of interest from an arabinose-regulated pBAD promoter followed by the measurement of the intracellular protein abundance by Western blot along with the measurement of growth parameters of E. coli cell expressing this protein. [摘要]  该方案用于测定蛋白质过表达对E适应度的影响。大肠杆菌。 它基于来自阿拉伯糖调节的pBAD启动子的目的蛋白的质粒表达,随后通过Western印迹测量细胞内蛋白质丰度以及E的生长参数的测量。 表达该蛋白质的大肠杆菌细胞。
【背景】基因剂量实验对于了解蛋白质过表达对健康的影响和确定蛋白质丰度的最佳水平至关重要。 几个基因即使在非常低的水平表达也是有毒的。 因此,重要的是从紧密调节的启动子表达蛋白质以使渗漏表达最小化。 在这里,我们已经阐明了在良好表征的阿拉伯糖诱导的pBAD启动子下的蛋白质表达的条件,并且设计了用于测量E细胞内丰度和适应度的方案。 含有过表达质粒的大肠杆菌细胞。
