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Spectrophotometer cuvettes, silica (quartz)

Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: C5178
Other protocol()

A Simple and Rapid Assay for Measuring Phytoalexin Pisatin, an Indicator of Plant Defense Response in Pea (Pisum sativum L.)
[Abstract]  Phytoalexins are antimicrobial substance synthesized in plants upon pathogen infection. Pisatin (Pisum sativum phytoalexin) is the major phytoalexin in pea, while it is also a valuable indicator of plant defense response. Pisatin can be quantitated in various methods from classical organic chemistry to Mass-spectrometry analysis. Here we describe a procedure with high reproducibility and simplicity that can easily handle large numbers of treatments. The method only requires a spectrophotometer as laboratory equipment, does not require any special analytical instruments (e.g., HPLC, mass spectrometers, etc.) to measure the phytoalexin molecule quantitatively, i.e., most scientific laboratories can perform the experiment. [摘要]  植物毒素是在病原体感染后在植物中合成的抗微生物物质。 豌豆中的主要植物抗毒素豌豆中的豌豆豌豆(Pisatin)是豌豆中的主要植物抗坏血酸,而它也是有价值的 植物防御反应指标。 茜素可以从经典有机化学到质谱分析的各种方法进行定量。 在这里我们描述了一个具有高重现性和简单性的程序,可以轻松处理大量的治疗。 该方法仅需要使用分光光度计作为实验室设备,不需要任何特殊的分析仪器(例如,如HPLC,质谱仪,等等)来定量测量植物抗毒素分子, ,大多数科学实验室都可以进行实验。
【背景】植物具有宿主抗性和非宿主抗性,取决于植物 - 病原体相互作用的性质。宿主抗性主要由R基因控制,耐久性较差,而非宿主抗性通常是多基因性状,与宿主抗性相比更耐用(Gill等人,2015; Lee et ...
