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Rabbit Immunoglobulins, Rabbit Anti-, Polyclonal, HRP. Affinity isolated, 1 mL

Company: Agilent Technologies
Catalog#: P044801-2
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Vaginal HSV-2 Infection and Tissue Analysis
[Abstract]  The vaginal murine HSV-2 infection model is very useful in studying mucosal immunity against HSV-2 (Overall et al., 1975; Renis et al., 1976; Parr and Parr, 2003). Histologically, the vagina of Depo-Provera-treated mice is lined by a single layer of mucus secreting columnar epithelial cells overlying two to three layers of proliferative cells. Even though this is morphologically different from the human vagina, it closely resembles the endocervical epithelium, which is thought to be the primary site of HSV-2 infection in women (Parr et al., 1994; Kaushic et al., 2011). In the protocol presented here, mice are pre-treated with Depo-Provera before intra-vaginal inoculation with HSV-2. The virus replicates in the mucosal epithelium from where it spreads to ... [摘要]  阴道鼠HSV-2感染模型在研究针对HSV-2的粘膜免疫中是非常有用的(总体等人,1975; Renis等人,1976; Parr和Parr,2003)。在组织学上,Depo-Provera治疗的小鼠的阴道由覆盖两到三层增殖细胞的单层粘液分泌柱状上皮细胞排列。尽管这在形态上与人体阴道不同,但是它非常类似于宫颈上皮,被认为是妇女HSV-2感染的主要部位(Parr等人,1994; Kaushic et al。,2011)。在本文提出的方案中,在用HSV-2进行阴道内接种之前,用Depo-Provera预处理小鼠。该病毒在粘膜上皮中复制,其中它扩散到包含脊髓,脑干,大脑和小脑的CNS中并在其中复制。可以使用ELISA或使用qPCR在阴道组织中检测阴道洗液中的细胞因子反应。此外,可以通过流式细胞术测定白细胞向阴道的募集。该模型适用于对HSV-2感染的先天性和适应性免疫力的研究。
【背景】已经在各种动物模型中研究了具有HSV-2的阴道感染,例如在周边部位具有病毒复制的兔子,仓鼠,豚鼠,小鼠和猴子,并将病毒逆行转运到神经元(Nahmias et al。 ,1971;总体等人,1975; Renis,1977; Stanberry等人,1982; Roizman等人, ...
