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Company: Greiner Bio One International
Catalog#: 739288
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Extraction of DNA from Murine Fecal Pellets for Downstream Phylogenetic Microbiota Analysis by Next-generation Sequencing
[Abstract]  Mouse models are widely used to evaluate the potential impact of the gut microbial composition on health and disease. Standardized protocols for sampling and storing murine feces, as well as for extracting DNA from these fecal pellets are needed to limit experimental variation between different studies. Both efficient lysis of the microbiota and the quality of the obtained fecal DNA are important for allowing the downstream next-generation sequencing to cover the phylogenetic diversity of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria living in the mouse gut. Here we present a detailed protocol for fecal sample collection and DNA extraction that we validated in a study on the impact of inflammasomes on the murine gut microbiota. This protocol for DNA extraction from murine fecal pellets ... [摘要]  小鼠模型被广泛用于评估良好的微生物组成对健康和疾病的潜在影响。 为了限制不同研究之间的实验差异,需要用于取样和储存鼠粪的标准化方案,以及从这些粪便颗粒中提取DNA。 微生物群的有效裂解和产生的粪便DNA对于允许下游的下一代测序覆盖革兰氏阴性菌和革兰氏阳性菌的系统发育多样性是重要的。 在这里,我们提出了一个详细的粪便样本采集和DNA提取方案,我们在炎症小鼠对小鼠肠道微生物群的影响的研究中进行了验证。 这种从鼠粪球中提取DNA的方案利用了机械和化学溶解的组合,这与最近推荐的用于从人类粪便中提取DNA的基准方案一致。


为了分析人类粪便微生物研究人员组成的大型国际财团日前相比,在几个独立的实验室以及微生物分析流水线的每一个步骤的许多技术方法的效果(科斯泰亚的等的,2017年) ...

Isolation and Expansion of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Murine Adipose Tissue
[Abstract]  Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are currently intensively studied due to significant promise which they represent for successful implementations of future cell therapy clinical protocols. This in turn emphasizes importance of careful preclinical studies of MSC effects in various murine disease models. The appropriate cell preparations with reproducible biological properties are important to minimize variability of results of experimental cell therapies. We describe here a simple protocol for isolation of murine MSCs from adipose tissues and their reproducible multi-log expansion under hypoxia conditions. [摘要]  间充质干细胞(MSC)目前正在深入研究,因为它们代表未来细胞治疗临床方案的成功实施的重大前景。 这又强调了对各种鼠疾病模型中MSC效应的仔细临床前研究的重要性。 具有可重现的生物学性质的合适的细胞制剂对于最小化实验细胞疗法结果的变异性是重要的。 我们在这里描述了一种用于从脂肪组织中分离鼠MSC的简单方案及其在缺氧条件下的可重复的多对数扩增。
【背景】最初由Friedenstein鉴定的MSC是成纤维细胞样形态的骨髓细胞,粘附于塑料和高自我更新能力,导致体外成纤维细胞样集落的形成(Friedenstein等,1976; Review in Phinney andSensebé ,2013)。 MSCs由于其在医学上的潜在应用,目前是研究最成熟的成体祖细胞类型之一。这些细胞可以从各种器官中分离(Murray等,2014),并且被认为是源于血管,以周细胞或血管壁细胞。除了能够沿着成骨,脂肪形成和软骨形成谱系分化的能力之外,MSC具有免疫调节特性,并且被认为参与对组织损伤的反应,以及通过其影响巨噬细胞极化的能力来组织抗炎反应(Prockop,2013; Caplan,2016)。
   鉴于这些特性,MSCs代表了未来相关细胞治疗临床方案的成功实施的巨大前景。这反过来强调了在各种鼠疾病模型中使用MSC进行仔细临床前研究的重要性。制备大量具有可重复生物学特性的合适细胞样品的能力对于在开发基于MSC的实验细胞疗法期间最小化结果的变异性至关重要。然而,与具有强抗氧化防御性并因此在大气氧条件下相当好的人类MSC不同,小鼠MSC对氧应激更敏感,并且在常规CO2培养箱中培养时具有有限的寿命和扩张能力。相反,在缺氧条件下培养这些细胞,相反,显着延长了它们的寿命,并允许多对数扩增,提供足够量的具有可重复性质的细胞材料,用于用鼠实验疾病模型重复实验(Boregowda等,2012; ...

Formaldehyde Fixation of Extracellular Matrix Protein Layers for Enhanced Primary Cell Growth
[Abstract]  Coating tissue culture vessels with the components of the extracellular matrix such as fibronectin and collagens provides a more natural environment for primary cells in vitro and stimulates their proliferation. However, the effects of such protein layers are usually rather modest, which might be explained by the loss immobilized proteins due to their weak non-covalent association with the tissue culture plastic. Here we describe a simple protocol for a controlled fixation of fibronectin, vitronectin and collagen IV layers by formaldehyde, which substantially enhances the stimulation of primary cell proliferation by these extracellular proteins. [摘要]  用诸如纤连蛋白和胶原的细胞外基质的组分涂覆组织培养容器为体外原代细胞提供更自然的环境并刺激它们的增殖。 然而,这种蛋白质层的作用通常相当适中,这可能由于与组织培养塑料的非共价结合弱而被固定蛋白质损失所解释。 在这里我们描述一个简单的协议,通过甲醛控制纤维连接蛋白,玻连蛋白和胶原IV层的固定,这大大增强了这些细胞外蛋白对原代细胞增殖的刺激。
【背景】细胞外基质(ECM)如纤连蛋白,层粘连蛋白,玻连蛋白和胶原蛋白的组分通常用于包被组织培养容器,因为它们为体外原代细胞提供更自然的环境并刺激它们的增殖( Sawada等人,1987; ...
