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Digital Lynx Acquisition System

Company: Neuralynx
Catalog#: Digital Lynx Acquisition System
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Social Observation Task in a Linear Maze for Rats
[Abstract]  Animals often learn through observing their conspecifics. However, the mechanisms of them obtaining useful knowledge during observation are beginning to be understood. This protocol describes a novel social observation task to test the ‘local enhancement theory’, which proposes that presence of social subjects in an environment facilitates one’s understanding of the environments. By combining behavior test and in vivo electrophysiological recording, we found that social observation can facilitate the observer’s spatial representation of an unexplored environment. The task protocol was published in Mou and Ji, 2016. [摘要]  动物经常通过观察他们的特异性来学习。 然而,他们在观察期间获得有用知识的机制开始被理解。 该协议描述了一种新的社会观察任务,用于测试“局部增强理论”,其中提出在环境中存在社会主体有助于人们了解环境。 通过结合行为测试和体内电生理记录,我们发现社会观察可以促进观察者对未开发环境的空间表示。 任务协议于2016年在Mou和Ji发布。
【背景】社会学习被定义为通过观察或与他人互动来获取新知识(Heyes and Galef,1996; Bandura,1997; Meltzoff等人,2009)。许多物种利用的一种社会学习形式是所谓的“地方增强”(Heyes和Galef,1996):动物对环境的理解由同一环境中其他社会科目的存在所促进。动物可能通过加强注意力获得当地的增强,获取环境属性,如安全性或食物可获得性或其他未指定的手段(Zajonc,1965; Heyes和Galef,1996; Zentall,2006)。假设预测社会科目在环境中的存在会影响其他动物对与环境有关的信息的神经处理,从而促进他们对环境的理解。
已经表明,环境的空间信息由啮齿动物和人类的海马位置细胞(O'Keefe和Dostrovsky,1971; Wilson和McNaughton,1993; ...
