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Buprenex C III

Company: Patterson Veterinary Supply
Catalog#: 07-891-9756
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Photothrombotic Induction of Capillary Ischemia in the Mouse Cortex during in vivo Two-Photon Imaging
[Abstract]  Photothrombosis of blood vessels refers to the activation of a circulating photosensitive dye with a green light to induce clotting in vivo (Watson et al., 1985). Previous studies have described how a focused green laser could be used to noninvasively occlude pial arterioles and venules at the brain surface (Schaffer et al., 2006; Nishimura et al., 2007; Shih et al., 2013). Here we show that small regions of the capillary bed can similarly be occluded to study the ischemic response within the capillary system of the mouse cerebral cortex. The advantage of this approach is that the ischemic zone is restricted to a diameter of approximately 150-250 μm. This permits higher quality two-photon imaging of degenerative processes that would be ... [摘要]  血管的血栓形成是指用绿光激活循环的光敏染料,以在体内诱发凝血(Watson等人,1985)。以前的研究已经描述了如何将聚焦的绿色激光器用于非侵入性地封闭脑表面的小动脉和小静脉(Schaffer等人,2006; Nishimura等人, 2007; Shih等人,2013)。这里我们显示毛细血管床的小区域可以类似地闭塞,以研究小鼠大脑皮质毛细管系统内的缺血反应。这种方法的优点是缺血区被限制在约150-250μm的直径。这允许退化过程的更高质量的双光子成像,否则由于过度的光子散射,否则难以用大规模中风的模型来可视化。毛细血管闭塞的结果是血脑屏障(BBB)的泄漏。在这里,通过使用双光子成像数据集,我们展示了如何通过确定静脉内染料外渗的空间范围和定位来量化毛细血管渗漏。
我们最近表明,空间受限区域的缺血可以通过聚焦的血栓形成的皮质毛细血管床照射产生(Underly等人,2017)。毛细血管闭塞是高度可重复的,可以针对特定的位置,并通过颅骨成像窗口在精确的时间开始。所得到的缺血区域占据通过典型颅窗可接近的面积的1%(图1D和1E),允许在一个窗口中检查多个笔触。 ...
